
Oatmeal Cookie Benefits and Best Recipes

Many people like oatmeal cookies for their special taste, but are they good for children? At what age is it permissible to start treating a child with such pastries? Is it possible to give the little one store-bought cookies or is it better to bake at home with your own hands? Such questions are of interest to every caring mother.

The composition of oatmeal cookies

The main ingredient in this type of cookie is oatmeal or oat flour. Most often, flakes are combined with wheat flour, but there are recipes without flour. Oatmeal cookies may contain honey, sugar, candied fruit, or dried fruit as a sweetener. Many recipes contain butter, which is often replaced with margarine. Cookies can also contain ingredients such as eggs, bananas, kefir, nuts, cinnamon and other foods.


From oatmeal or oatmeal in cookies, the child will receive vegetable proteins, healthy fats, carotenes, fiber and vitamin compounds. When baked, such nutrients remain in the product. They improve bowel function, lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and support the health of the baby.

Oatmeal cookies are often offered to a child along with a cup of cocoa or milk. By eating these cookies during breakfast, you can get a supply of energy for a long time. Also, such baked goods will be a great snack option, especially with increased physical or mental stress. In addition, with the help of oatmeal cookies, such a healthy cereal can be introduced into the diet of children who refuse oatmeal.


  • Oatmeal cookies contain gluten protein, so they are contraindicated for gluten intolerance and not recommended for allergy sufferers.
  • Store-bought oatmeal cookies are often baked with margarine, so your child will get low-quality fats from them.
  • Oatmeal cookies from the store also contain excess sugar, so they are not recommended for diabetes and tooth decay.
  • Store-bought cookies may also contain flavorings, emulsifiers, antioxidants, and other chemical additives.
  • Since the calorie content of oatmeal cookies is in most cases very high, these baked goods have to be limited if they tend to be overweight.

At what age can children be given?

According to pediatricians, babies should not be given oatmeal cookies. The optimal age from which a child can try such pastries is called 1 year. In this case, we are talking about a homemade version of oatmeal cookies, and it is advised to introduce children to a store-bought one even later (from the age of 2-3).

How to choose store-bought cookies?

When buying oatmeal cookies, choose a product with the correct shape and rough surface. Give preference to liver with a pale color, which lacks a glossy sheen.

For children, it is preferable to buy oatmeal cookies in a package, as this way they last better. If you take such a product by weight, be sure to sniff the cookie - it should have a clear oatmeal aroma. When buying packaged cookies, be sure to look at the expiration dates and product composition. It is best for children to take such baked goods with a minimum of chemical additives and the shortest possible implementation period.

Be sure to try the product yourself before serving up toddler oatmeal cookies. Avoid giving your child biscuits that are too hard or crunchy, or baked goods that have an unpleasant taste or odor.

How to bake at home?

There is no doubt that lovingly made homemade oatmeal cookies are far superior to store bought ones.

You can prepare such pastries for children according to several recipes:

  1. Oatmeal cookies. Take 200 g of such flour (it can be prepared or made with your own hands from oatmeal) and 75 g of wheat flour, mix, adding a little vanillin. Whisk separately 100 g butter, 70 g sugar and 1 chicken egg. In another container, mix sour cream (2 tablespoons) with a pinch of baking soda. Combine all the ingredients together by mixing them thoroughly. Put the mixture on a baking sheet with a spoon and bake for 15 minutes.

  • Oatmeal cookies with kefir. Take half a glass of kefir at room temperature, add 100 g of oatmeal to it and leave to swell for 40-50 minutes. Next, take 10 grams of raisins, walnuts and sunflower seeds. Soak the raisins in warm water, and chop the seeds and nuts until crumbled. Add nuts, seeds, raisins (no liquid), and 1-2 teaspoons of honey to the swollen oatmeal. After mixing well, spoon the mixture onto a piece of parchment or silicone mat. Bake these cookies for about 20 minutes.

  • Oatmeal cookies with banana. Grind 2 large or 3 small bananas in a blender or with a fork. Add to the banana puree about 2 cups oatmeal, 100 ml milk, a small piece of butter and, if desired, a little raisins (soak them briefly in water), a little salt and sugar to taste. Stir all the ingredients, spoon the mixture onto a baking sheet, forming small cakes. Bake for about 20 minutes.

You will learn more about the benefits and dangers of cookies by watching the program "On the most important thing."

Find out if your child's weight is normal using the following calculator.

Watch the video: No-Bake Oatmeal Fudge Bars vegan, gluten free, no sugar added (July 2024).