
Vitamins for children to increase appetite

When a child refuses food, eats little and rarely, parents often begin to worry. Decreased appetite can be a sign of illness, stress or lack of physical activity, but in childhood, problems with appetite can often occur due to insufficient intake of vitamin and mineral substances.

Parents can also judge that a deterioration in appetite may be a sign of vitamin deficiency by other symptoms, for example, increased fatigue, poor sleep, irritability, bleeding gums, cracked lips and other manifestations. At the same time, with a deterioration in appetite, the child receives less food and, accordingly, less vitamins and other nutrients, which makes the condition even more complicated.

How do they influence?

The use of vitamin preparations affects appetite by improving the absorption of nutrients, stimulating the production of energy in the child's body and normalizing the functioning of the internal organs of the baby.

The following vitamins have an effect on the child's appetite:

  • Vitamin A. It is important for the skin and mucous membranes, helps to strengthen the immune system and vision.
  • B vitamins (thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin and others). They are involved in metabolic processes and the work of the nervous system.
  • Vitamin C. This vitamin will strengthen the baby's immunity and improve the digestion process (in particular, help absorb iron).

In addition to these vitamins, they play a role in stimulating appetite in children:

  • Vitamin-like amino acid l-carnitine.
  • Zinc. It is important for the metabolism of carbohydrates and strengthening the body's defenses.
  • Magnesium. Influences sugar level and glucose metabolism.
  • Iron. Indispensable for blood formation.
  • Oligofructose. It belongs to prebiotics, as it improves the growth of microbial flora in the intestine, affecting local immunity and digestion.


Vitamins for decreased appetite should not be given to a child if:

  • The baby has an individual intolerance to some component of the vitamin and mineral complex.
  • The child has developed hypervitaminosis.

It is extremely important to monitor the permissible dosages of vitamins, since many of them, when consumed in excess, can cause negative reactions. For example, increased doses of vitamin A cause vomiting, dizziness, nausea, and headaches. An excess of B vitamins threatens with allergic reactions, muscle weakness, a drop in blood pressure, and an excess of vitamin C can cause nausea and diarrhea.

Release forms

Vitamin supplements that help improve appetite come in the following forms:

  • Syrup or oral solution.
  • A powder that is added to food or mixed with water.
  • Chewable tablets.
  • Coated tablets.

The choice of a particular form of release should be based on the age of the baby:

  • If the child is very young, preparations are recommended for him in the form of a syrup or a powder soluble in water.
  • Chewable vitamins are most often offered to preschool children
  • At school age, the child can already swallow coated tablets with water.

Review of popular

Tips for choosing

When choosing the right vitamins for a child, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Who is the manufacturer. Children should only buy products from reputable well-known manufacturers who can be trusted.
  2. What is the composition. Make sure that the preparation contains essential vitamins that affect appetite, and also check their dosage.
  3. What are the expiration dates. It is unacceptable for children to be given expired medicines, so you need to look at the date of manufacture of the drug first.


Anna: “I regularly give my son ascorbic acid in winter. The appetite has improved a lot and the gums no longer bleed. In addition, he became ill very rarely. If earlier she tried to persuade to sit down at the table, now she often asks for more. My son loves vitamin C with different fruit flavors. "

Victoria: “I can't believe that pharmacy vitamins can improve appetite and improve health. I try to give children vitamins in their natural form, so I harvest fruits, berries and vegetables for the winter. We eat only natural ingredients, we don't complain about poor appetite. "

Yulia: “On the advice of a pediatrician, I started giving my daughter Vitrum Kids in the dosage indicated in the instructions. If we are sick, I give a little more, as it seems to me that a large dose of vitamins will help to recover faster. There are no problems with appetite after starting taking vitamins. "

Ways to increase appetite in children according to Komarovsky

A well-known pediatrician considers the appointment of vitamin supplements to be justified only in case of hypovitaminosis, that is, with a lack of some specific vitamins. Komarovsky advises to increase appetite in another way. First of all, in his opinion, parents should change their attitude towards poor appetite and stop turning the child's nutrition into the meaning of family life.

A popular doctor notes that more often a poor appetite appears in children who walk a little, move a little, stay at home more, and are dressed too warmly. The energy expenditure of such babies is minimal, so they refuse food.

If you play active games with a healthy child, he will quickly develop a good appetite. At the same time, Komarovsky does not advise feeding a child who has no appetite, because in the absence of appetite, the baby's body is not ready to absorb food.

For information on how to increase the child's appetite, and whether it is scary that your child does not want to eat, see the programs of Dr. Komarovsky.

Watch the video: How to Naturally Increase Your Appetite Hardgainers Must Watch (July 2024).