
Ring Sling or Sling Scarf - Newborn Wrap

The sling is considered the most physiological carrier for an infant today, imitating the hands of a mother and helping the baby to take a natural position. It is a universal device, suitable for children of any age (from 0 to 2-3 years old), used in different situations. How to use a sling correctly so as not to harm the child, sling consultants explain.

Sling is a comfortable device for both mother and child

Sling scarf or ring sling

Experts say: "The basic rule to be met by carrying is to take into account that a baby is physiologically different from an adult." When choosing a carrier, you need to know the anatomical features of the newborn.

Of all the types, the most optimal from this position is considered to be a sling scarf and a sling with rings. They allow the baby to be carried both vertically (cross over the pocket) and horizontally (cradle), providing the body with the correct support through careful adjustment of the fabric. The position of the child in them is completely anatomical, imitating the finding of the crumbs in the arms of the mother, which means it is safe for the fragile spine.

When parents are faced with the question of what to choose a sling scarf or a sling with rings, consultants advise to consider:

  • purpose;
  • material;
  • availability in development;
  • the age and weight of the child.

What is a sling scarf

Winding sling scarf for newborns is a rectangular strip of fabric from 3 to 6 m long, up to 70 cm wide, without any elements such as buckles, belts, rings.

The device has several options for length and width, therefore, the sizes S, M, L are distinguished. For a slender mother, a short scarf is suitable, for women of a large build, a longer one is ideal.

Council. Correctly selected size of carrying will provide not only comfort for the mother, but also the most comfortable position of the baby. The weight of the crumbs will be evenly distributed on the adult's thigh, stomach and back, which will reduce the heavy load on the back.

Differences with ring sling

A newborn in the first months of life spends a lot of time in the arms of an adult, he often has to be placed in a carrier. With constant wearing, a ring sling is perfect.How to wear a newborn in it, can be found in the instructions on children's sites.

A ring sling (CCS) is the most common and simplest type, designed to carry children from birth to 2-3 years old. It is a strip of fabric, about 2 m long, up to 80 cm wide. On one side, 2 metal rings are sewn into the fabric, the other end of the product remains free, it is tucked into the rings and adjusted by pulling the sides. This design allows the SSK to be put on and off faster than other coils. It is convenient to feed the child, rock it, and if necessary, transfer it to the crib.

There are the following types of ring slings:

  1. Model with sides - soft padding polyester inserts are sewn into the edges of the canvas. Because of them, the windings with the sides are of different sizes and are selected depending on the clothes of the adult, so that the child is tightly pulled.
  2. The rimless model is a smaller device. Such models are a piece of fabric about 2 meters long and up to 70 cm wide.CSK should be worn over the shoulder, due to which a kind of cradle for the child is formed in front.

Ring sling is comfortable for short distances and short wearing

Models with rings have a lot of advantages:

  • Ease of use - even a novice mother who does not have special skills can use it;
  • Ease of use - you can wear it even on the hottest days. This is due to the lack of layers. It is convenient to get the baby out at any time, put it in the crib;
  • Ease of adjustment, it is useful to constantly change the position of the crumbs.

Not devoid of a sling with rings and flaws. They are associated with the fact that the main load falls on the back and one shoulder of an adult, not evenly distributed over the body. SSK is difficult to use for long-term wear. Such a carrier is more suitable for short-term wearing, up to half an hour.

At what age to wear a baby in sling

WHO believes that the adaptation of a newborn is faster on the skin-to-skin principle, so in the first months the mother often has to carry the baby in her arms. Such a device as a sling is of great help to adults, making it possible to free their hands, evenly distribute the load on the back and lower back. The correct position allows you to comfortably carry the baby for a long time.

With the help of fabric winding, adults become much more mobile. This versatile device will come in handy to go for a short walk with your child, if necessary, go to public places, do small housework. Some parents manage to travel with their babies using scarf slings.

Experts explain at what age a baby can be worn in a sling. In this adaptation, taking into account the physiological characteristics of children, it is allowed to wear them from the first days of life.

The ring sling (SSK) is used for short distances due to quick donning and doffing, for example, when you need to walk from home to car. The SSK is convenient in that you can put the child with the carrier without waking him up by unwinding.

A newborn, more often in contact with his mother, adapts faster to the life around him

Sling Scarf Materials

When choosing fabric carriers, great importance is attached to the materials from which they are made. This is an important factor, as not knowing how to properly wind the scarf can harm the baby.

The importance is attached to the plasticity of the fabric, its ability to pass air and hold the winding stably, therefore it is recommended:

  • If the child is very young, focus on the softness of the fabric, such as a scarf;
  • When the baby grows up and becomes heavier, a denser fabric will do, with an admixture of linen or cotton;
  • A winding made of fabric with the addition of silk or bamboo will be thin and pleasant to the touch.

Note! Consultants warn that silk scarves are capricious in wearing, and in care, and in winding, as they slide. Therefore, if a novice mom has not yet mastered the ability to wind a sling, it is better to start with cotton.

