
Sick leave child care - how to arrange, for how many days

Sick leave for child care is issued if parents or other relatives are unable to attend the workplace caring for a minor patient. It is calculated at the place of employment, and paid by the FSS. At the same time, there are restrictions both on the maximum amount received during the year and on the number of days for which the employee can be paid.

The child is sick

About sick leave

The social insurance fund transfers money to the employee while he is caring for his son or daughter. The payment includes the entire amount, including the first three days. The employer can also issue or transfer money. After checking the documents, the Fund reimburses the organization for the costs incurred, the payment for the children's sick leave is fully covered by it.

A certificate of incapacity for work is drawn up in a medical institution. Then the employer fills in it. He records income, seniority, must calculate the average daily earnings, indicates how many days a person was absent. He also writes in the amount that is due to be paid for the entire period.

You cannot get both salary and sick leave money at the same time. It is illegal, even if, while caring for a small patient, a person fulfilled his work duties.

Sick leave is not charged in the following cases:

  • The child is in the hospital, and he is already 15 years old;
  • He fell ill while mom or dad was on vacation. It doesn't matter if it is another one, which is relied on annually, or the employee took it at his own expense. If the little one continues to get sick after the time has come to go to work, the sick leave is opened, and the amount to be paid is charged. Only the period after the end of the vacation is taken into account;
  • The woman is on maternity leave and caring for the baby. In the event that she is employed at half the rate, then the money is due to her by law.

Sometimes errors and inaccuracies lead to a delay in payment. So, a controversial situation is recognized when a certificate of incapacity for work was opened on a day off. It is believed that its beginning can only be the date when the employee is engaged in his direct duties. If on that day he was not supposed to go to service, then the document has the right to be considered invalid, drawn up in violation. But even in this case, it is possible to reconsider the case if it is decided in court.

How much do they pay on sick leave

The payment for the sick leave issued for caring for a child depends on his age and on where the baby is being treated: in inpatient conditions or at home. The amount depends on all income received by the parent in the last two calendar years. At the same time, there is a maximum, above which the payment is no longer calculated:

  • in 2018 - 815 thousand rubles;
  • in 2019 - 865 thousand rubles.

Note! In 2020, for each day of the hospital worker will not receive more than 2301.37 rubles. However, the law also stipulates the minimum possible payment amount. It depends on the minimum wage, which in 2020 is 12,130 rubles.

The amount is also determined by the length of service of the employee. If he is less than 5 years old, then 60% of the average earnings per day are paid, from 5 to 8 years - 80%, over 8 years - 100%. The rule must be followed when a parent is with the child in the hospital, where he receives the necessary treatment. In a situation in which a child is treated at home, starting from the 11th day of legal absenteeism, 50% of the average daily earnings is taken.

The girl is being treated at the hospital

If the child is under 7 years old

In the event that the baby is not yet seven years old, his mom or dad can go on vacation to take care of him for a period of any length. The main thing is to notify the employer in advance and open a sick leave. At the same time, only 60 days per year will be paid.

Certain diseases allow you to receive payment in 90 days. Their list is legally established by the Ministry of Health. These include, for example, mental and neurotic disorders, pneumonia, asthma, lung malformations, tuberculosis, meningitis, encephalitis.

Child care from 7 to 15 years old

If the child is not yet 15 years old, but he is older than 7, then sick leave will be paid with him for 15 days. If he feels bad again and the parents have to stay at home, they can again expect to be paid. During the year, it is possible to receive money in 45 days.

Child over 15 years old

If the child has already celebrated his fifteenth birthday, then, at best, only the first 7 days will be paid for caring for him. For a year, you can get money for child care, issued a sick leave, only 30 days.

In some cases, with a child under 18 years old, you can be on sick leave, the period of which is not limited. Payment is due for the entire period. This applies to children:

  • with diagnosed malignant tumors, as well as those who have post-vaccination complications;
  • HIV-infected.

Note! The child's age is recorded at the moment when the sick leave is opened. If during its closing, it changes, this is not taken into account in the calculation.

Until what age the mother of the child is given sick leave, depends on the place where he is being treated. When he is at home, a certificate of temporary disability is issued until the age of 18. If you have to stay in the hospital, then after fifteen years the document is no longer provided. It is believed that the child will be able to provide himself with everything he needs, especially since the medical staff constantly looks after him.

Rules for disabled children

If a child is disabled, then sick leave for caring for him can be obtained for 120 days a year, until he turns 18.

How often can you take sick leave

A temporary disability certificate is allowed to be issued every time a child begins to fall ill. The number of days is usually not limited, the only thing is that not all will be paid.

