
Magnetic constructors "Magnikon"

In recent years, the magnetic constructor has been considered one of the best educational gifts for a preschool child. Children like such gifts, because for them the magnetic attraction between the individual parts seems like magic, and the assembly is not difficult, because the elements literally "stick together" when brought to each other. At the same time, not every family can afford advanced foreign sets like Magformers, therefore many pay attention to Russian and Chinese counterparts, the cost of which is more affordable. One of these manufacturers is Magnikon.

About the manufacturer: advantages and disadvantages

Those who are always happy to support a domestic manufacturer will have to be disappointed: despite the Russian name, which is an elementary abbreviation for the name "magnetic designer", the production is entirely located in China.

And although the company is officially registered in Russia and has all the relevant certificates, numerous reviews indicate that the set still consists of Chinese parts, but it costs like a domestic one: individual sets can cost 5-6 thousand rubles. This, of course, is cheaper than the original Magformers, but a knowledgeable person would probably buy a similar product on Aliexpress for cheaper, and even better.

Comparison with Magformers, by the way, is very appropriate in this case, since this manufacturer is trying to copy American designers. Not only the design principle itself and the shape of the parts, but also specific sets often completely repeat the more expensive analogue.

On the one hand, this is good, because the original brand provides many benefits for child development.

  • Such constructors have a comprehensive effect. They help develop spatial thinking and promote the search for non-obvious solutions, develop creative skills, and contribute to the training of memory, intelligence and logical thinking.
  • Versatility of parts allows even in the case of a thematic set to deviate greatly from the theme set by the developers. Every child gets the opportunity to create the perfect toy from their dreams.
  • The manufacturer cares about practicality, offers sets for children of all ages, including toddlers who are not even a year old. Packages are made of two types: simpler and cheaper paper or more reliable plastic, perfect for long-term storage and transportation.
  • Representatives of the company claim that for the production of their designers only safe raw materials, not posing any danger to the child.

However, it is hardly worth charming. Judging by the reviews, consumers are happy with a successful purchase only at the first moment, and then they begin to notice that parts that are completely similar in appearance are still more fragile. Some simply do not trust Russian certificates, they are also confused by the fact that such a supposedly successful company has only one brand store.

Finally, experienced netizens point out that although the Magnikon is much cheaper than the original, for the same money it would be possible to buy a good construction set in China with a lot of parts.

Popular models

What Magnikon still lacks is the proper variety of sets, because it always takes a certain amount of time to copy the original. Nevertheless, there is plenty to choose from, and it is worth highlighting, if not individual sets, then at least groups of sets.

  • Constructors for the little ones offer a somewhat unusual concept, in which every detail in itself is also a rattle. As it should be in the case of such small children, all the parts are slightly increased in size, while they can be taken with you to the bath. The set is distinguished by the brightness of the elements with a small range of colors that will attract the attention of the baby. As of the summer of 2018, such a set costs 800-1300 rubles.

Parts, if necessary, can be purchased in order to maintain interest in design even in an already grown child.

  • Additional items sold in blisters, allow you to turn a simple starter set of primitive geometric shapes into something more. You can buy both banal triangles, squares and rhombuses, as well as wheels with wheelbases, little men and simply elements of more complex shapes. Such an upgrade of the old constructor will cost the parents 400-650 rubles.
  • Thematic sets, contrary to the standard concept of a magnetic kit, are focused on assembling something specific, although their parts can be used not only for their intended purpose. Building a dollhouse, palace or castle is no longer a problem, and all of them can be combined with toys completely independent of the designer. The technique is also presented in the proper variety: there is a lunar rover, robots, and even a battery-powered railway! Depending on the number of parts, such a gift will cost the family budget 2-8 thousand rubles.

Boys will be especially interested in a series called "Barboskins" - this is where the main boyish designers from those described above enter.

  • If you don’t want to choose a set, but the budget allows you to buy a conditional "all at once" advanced kitswhere there are many details and they are presented in the maximum variety of forms. There are both standard geometric shapes and wheels or other specific details for the construction of very specific crafts. There is even a set that includes the letters of the Russian alphabet!

The cost of advanced constructors starts from 5 and can reach 10-12 thousand rubles, however, due to the abundance of elements, such an acquisition may be practical if the family has at least two children of about the same age and the same hobbies.

In the next video, see the review and assembly of the Magnikon magnetic constructor models.

Watch the video: Магнитный конструктор Магникон (June 2024).