
Baby car seats: features of selection and operation

When a child appears in a family, parents try to protect him from the dangers of life. While walking down the street, the mother forbids the baby to run out onto the busy road, while at home - to touch the stove. Another important rule today is the compulsory transportation of a baby from birth to 12 years old in a child restraint. Only child car seats are able to protect against serious injury in road accidents.


About ten years ago, Russians did not think about buying any additional funds for a car that could securely fix a child. Parents carried the kids in their arms, and the older children were seated next to them, sometimes without regular seat belts. The result of such liberties has been a huge number of accidents involving children and causing them serious injuries. Meanwhile, Europe was already several steps ahead, actively using various types of car seats for cars.

At the same time, statistics spoke better than any arguments. So, in Germany, out of 10 thousand children who got into accidents involving vehicles, only 32 children were injured. The percentage was negligible, so the Russian Council of Ministers had to come to the conclusion that something had to be changed in the traffic rules.

2007 became a key year for motorists and their children, because from that moment a change was made on the mandatory installation of child car seats and other restraints. Amendments to the law have been and are still being made. So, the latest changes that relate to restraints came into force on July 12, 2017. The basic rules of the traffic police and traffic rules read as follows:

  • a child from birth to 12 years old, sitting in the front seat, must be transported using any type of car seat in accordance with characteristics suitable for age and height;
  • a child under 7 years old inclusive, who is in the back seat, must be secured using special devices;
  • a child from 7 to 12 years old can be fixed in the back seat using standard seat belts;
  • when transporting a small passenger under the age of 12 years in the front seat by the driver, the airbag must be deactivated;
  • for children under seven years old, children's devices must be provided with grooves for their correct fixation with standard seat belts or using the Isofix system.

For non-compliance with any requirements, the driver of a vehicle faces a considerable fine, equal to 3000 rubles. However, experts say that motorists should not be afraid of fines, but of the consequences that may arise if children are transported incorrectly. Features of modern car seats help children under 12 years old to avoid injuries such as:

  • fractures of the joints of the hip and ribs in a lateral collision;
  • shoulder fractures;
  • concussion with side impacts;
  • neck injuries.

Needless to say, even more injuries can be avoided in a seat in a head-on collision. A correctly secured child cannot fall out into the windshield of a car or be crushed by one of the parents while in his arms. In addition, guys without restraints, but fixed with regular seat belts, can, in the event of an accident, crush their cervical vertebrae if their height has not yet reached 150 cm. The list of restraint devices that are permitted by law for 2018 include the following devices:

  • infant car seat for babies from birth to one year old;
  • car seats for children from birth to 12 years old;
  • boosters for children from 3 to 12 years old;
  • adapters for children from 3 to 12 years old;
  • frameless restraints from 1 to 12 years.

It is worth dwelling on the design features of each device in more detail.

  • Infant car seat is a strong frame made of plastic or metal, made taking into account the anatomical features of the fragile body of a newborn. A soft cover, a horizontal position of the baby while riding, the presence of anatomical inserts, side protection and internal seat belts - this is what distinguishes the restraints for the youngest passengers. The infant carrier can be attached to the car using belts or the Isofix system.

  • Car seat is another frame structure consisting of a monolithic seat bowl. In some models, the bowl is supplemented with a leg support or holding table. The model, like a car seat, has soft covers and internal seat belts, however, its back can be varied in several positions, providing comfort to the child not only during wakefulness, but also during rest. The chair can be equipped with Isofix mounts or be fixed with standard belts.

  • FEST adapter is a triangle made of durable fabric. This design attaches to the standard seat belts, transferring pressure from the cervical spine to the chest. Belts with its use are located on a child less than 150 cm in height in accordance with all legal and safety requirements.

  • Boosters - this is another type of device designed for the legal transportation of children from three years old. It is a seat with some armrests through which regular seat belts are passed. The material for the manufacture can be foam, foam, plastic or metal. In addition to the booster, you should purchase special adapters.

