
Graphic dictation and drawings by cells "Cat"

Graphic dictations are very exciting for children and are useful for their development.

One of the favorite exercises for children is "Cat".

Its implementation will help the child navigate in the notebook, be more diligent and consolidate the concept of "right-left". Spend your time profitably!

An example of the lesson you can see below.

Ordinary graphic dictations with drawing a line with a simple pencil through the cells can be varied by drawing according to a sample. In this way, you can draw anything. The work turns out to be colorful and beautiful.

To carry out such a graphic dictation, you will need: colored pencils or felt-tip pens, a sheet or notebook in a box, a sample of the task. It is necessary to work carefully. Color the cell completely, without going beyond its limits. In this article, we offer samples for drawing cute cats and kittens.

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