How many days

The length of the sick leave depends on the age of the child:

  • If he is not yet 7 years old, then the document is issued for any period necessary for recovery. The limit for paid days remains. There is one exception: if the baby goes to kindergarten or is already attending a school where quarantine is announced, then they will pay for the entire period when the institution will not work;
  • When it is necessary to treat a child from 7 to 15 years old, then you can take as many sick leave as you like, the main thing is that the duration of each does not exceed 15 days, for a year - 45;
  • When it comes to a teenager who is over 15 years old, the payment to his parents is due exclusively for 3 days. In some cases, the term is extended to a week, but with the consent of the commission, which considers each individual case.

Medical Commission

Note! The total length of sick leave for the year cannot be limited. You need to understand that payment for the entire period will not be provided. At this time, the employee does not know how to fire the right.

Sick leave rules

To get a document, first of all, you need to get to the clinic, always with the child. It is opened after examination and diagnosis. Be sure to do this on the day of contact.

What the old form looks like

You cannot open a sheet by indicating a past date in it. This is prohibited by law. You must have the basic documents of the child with you: this is a policy, which is always needed when visiting a clinic, and a birth certificate. In addition, you need to take the passport of the person for whom the sick leave will be opened. All the time until the doctor discharges the child, the form will be in the medical institution. After completing the registration and closing it, it is handed out. There must be the signature of the attending physician and the seal of the polyclinic.

If the child is in the hospital, then the document is allowed to be drawn up if the parent is constantly present with him. The order remains the same.

One child got sick

When a child is sick, sick leave can always be extended if the doctor deems it necessary. In this case, he will be paid based on the remaining limit at the place of work.

Two or more children

When an employee has both children sick at the same time, he needs one sick leave. The second is required if another baby needs treatment. This is only necessary because it will be possible to enter only two into the form, there will be no room for the third. If the children do not start to get sick at the same time, then the sick leave will need to be extended until everyone recovers.

Both children are ill

When calculating, first determine the entire period for which the employee was absent from work for a good reason. Then you have to designate the remaining limit of days for which he can be paid, considering each child separately. In this case, you need to take into account the age of children and remember that up to 7 years old, all days are paid if their number per year does not exceed 60, from 7 to 15 - the first 15 days, if all 45 have not yet been used up. So, if it turns out that the remaining limit is 30 days, if we take into account both children, and the sick leave is issued for 19, then you can pay it in full.

Then you need to determine the amount of the benefit, taking into account the employee's experience and remembering that from the 11th day, in any case, 50% of the average daily earnings is taken. At the end, you need to fix what limit each child still has, which will allow parents to receive sick leave money next time.

Also, if two children fall ill in a family, then mom and dad can officially take care of them at the same time, if each takes a separate sick leave. To do this, they need to enter different children in the form. Then they will receive payment at their workplace.

Note! Parents marked on sick leave cannot officially work during the period of their validity. They will not receive a salary.

Disability Bulletin

The sick leave for childcare confirms that the parent has been declared temporarily disabled. The doctor draws up the ballot, even if he is called at home. It is not necessary to go with a small patient to the clinic. The main thing is to provide the doctor with the necessary documents. Fill out a sick leave in a clinic or hospital. It is not prohibited to enter data manually or issue an electronic document. Errors in it are not allowed, in which case it may be considered invalid. When issuing, it is imperative to check whether the seal intended for sick leave is worth it. It depends on the correct registration whether the payment will be made on time. If the FSS does not suit something, then the documents will be returned, and they will have to be redone.

Who, besides mom, will be given sick leave

Any family member of the sick person is allowed to draw up the document. These are not necessarily only the closest ones: mom, dad, guardians. You can open the sheet for grandmothers, sisters, aunts and uncles, even if they do not live with the child. The main thing is that during the period of illness, they take care of him and be present during all doctor's visits, as well as during paperwork.

Note! It is important that a person is registered with the FSS, where the employer pays contributions for him, and, accordingly, was employed.


There is no difference who will draw up the document. Difficulties will not arise either in the clinic or at the place of work. The degree of relationship will be indicated by one of the codes. This is how the mother, father, guardian, caregiver are recorded. All others are united by the concept of "other relative". At the same time, a woman will not be able to officially take care of a child, sit with him during a period of illness, if it is a son or daughter of her civil husband. The degree of relationship does not matter, but it is important that it is documented.


The father of a sick child has the right to take a balllist, for which he will receive a payment if his wife is on maternity leave. A woman in this position does not have the opportunity to go on sick leave. However, dad will not be given it if he is an unemployed student or unemployed pensioner.

Dad takes care of his sick son

Sick leave with a child is a good reason not to visit the workplace for a certain time. During this period, the person retains wages. On sick leave, he is entitled to a payment if earlier deductions were made for him to the account of the Social Insurance Fund. The amount accrued to the employee depends on the child's age, length of service, average salary and where the treatment is being carried out: at home or in the hospital. There are some categories of children for whom special rules apply, for example, disabled people or suffering from serious and dangerous illnesses.

Watch the video: Wednesday 14th October 2020 (July 2024).