  • Frameless models are a fabric budget car seat pad, complemented by their own safety belts and a groove in the center, allowing you to pass a regular seat belt through it. The device belongs to the combined category and is considered legal for use by children from 1 to 12 years old.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the fact that adapters, frameless models and boosters are currently approved for use in the car, it is worth remembering that their design is not suitable for babies under 1 year old. Some experts do not recommend them at all for use by children under the age of five. And there are well-reasoned explanations for this. The disadvantages of other restraints are as follows:

  • none of the models presented has side protection, which is very important in case of an accident;
  • the child is in an uncomfortable position, and in most cases in an anatomically incorrect position, sliding under the standard belt during the movement of the car;
  • the complexity and number of fasteners, sometimes up to five pieces, contradict the norms for the transportation of small passengers, which say about the simplicity of freeing a child from the car seat in the event of an accident;
  • bad faith of sellers in the selection of basic materials for boosters; Styrofoam and foam crumble under the child during accidents, making the load on the body with the car belts incorrect and life-threatening.

One way or another, other restraints are quite popular today, because they cost several times cheaper than high-quality car seats. In addition, the ease of moving them from car to car, versatility for any kind of car contribute to the boosters and frameless models. Experts advise not to save on the life and health of the child, choosing between price and quality.

Car seats from well-known manufacturers delight with a large number of advantages, the main of which is the frame. The seat bowl can be made of impact-resistant plastic or metal, however, this does not change its useful properties, such as:

  • side impact protection thanks to the sides;
  • the ability to change positions - from strictly vertical to almost horizontal;
  • the ability to change the position of the inner belts depending on age and height;
  • fixing the seat with powerful fixing systems that meet domestic and European requirements.

Each of the above points is important for the health of the child, so you should consider them in more detail.

  • Side impacts are common during accidents, and protection against them is almost paramount., considering that the child car seat is now increasingly located in the front seat. The reflex of the driver to take the car away when hitting to the left is physiologically inherent, so it is worth remembering that all the power from it will be on the child. In this case, plastic or aluminum sides will protect against serious consequences. In addition, they will provide safety and innovative materials that cover the sides of seats from well-known manufacturers. Cushioning fabrics and fillings can significantly soften the impact.

At the same time, it will add safety and a headrest, which, with its correct location and high-quality performance, will keep the head of the little passenger in the correct condition.

  • The second advantage of the frame device is the ability to change positions. Its essence lies not only in the comfortable stay of the baby on the road, even when he is sleeping, but also in ensuring safety. So, fragile vertebrae and bones of a child from birth to 1 year old are not able to withstand small shocks in a minor accident, which is fraught with serious injuries of the cervical vertebrae. To avoid this, the horizontal position of infant carriers and combination seats, which can be positioned against the movement of the car. A blow or push will not change the position of the child, and may not even become noticeable to him.

  • Another advantage is the ability to adjust the position of the internal seat belts.... A strong frame, as a rule, has three or more holes for internal fastenings. It is worth remembering that only that chair, the internal car belts of which are at the level of the baby's shoulders or slightly higher, can protect from injury. When the bases of the belts pass over the shoulder blades, they should be raised by one dimensional mark, and if this is not possible, purchase a new car seat, since it is unsafe to carry a child in this state of affairs.

In addition, correctly positioned belts can be tightened well, keeping in mind the recommendation that they should be tightened until the moment when only one finger can be inserted between the baby's collarbone and the belt.

  • The dignity of car frame models is ensured by their constant improvements. Thus, no other holding device can boast of the Isofix system. It allows you to fix the structure directly to the car body, without relying on regular seat belts. Special brackets easily enter the anchor brackets of the car, additionally being fixed with a telescopic "leg" or an anchor. Protection of the little passenger in such devices is at the highest level. Summarizing all the above advantages, it is safe to say that a frame car seat is by far the best method of protecting a child in a car.

However, there are also disadvantages of such devices, it is important to carefully analyze them before buying. Car seats have the following disadvantages:

  • high cost;
  • short service life of car seats, divided into age groups;
  • heavy weight;
  • a significant part of the free space occupied by a quality car seat;
  • difficulty in rearrangement;
  • some shortcomings in the anatomical structure of age-combined models.

A good restraint is a costly purchase. So, the average cost of models sometimes exceeds 10,000 rubles. It is important for every parent to know how justified such spending is. A car seat from a reputable manufacturer must be such as:

  • comply with all European safety requirements;
  • have all the necessary certificates;
  • pass independent crash tests, which have shown its safety.

