
Double-sided children's easel: which one to choose?

In preschool age, drawing is one of the child's favorite activities, it is not only interesting, but also useful. Having presented the baby with a double-sided easel, parents can not worry about what he draws on the walls or furniture.


In its classic form, an easel is a special support for securing the canvas or any other basis for drawing. In a conventionally vertical position, it is much more convenient to work with the image. The children's double-sided easel fits this concept. In addition, it expands its capabilities and adapts the functionality to the interests of a young age.

The double-sided easel facilitates the use of various techniques and types of tools when painting - not only watercolors, pastels or gouache, but also crayons. At the easel, one of the sides is an ordinary slate magnetic board, and the other is a white smooth surface on which you can draw with colored markers or fix a sheet of paper. This opens up endless possibilities for creativity for the baby.

Children are usually unable to concentrate on one thing for a long time. Therefore, they try to produce goods for them with additional developmental functions that have nothing to do with the main purpose.

For example, a manufacturer can easily equip a children's easel with abacus for parallel learning the basics of arithmetic. Or he can add magnetic numbers and letters to the kit, which will make it easier to master reading and even spelling.

Role in the development of children

The main purpose of the easel, even for children, is still drawing. And it, as proved by child psychologists, can have a very beneficial effect on the mental abilities of a child. Fantasy and creative thinking are actively developing in the creative process and can find serious application in adult life, and in some cases even determine the future profession: designer, architect, engineer, or the same artist.

To draw something meaningful, the kid will have to master many special skills, which will help him become more dexterous and accurate.

With the right approach to the process, when adults observe the learning of the baby and try to discuss what is happening with him, a beneficial effect can be observed even in the sphere of speech activity.

The children's easel is not necessarily equipped with additional bonuses such as accounts or a magnetic alphabet, but if they are there, it will further expand the horizons. In addition to learning to count and reading, memory also develops. - the child has to memorize what seems to us very simple, but for his mind is a serious task.

An easel can help you gain the skills you need to go to school. In an unobtrusive form, the kid will master the features of working at the board and many other, seemingly insignificant, techniques. In a new unfamiliar environment, the student will feel confident, knowing the purpose of many objects and knowing how to use them correctly.

Finally, the easel is also about taking care of the child's health. He will draw in any case, even if his parents do not bother to buy him such a gift. However, only the "growing" easel guarantees that in the process of creativity, the baby will not develop disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Professional artists unanimously say that it is better to paint while standing or sitting.

Children's easels allow you to adjust the tablet so that it matches the current growth of the little owner.


A few years ago, it was accepted to classify children's easels into one-sided and two-sided. However, the former have practically fallen out of use today, so there is a need for a more detailed systematization of the latter. Differences usually lie in the exact purpose of both working sides and optional equipment.

In particular, for drawing with chalk, you need an ordinary drawing board, but for better color rendering it is recommended to choose models equipped with a white surface for such needs, and not the classic brown one. Consumers often complain that separately purchased crayons damage the board by scratching it and leaving streaks. The manufacturers have taken the problem into account and now the easels come with crayon sets designed specifically for the easel.

The second side is usually designed for markers and felt-tip pens, but the difference may lie in whether it is magnetic or not. If yes, then we are most likely talking about the so-called 3-in-1 model, because manufacturers often release a complete set with an alphabet, abacus, and even a mosaic.

In this case, the child gets an additional, very unusual opportunity to create visual images using multi-colored magnets. Combined with a magnetic board, they provide another unexpected advantage. With their help, a sheet of paper is very easily fixed in an upright you can buy paints and crayons right away.


Modern industrial products are characterized by the maximum use of several materials for the production of their products, as is the case with children's easels.

For example, the legs are most often made of ordinary plastic, which makes it possible to significantly lighten the structure and make it more transportable, but this does not always guarantee the proper level of safety.

A wooden easel from an environmental point of view is much better, but weighs much more. And most importantly - it will cost much more.

In some cases, it makes sense for especially active children to purchase metal-based easels.

A variety of materials can be used to make a tablet. An ordinary slate board can be made of wood, metal or even glass, provided that it is covered with a special enamel of the desired color.

The magnetic board in its composition very predictably contains a magnet that allows it to attract letters and pieces of the mosaic from the set. Occasionally you can find a transparent easel made of glass - its use gives an unusual effect to children's drawings and teaches the child the concept of transparency of an obstacle.

Color solutions

In pursuit of consumer interest, manufacturers today produce children's easels in almost all possible colors and even use combinations of several colors. Choosing an easel for a child by color, you need to either consult with the future owner himself, or simply make a start in your choice from the elementary aesthetic appeal of the product and its ability to harmoniously fit into the interior of the apartment.

Psychologists say that the color palette that constantly surrounds a person helps him to tune in a certain way. This feature can be successfully used by parents to give the character of their child certain features. For instance, overly active children are not advised to give bright things of flashy shades, they need something more calm, pacifying - a green easel is perfect.

If the child is inappropriately quiet and you need to stir him up a little, you should give preference to the brightest tones and shades. At the same time, one should always make allowances for the child's interest in the drawing process, because it is no secret that children like everything bright.

In such a situation, a beautiful bright easel will help to interest the little person in drawing, even if he did not show any special interest in this activity before.


Unlike adult easels, children's versions are produced by manufacturers who focus not so much on creativity as on the production of children's furniture. There are quite a few brands under which such products are produced. Each manufacturer can boast of its own advantages, so it is easier to consider them globally, in the context of the regions where they originate. At the same time, the choice of a specific model still needs to be taken as seriously as possible, because the creative development of the child depends on it.

Judging by the reviews, the highest quality is predictably offered by foreign manufacturers of easels from Western Europe and North America. As a rule, these are names well recognized by modern parents - such as the same Crayola, however, there are also relatively little-known names like Smoby.

Another very famous brand that specializes not only in children's goods - we are talking about Ikea. On average, imported products are called quite high quality, and most importantly, safe for a child, but they are also quite expensive.

Those who are looking for a cheaper product should pay attention to domestic products - these include easels from Nika to Children and Intechproekt. It would be correct to call such models for creativity average in all respects. They are not too expensive, in general they are quite safe for babies, however, as a rule, they do not differ in strength or durability.

A quality alternative can be a children's easel from a neighboring country: a Belarusian company "Polesie" managed to properly establish itself in many countries of the world. As for Chinese products, they are always purchased at your own peril and risk. Its obvious advantage is its price, which is even lower than that of a domestic manufacturer. But the quality can differ radically.

It is better to make such purchases solely on the recommendation of your own friends who have experience in operating the model.

What to consider when choosing?

When deciding on a specific model of a children's easel, do not forget about the following points that are of fundamental importance:

  • The stability of the structure is one of the main guarantees for the safety of the baby.
  • The tablet should be approximately at the level of the child's upper body - this is the only way to protect it from spinal pathologies.
  • The kid is constantly growing, so the ability to adjust the height and position of the tablet will not be superfluous. At the same time, such a product is still not suitable for serious occupations, and therefore it is not worth purchasing a model with an eye to use at an older age.
  • If a child really loves to draw, he will probably want to do it everywhere - even at the dacha or at his grandmother's. Assuming that such trips are very likely with significant frequency, a lightweight foldable model should be preferred.
  • Additional opportunities for the development of the type of counting are needed only if the baby does not yet have such skills as other similar educational toys.

In the next video you will see a presentation of the KidKraft 62026 double-sided easel.