
Cessation of lactation or how to get rid of breast milk?

The baby, who is fed with mother's milk, receives from the mother not only the nutrition necessary for growth, but also love and a sense of security. Therefore, the decision to end breastfeeding must be deliberate and must be done with patience and care.

What does this mean?

Weaning refers to the transition of a baby to a different diet when the mother stops giving the baby breast milk. This is not always a transition to solid food - if a baby is weaned at an early age, then mother's milk is replaced with mixtures.

How do you know if your baby is ready to be weaned?

If the mother intends to finish lactation at the most optimal time for this, then she waits for the beginning of the involution of the mammary glands, as well as the baby's readiness to stop applying to the breast. In this case, breastfeeding can be completed under the following conditions:

  • If the baby asked for breast, and you asked him to wait a little, and he agreed. Either mom managed to distract the little one from breastfeeding with a toy or other activity.
  • If during the day the baby is able to fall asleep without applying to the breast.
  • If it is not the mother who can lay the baby for the night's sleep, but another person. At the same time, nighttime waking up is rare.
  • The child is applied to the breast 1-3 times during the day, and mostly such attachments are associated with sleep.
  • At night, the child either sleeps or asks for breast in the morning 1-2 times.

How to understand that a child is not ready?

It's too early to excommunicate a kid if he:

  • It is applied to the chest before going to bed, as well as immediately after waking up.
  • She eats breast milk several times at night, and in the daytime she drinks breastfeeding foods with her mother's milk.
  • He runs to kiss his chest when he needs comfort or support.
  • Immediately applied as soon as mom returns after a long absence.
  • May ask for breasts when bored.


It is not recommended to start weaning in such cases:

  • The baby is sick or needs a mother’s breast when teething.
  • The kid has just had an intestinal infection.
  • Serious changes have taken place in the family (mother's going to work, moving, and others).

Also, do not start weaning in hot weather. In addition, the mother should not leave the baby in order to stop lactation, since this act can affect the psychological state of the child.

Why should we gradually excommunicate?

There are many reasons to stop breastfeeding a baby, but if there is an opportunity to influence this process, gradual weaning is always preferable. It has a more beneficial effect on both the baby and the mother's breast. The baby, with gradual weaning, will emotionally more easily respond to the termination of breastfeeding. Well, the mother's body with this approach will naturally reduce milk production.

How to make friends with a bottle?

Early cessation of lactation forces the mother to introduce the baby to the bottle, but many babies refuse this type of breast substitute. Take your time and do everything gradually. When accustoming your baby to the bottle, you can wet the nipple with a few drops of breast milk. The baby is more likely to take such a pacifier in her mouth.

Do not offer the bottle to an overly hungry toddler, as this can upset him greatly. It is best to give it at a time when the little one is half asleep.

You can also ask someone else to give the formula in a bottle so the baby doesn't smell you and expect to receive a breast instead of a nipple. Also, we do not recommend bottle feeding the baby in the place and in the position in which breastfeeding was carried out. We advise you to read our article on how to bottle train your baby.


Weaning happens:

  1. Rough.
  2. Partial.
  3. Gradual.
  4. Natural.

When weaning is rude, the baby is suddenly deprived of milk, for example, in the case of a serious illness of the mother. Partial weaning leaves the infant 1 to 2 breastfeeds. Gradual weaning involves slow and gradual elimination of feedings and bottle training. With natural weaning, the baby is in charge of the process, so the mother feeds him until the baby refuses to breastfeed.


With gradual weaning, mom removes one feed every two weeks. Last of all, they refuse feedings at night, thinking that for several nights, the baby may cry or be capricious. Mom's goal is to help the baby forget about the process that is so dear to him.

The first to be removed are either those feedings that are least important for the child, or those attachments that interfere with the mother the most. However, in most cases, the actions of the mother will look like this in stages:

  1. Limitation of attachments during the day. One or two applications remain in the daytime before bedtime.
  2. Separation of attachments to the breast from the process of falling asleep (picking up the breast before the child falls asleep), after which the refusal of these attachments. Mom should exclude breastfeeding from the usual ritual of laying the baby down during the day.
  3. The same exclusion of feeding from the ritual of falling asleep in the evening.
  4. Replacing feeding in the morning after waking up with a regular meal.
  5. Elimination of feedings at night.

Mom needs to put on closed clothes, and when the little one reaches for the chest, offer drink or food in return. You can not sharply pull up the baby or shout at him, even if the baby began to scandal and hysteria. Try to shift your attention.

At night, you can offer the baby tea or water from a mug or cup. This will help him to wean himself from nocturnal sucking.

The ways


If lactation needs to be stopped abruptly, medication is most often used. One of the most common medications for treating lactation is drugs that affect prolactin levels. These drugs act on the pituitary gland and suppress prolactin production, causing lactation to stop. Also, estrogen and gestagens are often used.

Hormonal agents against lactation include bromocriptine, dostinex, microfollin, morning, norkolut and others. Since they have their own contraindications and side effects, it is important to consult a doctor before using them. It is the doctor who is able to determine which hormonal drug to prescribe to a particular woman.

Anti-milk dressing

Some mothers choose to have their breasts bandaged when weaning. They completely empty the breasts and tie a sheet or elastic bandage over the top. When there is tension in the chest, the bandage is removed, the milk is decanted, after which the breast is bandaged again. It is noted that already after the third dressing, milk disappears from the breast. However, this method of influencing lactation is not just very uncomfortable for the mother. It also increases the risk of various breast diseases.

Traditional methods

Effective ways to stop milk production at home are sage and peppermint tea. Read more in the article on stopping lactation with sage. Such funds are recommended only for healthy women who decide to stop lactation gradually. Folk remedies can also include various diuretic herbs - horsetail, elecampane, ordinary parsley, bear ears, lingonberry leaves and others.

Other methods

Mom can negotiate with children over 1.5 years old. One of the methods is to cover the nipples and areolas with body adhesive tape and explain that there is no more milk. You can also say that the milk went to another baby.

To cause a negative reaction to the breast, you can lubricate the nipples (only if there are no cracks) with something bitter and unpleasant, for example, lemon juice.

Often women are advised to limit food and drink during weaning, but these methods cannot be called effective. Only very severe exhaustion and dehydration of the mother leads to a decrease in milk production.

Mom's body reaction

If lactation ends gradually, and during the involution period, milk will be produced less and less, so problems with the breast may not appear at all. However, many mothers still have milk after they stop feeding their baby. It fills the breasts, stretches them and brings uncomfortable painful sensations. In this case, the mother needs to put on supporting underwear made of natural fabric, which has no bones.

If the flow of milk is very strong, the woman should sweep a little on her breasts to make it soft. If you express the breast completely, the breast will not be sore, but the process will take a long time. Compresses from chilled cabbage leaves can also help to remove swelling and soreness of the chest.

Possible problems

  • Hormonal disorders in a woman. Their risk increases if the mother immediately after the termination of lactation begins to take contraceptives, goes on a diet or makes some other drastic changes. A woman should take good care of herself for at least 2-3 months after weaning the baby.
  • Continued milk flow from the breast. It can normally (subject to pressure on the nipples) stand out from the mammary glands for up to several years. If milk flows out without pressure, and after the completion of lactation, 3 months have already passed, you should consult a doctor.
  • The appearance of caries in the child, if the mother gave a bottle of sweetened liquid to replace the night feeds.