Needless to say, the safety requirements also included high-quality materials for the seat bowl, advanced breathable fabrics for the performance of the cover, shock-absorbing coverings and other innovations. Of course, all these characteristics are expensive for manufacturers, so it would be against the rules of trade to charge them low prices.

The next disadvantage is a short service life, especially if the chair is selected taking into account each individual age group. So, the infant carrier can last from 6 months to 1 year, while its prices are high.

Manufacturers find a way out of this situation by combining age groups, however, it is worth remembering that there is no good car seat that could last from birth to 12 years. Anatomical features for a newborn can only be taken into account in infant carriers, so you should not save on the first models.

If we compare frame chairs for children with other restraints, it is difficult not to notice their bulkiness. They take up a lot of space and are heavy. However, it is these factors that make the models safe, therefore, with such a minus "for the good" you can only put up with it.


The types of modern child car seats today are more than varied. They are produced by foreign and domestic manufacturers, adding certain features to each of the models. Knowing them will help you choose the best model for your child.

By age and weight

Specially designed categories of child car seats allow parents to select models based on a single scale suitable for manufacturers around the world. The system, created in Europe, is actively supported and is also a standard for Russian GOSTs.

All child restraints are divided into groups such as:

  • 0 - for newborn babies up to 6 months;
  • 0+ - from birth to 1 year;
  • 1 - for children from 9 months to 4 years old;
  • 2 - from 3 to 7 years old;
  • 3 - from 6 to 12 years old.

As you can see, the groups are simple and understandable, and the table of corresponding weights makes them even more accurate. So, out of 5 groups, category 0 differs in the smallest weight range. In such a car seat you can carry a baby from 0 to 10 kg. A child from 0 to 13 kg can be transported in a group 0+ car seat. Sometimes children of the first year of life differ significantly from each other in weight due to individual characteristics, for example, a baby up to 13 kg at the age of 1.5 years can still be transported in an infant car seat, provided it is comfortably located in it.

Upon reaching a weight of 9 kg, the child can be transported in a category 1 car seat. It can last 4 years and is designed for a weight category up to 18 kg. A pleasant bonus of most of these models can be considered several backrest positions, which is very important for a passenger under 3 years old during long trips. The second category of car seats combined a weight range from 15 to 25 kg. As a rule, grown-up children aged from three to seven years have this weight.

Category 3 - these are models for children from 22 to 36 kg, in most cases they can be transformed into boosters. The child can be fixed in them both with the help of internal car safety belts, and with ordinary regular belts, inserted through certain grooves in accordance with the instructions.

As mentioned earlier, buying a chair for each category is a rather expensive procedure, so manufacturers combine related groups with each other. The markings for combined devices are as follows:

  • 0/0 + / 1 - for children from birth to four years old;
  • 0 + / 1 - for children from birth to four years old;
  • 0 + / 1/2 - for children from birth to seven years old;
  • 1/2 - for children from one to seven years old;
  • 1/2/3 - for children from one to 12 years old.

Many high-quality models from the list of such chairs are equipped not only with removable backs, headrest height changes and several grooves for internal seat belts, but also with the possibility of seat adjustment in width, varying in the range of 10 cm.Such models are in no way inferior in comfort to separately age ones, delighting parents its versatility.

By material type

The materials used in the manufacture of restraints are classified according to their type of application. So, two types of materials can be used for the frame.

  • Plastic. Most often, manufacturers use plastic, because its high shock-resistant characteristics are perfectly combined with democratic prices. However, when buying, parents should remember that a high-quality model should be of sufficient thickness and have a significant weight - about 10 kg.
  • Metal less commonly used by manufacturers when creating new models. Aluminum structures are more expensive and offer the same level of protection as advanced high-impact plastic.

After making the frame, manufacturers put a cover on the structure, which can be removable or non-removable. The materials for its execution can be as follows:

  • synthetics;
  • fabrics that include natural fibers;
  • artificial leather;
  • leather;
  • natural materials.

