
Vitamins "Pikovit" for children

When choosing a multivitamin supplement for a child, mothers first of all pay attention to its composition. One of the advantageous types of children's vitamins in this regard can be called Pikovit, because from the complexes of this brand, children can get most of the mineral salts and vitamin compounds important for their health.


The line of Pikovit vitamins is represented by several complexes in different forms of release, and their formulas are designed for children of different ages.

Pikovit 1+

Such a complex is designed for children over one year old, therefore it is presented in the form most convenient for a small child - in the form of a sweet syrup. It has a yellow-brown hue, sweet-sour taste and citrus scent. One package contains 1 bottle of syrup with a capacity of 100 or 150 ml, as well as a measuring spoon.

The supplement will provide the child with nine essential vitamin compounds, which will meet his needs for normal development, increasing the protective forces and improving the functioning of all organs. All ingredients of such a syrup are balanced among themselves and are presented in dosages recommended by WHO.

  • The presence of vitamins included in group B has a positive effect on the metabolic processes in the child's body and the state of the nervous system, which supports intellectual activity and is important for the sufficient physical activity of babies.
  • Thanks to the addition of vitamin A to the syrup, such a drug will support the child's organs of vision, protect tissues from free radicals and strengthen the baby's immunity.

The presence of ascorbic acid in the supplement also has a positive effect on the child's immune defense.

Pikovit Unique 3+

This multivitamin complex is designed for children over the age of three. The supplement is produced in the form of chewable "teddy bears". From such tablets, the child receives not only all the vitamin compounds necessary for his age, but also mineral salts, among which iodine and iron are called especially important. The product does not include preservatives, artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners. One package contains 27 or 54 vitamins.

Pikovit Prebiotic

Such a drug gives children not only multivitamins, but also substances that help improve digestion (they are called prebiotics). The supplement is prescribed for children from 3 years of age. It comes in the form of a sweet syrup, which contains 150 ml in 1 bottle.

Pikovit 4+

This complex is recommended for children over 4 years old, since it includes all the nutrients important for this age. First of all, these are compounds for the active growth of the bones and muscles of the child, therefore, calcium and phosphorus are present from minerals in such an additive. The drug is produced in the form of citrus tablets for resorption of different colors. One package contains 30 or 60 of these vitamins.

Pikovit D 4+

Such a complex includes the same vitamin compounds and minerals as the previous one, but differs in the presence of sweeteners (maltitol and mannitol), so that these multivitamins can be given to a child with diabetes mellitus, caries or overweight. One package of this supplement contains 30 multicolored citrus lozenges.

Pikovit Plus 4+

This multivitamin complex is suitable for children over the age of four. It is produced as a banana chewable tablet that is free from artificial colors, sweeteners, preservatives and flavors. One package contains 27 tablets. Each child will receive 12 vitamin compounds, including biotin, as well as minerals necessary for preschoolers.

Pikovit Forte 7+

This drug for children over seven years old includes the vitamins most important for schoolchildren, including group B, vitamins of which are presented in a complex in high dosages. The supplement comes in the form of sugar-free, coated tangerine tablets. One package contains 30 vitamins.

Pikovit Omega 3

In this complex, vitamins necessary for children over three years old are supplemented with Omega-3 fatty acids valuable for children's health. Thanks to this composition, these multivitamins have a positive effect on the development of the child's nervous system and the state of vision. The supplement comes in the form of a delicious syrup (the capacity of one bottle is 130 ml).


The main components of Pikovit multivitamins are the following substances:


Complexes Pikovit are recommended:

  • To prevent hypovitaminosis, especially its seasonal form due to a decrease in the content of vitamins in foods.
  • With significant physical or neuropsychic stress, as well as in case of overwork.
  • With reduced appetite or insufficient nutrition.
  • After illness, to support the recovery process.
  • As a prophylactic agent in the fight against frequent ARVI.
  • With drug treatment, as supportive therapy.


Pikovit supplements are not prescribed for children with:

  • Hypersensitivity to any component.
  • Hypervitaminosis D or A.
  • Diabetes mellitus (the carbohydrates contained in the complexes should be taken into account).
  • Renal failure (when taking Pikovit D).
  • Phenylketonuria (if there is aspartame in the supplement).

It is also important to pay attention to age restrictions, for example, Pikovit Plus cannot be given to children under the age of four, and the Forte supplement is not prescribed if the child is not yet 7 years old.

Side effect

In most cases, children tolerate Pikovit well, but some babies may develop:

  • Allergic reaction.
  • Diarrhea (when using maltitol supplements - Forte and Pikovit D complexes).

Noticing any problems with the tolerance of the Pikovit supplement, the reception of the complexes is canceled and they go to the doctor.


  • Pikovit syrup is given to children over a year old in a single dosage of 5 ml. Children 1-3 years old are given the drug twice a day, at 4-6 years of age - three times a day, and children over seven years old - up to 4 times a day. The additive can be mixed with fruit puree, juice or tea. Duration of use is one month.
  • Unic tablets are given with meals once a day for a month. The daily dosage for children over three years old is 2 chewy "teddy bear".
  • Supplements Pikovit Prebiotic and Pikovit Omega 3 are given after breakfast every day for one month to children over three years old, 5 ml. Before taking the bottle, shake it, and after measuring out a spoonful of syrup, immediately close it. After opening, the drug can be stored for up to two months.
  • A single dosage of the Pikovit 4+ and Pikovit D 4+ complex is represented by one tablet, which the child must keep in the oral cavity until the additive is completely absorbed. At 4-6 years of age vitamins are given to babies 4-5 times a day, and at the age of 7-14 years - from 5 to 7 times a day for 20-30 days. The duration of admission can be increased to two months.
  • The drug Pikovit Plus is given once a day. A child of 4-11 years old is offered to chew one tablet of such a complex during meals, and at the age of 11-14 years, two chewable tablets should be given at once.
  • Forte complex is given to children over seven years old every day for 1-2 months, one tablet. The supplement is offered after a meal, telling the child to hold the tablet in the mouth until it is completely absorbed.

Reviews and prices

Most of the reviews about the Pikovit complexes are positive. The advantages of such additives are called their benefits for the child's body, rich composition, convenience and ease of use, pleasant taste. Mothers who have chosen Pikovit as an addition to the diet of their children note that the drug improved appetite, normalized sleep, and reduced the number of SARS.

The advantages include the affordable cost of the Pikovit complexes. Tablet complexes Pikovit cost from 160 rubles per package. Syrup 1+ can be purchased for 250-280 rubles, while syrup with prebiotics or omega fats costs a little more - 280-350 rubles.

On the downside, most complaints are related to chemical additives and high sugar content. In addition, some children have developed an allergic reaction to Pikovit.

Replacement products

If it is impossible to take Pikovit multivitamins, you can pick up an additive with a similar composition, for example, Multi-tabs, Supradin, Vitrum, Alphabet, Complivit or other multivitamin complexes. Also, every mother has the opportunity to avoid taking vitamin supplements altogether if she focuses on the variety and balance of foods in the diet of her son or daughter, so that the child gets all the important nutrients from food.

So, the famous doctor Komarovsky insists on a balanced diet and says that a healthy child does not need vitamin complexes. See the next video for more on this.

There are also supporters of the introduction of vitamin complexes. For more details, see the video of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia.

To decide which vitamins to buy for your baby, we recommend watching the following video, which describes the most important components of today's popular vitamin complexes.

Watch the video: Пиковит - витамины и минералы для детей. Будущий учитель (July 2024).