
How to choose a diaper recycler?

Today, it is difficult to surprise someone with new devices that are necessary in everyday life. One of them is a used diaper recycler. It seems to be a simple thing, however, quite popular among young mothers, it has a number of features that must be taken into account when buying.

What it is?

Basically, a diaper recycler is nothing more than a bucket with a sealed lid. It has a special opening for loading diapers. This is a kind of accumulator or collection in which used diapers are stored. This product has several significant differences from conventional waste bins. It perfectly removes the unpleasant odor that fills the room immediately after removal.

The waste heat exchanger is designed in such a way that bacteria and microorganisms cannot grow inside it.

The recycler saves parents' time as it is located next to the changing table where the baby is being changed. Mom doesn't need to spend extra time taking out the used diaper. This device eliminates the possibility of getting your hands dirty with baby faeces. Plus, the drive minimizes the amount of time mom is distracted to dispose of the diaper. As a rule, externally, this device is distinguished by ergonomics, compact dimensions and pleasant design. It is convenient, can vary in shape, color and is easy to use.


The modern market for products for children is replete with a variety of models. Conventionally, utilizers for diapers can be divided into 2 types: options with special replaceable cassettes and analogues with polyethylene garbage bags. Each type of container has its own characteristics, pros and cons. To make a purchase correctly, you need to understand what each type of device is.

With cassettes

The accumulator of used diapers has a special cartridge made of consumable plastic films. As soon as the diaper is placed in it, it is hermetically packed in a separate cassette or so-called film. This happens by turning the handle or pressing a button. Fast packaging prevents the spread of unpleasant odors.

Separate packaging of each diaper prevents the appearance of odor the next time you open the bucket, however, the resource of such a cartridge is small.

Depending on the type of the device itself, the cartridge can consist of 24-28 packages, sometimes up to 180 packages are compressed in it. The diapers are inserted into the capsules of the utilizer in a folded form, making little effort. In this case, the cassette is also turned.

With bag

The drive, which does not have a cassette, is equipped with a common plastic bag. Used diapers are collected inside and then disposed of. The elimination of unpleasant odors is carried out due to the sealed cover, as well as the existing seals. The advantages of such products are simplicity of design, reasonable cost, easy replacement of the package.

In this case, for the accumulation of used diapers, you can use ordinary garbage bags, the dimensions of which correspond to the storage tank. However, these devices are inferior to analogs with cassettes by the very principle of disposing of spent diapers. Their resource in different models can range from 30 to 120 diapers. The lid also has a special multi-layer seal into which a neatly rolled diaper is inserted.

How to choose?

Everyone decides on the actualization of the purchase independently, since the purchase will seem to someone really useful, and someone will consider it a waste of money. For those who go to the store for this device, experts recommend paying attention to some of the nuances. For example, the storage capacity must be sufficient. However, this does not mean that you need to store a lot of used diapers at home.

It is worth choosing a container with an average resource, because the purchase is initially necessary not for storing garbage, but to facilitate the hands of the mother when caring for the baby. Not every mother puts on diapers for a child all the time, which means that the recycler will be idle more, then there is no point in a huge resource. That is why it is worth thinking about the type of device: cassette-less options can be released at any time, without waiting for the container to be filled with used diapers.

Of course, they will not wrap each diaper in a separate film to isolate the unpleasant odor. However, such products are practical and in most cases economical, since the cost of the bags is much less than the price of consumable cassettes. Due to the wide range of offers on the modern market, the buyer has the opportunity to choose a model based on his needs and planned budget.

When buying, you need to pay attention to the mechanism of the device. You can take a closer look at the options in which the handle is rotated with one hand so that the second mother can hold the baby. If you don't like products with a handle, you should choose analogs with a push-button mechanism.

It is better to give preference to the product of a manufacturer who has a positive assessment of buyers.

Before buying, you can flip through the reviews of customers who have bought different models. This will allow you to understand which one is more convenient and easier to use. Such descriptions provide more reliable information on the elimination of unpleasant odor, because it is difficult to verify at the time of purchase. After collecting information, you can go to the store of the official supplier and already there choose between specific models.