Under each fabric there is usually a layer of soft filler, be it foam rubber or specially designed shock-absorbing compounds. The soft chair in their design is comfortable and safe for the child. When it comes to choosing fabrics, experts advise giving preference to breathable synthetics such as soft and comfortable microfiber. Today, it has overtaken almost all natural fabrics in terms of resistance to fading, multiple washes and breathability. It should be noted that natural fabrics are still used in some models, however, only in the part of the headrest, on which the child's head rests during sleep.

Eco-leather is included in the category of elite materials for manufacturing and, first of all, pleases motorists for its highly aesthetic appearance. In addition, it is convenient to clean the skin of impurities by wiping with a damp cloth daily.

Of course, it is difficult to call such materials breathable, however, when combining the model with soft headrests and textile liners, it is quite comfortable and rational to use them.

By design

The design and structure of the car seat can be different, which directly affects the functionality of the model. So, the first and most important point is the versatility or limited use of the model, according to which the products of manufacturers are classified into several types.

  • The universal device can be used in any car with Isofix mounts or standard seat belts. This design is especially useful if you frequently move the restraint chair.
  • Semi-universal models have additional protective parts in their arsenal, so they are not suitable for every car. A list of suitable vehicles can be found in the instructions for the device.
  • Special models also pass crash tests on limited vehicles only.

Today, modern manufacturers are engaged in the development of new designs, not only in terms of the degree of safety, but also taking into account the comfort of the child. So, the know-how of famous brands has become a swivel chair. This model is a solid structure on the frame, the bowl of which can be turned 180 and 360 degrees. This feature allows you to turn the fastened child to face the mother, against the direction of travel or towards the open car door by pressing a button or operating a lever.

This feature is especially useful for mothers of newborn babies and babies who like to fall asleep when traveling.

The process of getting out of the chair is greatly simplified, so the novelty has already found its consumer. According to experts and parents, the only drawback is the high cost of convenience.

More familiar types of designs are possessed by car seats by age group. So, in addition to pure division by age, you can find such models as:

  • 2 in 1 (0/0 +);
  • 3 in 1 (1/2/3, 0/1/2).

According to experts, such a division takes place. However, this should take into account the anatomical features of each age group. For example, there is currently no ideal model that would fit both a newborn and a 4-year-old child. Of course, sleeping position designs are widely available. However, no anatomical baby insert can compete with the cozy seat in the infant car seat.

Another design of interest to parents is the twin restraint. Despite the existing myths on the Internet, the answer here is unequivocal - today they do not exist. At the same time, parents of twins can easily buy the same infant car seat, securely fixing each of them in the back seat. Combined devices, even with their potential existence, could not provide a high degree of protection due to the high load on one fastening element, be it anchor brackets or auto belts.

The classification of structures is made by the number of car seat parts.

  • Single part models are the simplest. They include a seat bowl with or without a base.
  • Two-part models include, in addition to the bowl, a support for the legs made of plastic or soft material. This detail provides comfort even for an older child during rest.
  • Three-part armchairs have not only a bowl, support for the legs, but also a holding table. However, as the Japanese developers proved, it is more than dangerous to use it instead of the classic internal seat belts, because the entire load in an accident falls on the abdominal cavity of the crumbs.


The color performance of car seats in the new collections of well-known manufacturers pleasantly surprises with its variety. So, Italian brands delight with the richness of rich shades, while German companies prefer basic colors. The choice here depends on the parents, who must soberly consider the effect of color on the baby. Infants and toddlers up to one year old are very sensitive and sensitive to color diversity. For example, they are afraid and worried about the brightness, so the red car seat is best left for the future.

During this period, it is worth taking a closer look at the basic shades of beige, muted blue and pale pink, and a gray chair can also have a calming effect on a child.

In addition, it is worth remembering that a baby at this age often has snacks on the road, so a non-marking model will have to be washed less often, which means that it will keep its presentable appearance as long as possible.

Guys of the first and second age groups, on the contrary, love brightness and everything that arouses their interest. A yellow, purple, green, or blue device is perfect for this age. A good decision for parents would be a joint purchase of a chair with the direct participation of the child and his influence on the final decision. Children of the third age group, as a rule, want to imitate adults. A stylish black or gray car seat matches this desire.