  • A knitted scarf works well for a first sling, but it has its own characteristics. Winding and pulling knitwear should be no less careful than cotton fabric. In addition, a scarf sling needs a three-layer winding, but it can be hot to the crumb. Plus the device is increased softness that does not irritate the baby's skin.

Safety engineering

When using any sling, it is important to observe safety precautions so as not to endanger the baby:

  • position the newborn correctly and make sure that his face is always visible to control breathing;

It is important to correctly position the baby in the sling, facing the adult

  • wear the baby with the same duration on the right and left to avoid curvature of the spine of the crumbs;
  • take into account that the size of an adult with a child in the winding increases, therefore, be careful when passing through doorways;
  • if necessary, to lift something with a child in a sling, it is better not to bend over, but to sit down;
  • when breastfeeding a crumbs in the winding horizontally, you should hold his head with your hand;
  • wear comfortable clothes and flat-soled shoes for walking.

Ways to tie a scarf

According to experts, the winding of a sling-scarf should repeat the features of the body of a newborn. Therefore, it is useful for parents to know what the baby looks like in the first months:

  • the back is round;
  • the head is large and heavy;
  • the neck is weak, the muscles do not yet support the weight of the head on their own;
  • the hip joint is turned forward;
  • the legs are bent at the knees, raised to the tummy and slightly parted.

Important! In winding, the main thing is to provide good support for the back of the crumbs with one piece of cloth, without unnecessary layers of fabric, without pressure on the spine.

Particular attention should be paid to supporting the upper body, as this is where the center of gravity is. To maintain balance, it is necessary to ensure tight tissue tension in this area.

The position of the baby on the mother's body should be high enough so that the head rests comfortably on the chest. In addition, the support roller can be rolled from the top of the device.

The baby's thighs are supported by winding along the entire length, up to the knee, the legs remain free, nothing should interfere with their mobility. The legs themselves are divorced as much as it is convenient for a particular baby.

All these physiological characteristics of babies force mothers to learn how to tie a sling scarf for newborns.

Consultants suggest the following winding methods:

  • KNK (pocket above the pocket) with unfolded panels;
  • PDA (pocket under the pocket) for a knitted scarf;
  • kangaroo;
  • the classic position on the thigh of an adult.

Correct winding of the sling ensures the physiological position of the baby

Hip coils or others, in which cloths are crossed on the baby's back, it is better not to wear them until he learns to hold his head, turn over and lean on the handles.

Note! A scarf for a newborn of any length is good because it allows a woman to immediately begin to master all the basic movements necessary for successful babywearing. Having mastered the basics, she will be able to expand the winding options.

Purchase recommendations

When choosing an SSK, experts recommend paying attention to the following details:

  • The rings, which are the most important element, must be strong. Plastic products will not work.
  • The material used to produce the winding. It is good if the model is made of cotton. The fabric is flexible enough without stretching or slipping.
  • The presence of the sides necessary in order to reliably support the head of the newborn.

Options for carrying a child in the SSK

After purchasing a sling with rings for newborns, the mother will have to study the instructions and learn how to tie it. Although winding is one of the easiest to learn, it still takes some time to be able to properly wind, stack and remove your baby.

Sling consultants tell you how to wear a newborn in a ring sling. For the smallest, the "cradle" position is suitable when the child is placed horizontally and lies to the mother's face.

It may also be such an option when the baby's body is located across, which is also physiological. The children's head is not bent in the cervical spine, the transverse arrangement makes it possible to adjust the tension of the tissue under the back.

The most correct is the winding of a sling with rings for newborns, when the child is located horizontally, at the level of the mother's breast, his head lies on the upper side, and the legs are completely inside.

Mistakes when carrying a baby in a sling are unacceptable, which can be dangerous for him if it is not tied correctly

Frequent mistakes

Despite numerous instructions, novice mothers can make mistakes that are dangerous for children:

  • the shoulder strap is not straightened;
  • winding rim below the child's shoulder blades;
  • the baby is loosely pressed and is too low;
  • the baby's head is not adhered to by the cloth;
  • legs are not sufficiently divorced;
  • the legs are very low compared to the head (for horizontal positions);
  • carrying a very small child behind your back.

Resume for parents

It is important for parents to know the following details:

  1. Specialists have different opinions about carrying a baby in carriers. Many agree that such physical contact between parents and baby is important.
  2. Opinions differ significantly regarding the duration of wearing. Pediatricians warn against long-term presence of the baby in the carrier. For babies, it is useful to regularly change positions so that all muscles develop evenly.
  3. There are doubts among psychologists about the correct communication of a baby with an adult in a carrier:
  • the true development of the baby is replaced only by bodily contact;
  • the adaptive capabilities of the crumbs are exceeded, which is in a place where it is not supposed to be;
  • caution is caused by the overprotective position of an adult in relation to the independence of the baby in carrying.

The main thing that parents should realize is that beginners should not only choose the right device, but also learn how to safely tie a sling, only then its beneficial properties will help to carry out competent care.

It is important to understand! The general development of a baby will never replace constant wearing in the winding, passive contemplation of the environment is useful for the baby, but dooms him to inaction.

Watch the video: Ring Sling Tutorial for a Newborn With KeaBabies Wrap Carrier (July 2024).