
Jungle vitamins for children

When choosing a vitamin supplement for a child, mothers are interested in the highest quality and most effective vitamin complex, and for children, the form and taste of the drug are more important. And Jungle Multivitamins meet the criteria of both parents and babies.


The Jungle vitamin line includes several complexes with a different form of release and a different composition. This enables parents to choose the most optimal vitamin supplement for their child.

Jungle Baby

Such a complex is intended for young children - it is prescribed for babies from birth to one year. It is presented in a liquid form - a solution of a yellow hue, which has a cherry flavor. The composition of such an additive contains vitamins that are most important for the development of a baby - ascorbic acid, cholecalciferol and retinol.


This complex is an animal-shaped orange chewable tablet. They include the vitamins that are most important for childhood development. Vitamin A in such a supplement is represented not only by retinol, but also by its precursor, beta-carotene. The supplement is designed for children over the age of three.

Jungle Kids

This complex is available in the form of orange syrup, including not only the vitamin compounds necessary for the child, but also the minerals most important for children. It is designed for children 1-6 years old.

Jungle with minerals

These multivitamins, which also contain minerals, are available in animal-shaped orange chewable tablets. They are prescribed for children over six years old.


The main active ingredients in the Jungle vitamins are presented in the table:


Jungle complexes are prescribed for children with:

  • Detection of hypovitaminosis or growth retardation.
  • The need to supplement the child's diet with nutrients in case of insufficient nutrition.
  • The desire to increase the child's resistance to infections and colds.
  • The intention to support the child's body with high physical or mental stress.
  • The desire to protect the baby from the adverse effects of environmental or radiation factors.

Some doctors insist on the need to use vitamin complexes even for healthy children. For more details, see the video of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia.


Jungle complexes are not prescribed if the child is intolerant of any component of such multivitamins. TAlso, such drugs are contraindicated in the detection of hypervitaminosis D or A and calcium metabolism disorders. In addition, age restrictions should be observed - the Jungle Kids complex is prohibited for children under one year old, the Jungle supplement is not given to children under 3 years old, and Jungle with minerals is not recommended for a child under 6 years old.


Jungle complexes are prescribed for children in a course of 1-3 months. The Jungle Baby solution is taken with a pipette in a volume of 1 ml, then the liquid is mixed with any food or poured into a spoon, and then given to the baby. The drug is taken once a day.

Jungle tablets are given to the child with meals, suggesting they are thoroughly experienced. The daily dosages of this complex for different ages will be as follows:

Jungle Kids syrup is given after a meal once a day in the following dose:

It can be given undiluted to the child, or a little water can be added to the syrup.

A tablet Jungle with minerals is given to children with meals, offering to chew it thoroughly and, if necessary, drink water. For a child aged 6-12 years, such a drug is shown every other day, and for children over 12 years old, the complex is given daily.

Reviews and prices

The Jungle responds mostly positively to multivitamins. Children like the form of such vitamins and their taste, and mothers are pleased with the rich composition and good tolerance of the drugs.

Another advantage of the Jungle supplements is their low cost. A pack of 30 chewable multivitamin tablets costs an average of 120 rubles, a complex with minerals costs an average of 180 rubles, and for a pack of 100 tablets you need to pay 225-265 rubles.

As for the disadvantages, occasionally an allergic reaction appears on the Jungle. It also happens that the child does not like this version of chewable tablets, either in consistency or in taste. Some mothers are unhappy with the fact that the packaging opens quite easily and there is a high risk that the child will get to the vitamins on his own.

Replacement products

If necessary, the Jungle can be replaced with any other multivitamins allowed in childhood, for example, Pikovit, Multi-tabs, Supradin, Vitrum and others.

At the same time, any mother can avoid taking vitamin complexes if she tries to balance the children's menu to the maximum.

In order to fully meet their needs for vitamin compounds and mineral salts in the diet of children, vegetables, meat dishes, dairy products, berries, fresh herbs, fruits, cereals, vegetable oils and other food groups should be present.

In the next video, Dr. Komarovsky will talk about the importance of a balanced diet and what vitamins a child needs.

Watch the video: En la selva. CanciĆ³n infantil. Down in the Jungle. Kids Song in Spanish. JunyTony (July 2024).