In addition, parents should take a closer look at leather models that will not only appeal to the teenage group, but also decorate the car interior.

Manufacturers review and reviews

Parents looking to find the best model for urban and long-distance travel are looking at the annual crash test results. The selected models undergo extensive tests that reveal the behavior of the car seat in the event of an accident. It should be noted that the manufacturers themselves test the product in laboratories before launching it on the market, however, the assessment of independent companies is highly valued. To date, the following organizations are engaged in testing child restraints:

  • ADAC - German Automobile Club;
  • ANWB - Association of Dutch motorists;
  • TCS is a Swiss club that evaluates chairs in terms of reliability and comfort, as well as other companies with a worldwide reputation.

ADAC crash tests have earned a special reputation as they are considered the most stringent and aimed at a wide range of criteria, such as:

  • reliability;
  • child's comfort;
  • ease of installation and use;
  • the quality of the materials used.

It should be noted that each test is carried out on special dummies with load cells, so their results are more than accurate. ADAC 2017 recognized some of the safest models and the best manufacturers.

  • German models Baier Adebar and Adefix with a weight load of 15–36 kg deservedly received a "good" mark. There are few reviews of Russian parents about the models of the German company, because they can be purchased exclusively through the Internet space.

However, the low cost and high marks of independent organizations make it possible to recommend the design.

  • CYBEX Aton 5, Pallas M, Solution. This company is from Germany, its products have been very popular among Russians for several years. Among the advantages are comfort, reliability and low price with excellent characteristics, among the shortcomings of the model for newborns - the cradle quickly becomes small.
  • Kiddy Evo-Luna i-Size is a car seat that can change positions from half-sitting to completely horizontal. Reviews about the model are more than positive. Parents note the convenience and ease of installation, excellent materials, useful little things, a complete set with a base. The model is expensive, however, users claim that it is "worth it."

  • Joie Is a UK company that is increasingly featured in crash test results. For example, recent trials have identified the i-Gemm model for newborns. The reviews also have a positive direction, because despite the more than decent characteristics, the company's models are inexpensive and available to a wide class of buyers.

  • Concord Reverso PLUS Is a combined type car seat from a well-known German company. The model, like the company, is quite popular in Russia. Users note the thoughtfulness of the details in each model, such as the powerful and soft liner for the newborn.

  • Maxi cosi from Holland is also a frequent crash test subject. The last test singled out the Rodifix Airprotect for its excellent functionality, and parents noted its lightness and convenience.

  • Poland in crash tests is represented by Coletto and Caretero. Independent companies note the reliability of new models, and users - the convenience and quality of assembly of materials. The disadvantages are bulkiness in relation to the Scope Deluxe and Vento models.

It should be noted that the list of foreign car seats tested in accordance with all the requirements is quite large. However, annually, the safety rating, regardless of the model, is made by such companies, in addition to the above ones, as Nania, Maxi-Cosi, Romer, 4baby. Finding these brands on the label, you can be sure of a good choice. No matter how good child car seats of foreign manufacturers are, sometimes the family budget does not allow them to be purchased. In this case, the proven brands of the Russian Federation come to the rescue.

Their vivid representative is the Zlatek company, which is included in the TOP of the best manufacturers from Russia. Zlatek is a manufacturer with its own production base in the Ryazan region and a design and technological department. Each model in this enterprise undergoes the strictest control and is regularly tested. The high quality is confirmed by the compliance with the European safety standard ECE-R44 / 04. In addition, the brand undergoes international crash tests at regular intervals, making itself known to the whole world.

Among the company's popular models, the Zlatek Colibri infant car seat stands out, designed for children from birth to 1.5 years. Parents say that this device is easy to use thanks to its light weight and comfortable grip. The method of fastening with belts and the absence of overpayment for a well-known brand affects the democratic cost, equal to an average of 2500 rubles. Zlatek Atlantic is another device that Russians love for their ability to be used by a child from 1 to 12 years old.

As noted by users, the soft covers make the ride pleasant, and the internal five-point belts - protected in all situations. Pleases users in the model and the sufficient width of the seat, as well as the anatomical back. The disadvantages of the chair include the inability to change position while driving.

