
Choosing materials for creativity: gouache "Ray"

It is impossible to create a single work of art if you do not use high-quality supplies and tools. All parents want their child to be able to draw well, however, even an outstanding talent can remain undiscovered if the wrong or simply low-quality means for self-expression are chosen.

That is why adults who are not versed in paint varieties should pay attention to proven products and well-known brands. In particular, Luch gouache will be a good starting point for children's creativity.

A few words about the brand

Luch is a brand that is as recognizable in Russia as it is unknown abroad. The exact date of the founding of the company, which became the forerunner of the modern Luch, has been erased by history, but it is known that the production of consumer goods, mainly aimed at the younger generation, began in the 30s of the last century. In those days, the company's assortment was significantly different from today: it consisted mainly of plastic dolls and other toys. However, gouache was present in the company's product line even then.

In 1970, the company finally acquired its modern name and formed an assortment more reminiscent of today's. Today "Luch" is a chemical plant, which is one of the leading Russian manufacturers of children's goods: paints (including gouache) and crayons, plasticine and accessories for modeling, glue and much more.

Why choose Luch gouache?

It should be noted that the chemical plant in question produces not only gouache, but also watercolor. Both types of paints are often used for children's creativity, and parents, in most cases, do not understand which one is better.

Actually, it is gouache that is more suitable for teaching children. Like watercolor, it is absolutely safe for a child - it contains no harmful synthetic additives. At the same time, gouache paints are much brighter, they are dense and opaque, and therefore, it is much easier to sketch errors with them, simply overlapping the damaged layer with a new one.

The gouache is thicker, therefore it does not spread, and small details remain clear. Finally, with the help of gouache, you can achieve a very realistic transfer of texture.

Watercolors, of course, also have their own advantages, however, the technique of drawing with it is noticeably more complicated, therefore, it is not suitable for children - kids are simply not able to reveal its best properties.

The artistic gouache produced by the Luch plant has the following advantages:

  • includes only high quality and safe components;
  • differs in high saturation of colors and purity of shades;
  • characterized by high uniformity of application to any type of base, does not spread;
  • mixes well for new shades.


Over the decades of working with clients, the company's developers have managed to create many varieties of gouache sets, among which there will certainly be something that is optimal for a kid or an adult lover of drawing.

All gouache products of the brand can be divided into several lines:

  • "Lux" - these are sets of 6 and 12 colors in 20 ml jars. The manufacturer positions such products as quite high-quality: according to his review, such paints are useful both for teaching children and for honing the professional skill of an artist.

  • "Fantasy" - on the contrary, it is much more focused on children. Even the packaging design, echoing the fantasy style, speaks of this. The jars here are somewhat reduced (each containing 15 ml) to make it easier for the child to move them to and from school. The set includes 9 or 12 colors.
  • "Prestige" Is a series of gouaches, the sets of which are complemented by believable effects of gold or silver glitter. Not all paints from the set shine, however, out of 8-12 jars of 20 ml, at least 1-2 differ from the generally accepted color palette. The sets of this series are very diverse, since they may vary in equipment.

  • "Classic", as the name implies, corresponds as much as possible to recipes that have been tested for decades, and therefore, perhaps, most of all meets the needs of the school curriculum. The set includes from 6 to 18 colors, with a total weight of 120 to 375 gr.
  • This series is somewhat similar to the series "Zoo"which comes in cheaper packaging.

In addition, the brand also produces special fluorescent and mother-of-pearl sets (6 colors each). The first one gives an image glowing in the dark, while the second one provides a characteristic pearlescent tint.

The first option, perhaps, will really please children, who by their nature are very greedy for all sorts of spectacular pictures, but the second set should be bought by a serious illustrator, and even then - not as the main one, but only as an addition.

We must not forget that Luch offers a completely different approach to the purchase of paint, offering to purchase one by one cans of gouache, 225 or even 500 ml each. It is clear that even a modest set of 6 colors in this case will weigh at least 3 kg, and therefore it will be difficult to carry it to school, and yet, in the case of regular and persistent drawing lessons, this option is worth considering.

In particular, this solution is suitable if the child draws a lot at home. It is also suitable for the needs of a large group of children in kindergarten or school. In the end, if you have preserved old small jars, large bottles of gouache can be purchased as a wholesale.


Perhaps there are not so many products, the opinion of which would be so high. The vast majority of commentators praise the Luch gouache, calling it fully consistent with all kinds of requests. At the same time, positive comments were left not only by the parents of the kids, who themselves did not paint with such products, but also by adult amateur artists.

So, the juiciness of this brand's gouache paints is highly appreciated. All colors from the sets are distinguished by high saturation, both in a jar and already dried on paper, thanks to which the drawings are bright and beautiful. For children, this characteristic is exactly what is needed to attract interest and ensure stable interest, but adults also really liked this moment.

Many consumers note that paints of this type do not dry out for a very long time. This is convenient, because competing watercolor, going without water for a long time, turns into stone, and although it is still possible to dilute it later, this procedure is not always convenient. Gouache, which is a thick suspension, always retains its original consistency.

A relatively low consumption of Luch gouache is also noted. Thanks to the high content of quality pigments, even a small amount of paint produces bright, rich strokes, so artists of any age do not need to use all the paint quickly. In combination with the low price, this makes the gouache sets of the chemical plant in question almost the best choice, since the desired effect is achieved at minimal cost.

However, not a single product can still be perfect, and therefore it makes sense to consider, albeit few, but still come across negative opinions about such paint.

It must be said right away that the products of "Luch", nevertheless, from any angle of view, are not professional, therefore one should not expect its recognition from the venerable artists.

In addition to clearly overestimated expectations from ordinary, albeit good, children's paint, poor adhesion to paper and a pungent unpleasant odor are sometimes criticized. However, judging by the rarity of such opinions, we are talking more about an overdue set, because according to other reviews these qualities of gouache from Luch are not at all peculiar.

In the next video you will find a mini-review of this gouache of the "Classic" series.

Watch the video: Make:Shift Ireland 2017 - Shelley James (July 2024).