If the preference is given to the budget model of the cassette type and in the future it is planned to buy ordinary plastic garbage bags as the main collection, it should be borne in mind that they do not always cope with the function of eliminating the unpleasant odor by 100%.

When you open the lid to dispose of another used diaper, the odor can spread throughout the room. Therefore, in this case, you need to choose a device to which you can pick up bags made of dense film.

Popular models

Today, among the manufacturers of used diaper storage, several models can be distinguished, according to reviews that are in special demand among modern buyers.

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The capacity of this device is 24-28 diapers. It differs in various colors, it is quite convenient to use, economical and compact, so it does not take up much space near the changing table. During disposal, when the diaper gets into an antibacterial film, it is slightly compressed, due to which it decreases in volume. After packing, the diaper comes in an additional film, which is convenient and allows you to eliminate waste.

The product is designed for the disposal of diapers of different sizes. It is suitable for used diapers for babies weighing up to 5-9 kg. At the same time, a flavored replaceable cartridge with an unpleasant odor blocker is initially included in the package. According to customer reviews, the device completely blocks fecal odor. In addition, it is also convenient because the diaper does not need to be forced into the container to dispose of: the device performs this function simultaneously with pressing the lever.


Products of this brand have relatively small dimensions and different cartridge resource. The storage capacity in various models is designed for 32-120 diapers of the second size. The devices are characterized by the presence of replaceable cassettes with a multilevel oxygen barrier. Due to it, an unpleasant odor is eliminated, as well as an active elimination of bacteria. The company's models are quite convenient and have an acceptable cost.

The container is about 40 cm high. It has an attractive design, so it is suitable for any nursery interior. In addition, the product is characterized by quick and easy cartridge change. The brand has provided for easy maintenance and cleaning of the devices themselves, which allows them to maintain their presentable appearance during the entire operation.

Diaper champ

The manufacturer's model is characterized by low weight (about 3 kg) and compact dimensions, due to which it is conveniently located at the bottom of the changing table. This is a cassette-less type of recycler that does not require cartridges and allows the use of standard waste bags. The storage capacity is designed for 30 used medium-sized diapers. The model differs in budgetary cost, due to which it is in demand among buyers.

Its advantage, according to customers, is the ability to take out the garbage at any free time, without waiting for the container to be completely filled. In addition, the unit is easy to clean and provides easy cleaning of surfaces not only outside, but also inside. The downside of buyers is the presence of odor when opening the lid of the device.

What else to consider?

When buying, you should ask the seller for a certificate and related documentation. Their presence will speak of the reliability of the manufacturing company. In addition, the buyer can inspect any item for defects. The quality product must not have any defects, the seller must allow a visual inspection. Sharp corners are excluded, the operation of the mechanism must be reliable.

In order not to run into a fake, before choosing a specific model on the manufacturer's website, you should carefully consider the design and even packaging with markings. Any discrepancy will indicate a remake, and this, in turn, may further affect the operation of the device. Also, don't let the salesperson tell you to buy the most expensive item. This purchase will not be used for years, so there is no need to shell out a tidy sum.

You need to treat the purchase as a means of temporarily relieving your hands. You can take the product, but it is advisable to take one in order to empty it as much as possible without accumulating it for weeks. With all the workload of moms, you can find time to throw out used diapers more often than once a week.

Of course, such a thing is quite convenient when twins or even triplets are born in the family: it will really relieve the hands. And here you can no longer doubt that it is worth taking an option with a large resource, because it will not stand idle.


The comments left on the Internet about the relevance and benefits of diaper disposers are contradictory. Some parents working with children note that these products really save all household members from the unpleasant smell while the mother bathes and changes the baby's clothes. Others do not see the point in such a purchase and the accumulation of a large number of used diapers, considering such devices as means for the lazy. Everyone is right in their own way, because the smell often becomes a problem when the child eats not only mother's milk. On the other hand, it is not so difficult to take out the trash can at the first opportunity, rather than to start a second mobile in the nursery or bathroom.

See below for an overview of the diaper recycler.

Watch the video: Recycling: the next generation - Diapers and Incontinence Products (July 2024).