Siger is one of the Russian companies that has the certificate of the Common Customs Union and complies with the UNECE Regulations No. 44-04. The company's products do not enter the international market and do not declare themselves as a participant in world crash tests, however, they pass all the necessary checks in Russia with enviable regularity. Siger represents car seats in all age categories by developing products with an enlarged bowl.

According to the manufacturer, only in such models can a child feel comfortable and free even in conditions of warm and voluminous clothing designed for Russian winters. In addition, the brand's design team is engaged in the manufacture of stylish printed covers, for example, with Khokhloma motives.

The best Siger models are considered by parents to be the Aegis Lux devices for the age category 0+ and the Cocoon, which combines 1 and 2 groups. Parents who bought the models in the reviews note the spaciousness and convenience for kids, the low price and a decent presentable look.

Another Russian brand - Food-Food, which is ready to compete with world brands, complying with GOST R 41.44.2005 and European UNECE N 44-04. Not participating in international crash tests, "Food-food" is regularly checked in the laboratory of FSUE NAMI. The best product reviews are dedicated to models that combine 1/2/3 age groups. Of course, today it is difficult to compare the quality and refinement of foreign and Russian restraining devices.

Unfortunately, almost no RF chair can be installed on the Isofix base or used as a bassinet by attaching it to the stroller chassis. Nevertheless, experts say that good and bad models exist both abroad and in Russia, so only a careful study of the models will allow you to choose quality products.

Selection recommendations

To choose a good car seat, the following important criteria should be considered:

  • the weight;
  • mount type;
  • safety;
  • presence of marking;
  • materials used.

So, the best models are heavy models with a solid frame, the average weight of which is 12-13 kg. Lightweight models weighing 5 kg tend to have a thinner layer of plastic and other materials. The Isofix or seat belt anchorage types, experts say, are equally effective when installed correctly. Therefore, the absence of brackets for installing a chair with Isofix should not cause frustration, because among the classic mounts, you can find reliable options.

To choose the right restraint device, it is worth considering all the nuances, including the internal seat belts. The best solution here is the five-point straps that go not only between the legs and over the shoulders, but also fix the hip joints.

And also the guarantor of a successful purchase is the product labeling, from which you can learn the following:

  • compliance code;
  • type of car seat;
  • possible weight of the child;
  • the country in which the chair was produced;
  • certificate;
  • batch number;
  • brand.

And if it is rather difficult to remember all the conventions for such characteristics, then the ECE R 44/04 value, which is very common, should bring peace of mind to parents who are worried about the choice of the heart. Visual and tactile inspection is a good decision before buying a car seat. Many stores have models of famous brands in stock, so it will not be a problem to put a child in a chair or try to fix it in a car.

How to use?

Buying a quality car seat is important, but by no means a key element of protecting your beloved child. Correct use of the structure will allow you to carry a child in a car in accordance with all safety requirements and standards. One of the first violations of proper installation requirements is poor fixation of the device. It is not difficult to find it, having noticed the free movement of the car seat in the rear seat.

The permissible movement in either direction does not exceed 2.5 cm. In this case, the anchor straps are able to secure the child seat with the best possible stability.

In addition, to use the device correctly, it is important to consider the child's age and attitude.

So, babies under one year old should be located in the car only against the direction of travel. This possibility is provided not only in infant carriers, but also in the seats combined by age categories. If this condition is met, the load on the baby's fragile spine will be uniform even in the event of an accident. Guys from a year are protected by a restraint device when located in the direction of travel.

The key to successful use is the correct installation location. The front and rear right car seats are the most dangerous places for transporting children. It is they who are at risk at the time of the accident, therefore, in the event of an accident, the strongest blow in most cases will be on the baby.

The child will be in great danger even if the chair is not used for age. A device designed for a lower weight and age is not able to support and hold a child of an older age category. The value of the chair in this case and its protective properties are equal to zero. The same happens with the booster, in which they are trying to seat a three-year-old baby with a fragile spine.

Remembering these simple rules and securing the chair according to the manufacturer's instructions, you can happily feel peace of mind for your child.

For information on how to choose a child car seat and how to fix it, see the next video.

Watch the video: UPPAbaby MESA Infant Car Seat (July 2024).