
How to potty train a child?

Most parents dream of getting rid of diapers and diapers as soon as possible. Moms and dads begin to seriously think about at what age you can do this and how to properly teach the child a new way of bowel movement. There are many important nuances that will help make the learning process as comfortable as possible for all participants in the process.

At what age should you teach?

The American Academy of Pediatrics assures young parents that children reach physical readiness to go to the potty only at 1.5-2 years old. It turns out that it simply does not make sense to start introducing the baby to the pot before this age threshold. It is important that not only physical but also psychological readiness should be observed. The level of stress of the child when weaning from "diapers" and the overall effectiveness of this event depend on the degree of development of the baby's nervous system. Be attentive to your child and follow his development. In order to find the right teaching method, such factors should be considered.

  • Physiological maturity. The muscles of the sphincters and channels must be sufficiently strengthened to control bowel movements. Developed nerve endings in the rectum and bladder help to understand in time that it is time to relieve themselves.
  • Psychological maturity. Demonstration of conscientiousness and attention to the requests and advice of parents.
  • Emotional readiness. A positive reaction to the acquisition of a new skill, a joyful interest in everything new.

Doctors have established the average age at which an infant acquires a certain skill. Such information will help young mothers and fathers to better understand their child:

  • at 14 months begins to irritate and upset the consequences of a natural need, which copes for itself;
  • at 1.5 years begins to react uneasily to the fact that he wants to poop or write;
  • at 22 months tries to notify parents about the desire to relieve themselves by all available methods, but not in words;
  • at 24 months does not empty the bowels and bladder for 2-3 hours, and when the corresponding desire arises, he takes off his clothes;
  • at 27-29 months asks for a pot with words;
  • at 3 years old can take off his clothes himself, sit on the potty and get dressed, but often a parent is needed by his side.

Pediatricians, guided by the information described above, advise starting to instill in a child a new hygiene skill from the moment he himself begins to react negatively to the prospect of pooping in his pants.

Experts note that the appropriate age does not always vary between 1.5-2 years. Some children willingly learn a new way to relieve themselves at the age of 1 year, others do not recognize innovations even at 3 years old. It is important to identify the moment when the child is fully prepared to acquire a new skill, then the learning process will not drag on.

Important rules

Instilling a new hygiene skill is a responsible business. Follow simple rules to teach your little one to potty.

  • All participants in the process - the baby and the parents - must be ready for the learning process. The latter should clearly understand that the baby will need more attention. Be prepared for the fact that the child can first relieve himself next to the pot, you will have to clean up behind it much more often.
  • Remember, once you've started the learning process, there is no turning back. You cannot drive a child in diapers on weekdays, and on weekends, teach him to "night vase". With such illogical actions, you will greatly confuse the baby and significantly complicate the whole process.
  • It is important to first teach your baby how to relieve himself in his own toilet during the day, and only then teach this during the night's sleep.
  • A new object in the house will surely cause not only interest in the baby, but also misunderstanding. It is necessary to provide the correct familiarity and help the child get used to the potty.

Place the device so that the baby can always come up to it, touch it, inspect it.

  • When the baby has successfully relieved the need for a small toilet, be sure to praise him. He must clearly understand that he did everything right and the parents are happy. In case of a mistake, do not even try to scold or shame, take such situations calmly.
  • It is important to teach the baby not just to the pot, but to the whole ritual. Consider a sequence of actions, from removing clothes to washing your hands.
  • Start putting the baby in the private toilet so that this process is associated with routine activities. The child will quickly get used to the potty immediately upon waking up or before going outside.
  • At first, you can continue to use disposable diapers while walking or sleeping at night. As soon as a new skill is mastered, give up "diapers" altogether.
  • Don't let us play with the "night vase", otherwise it will become not a small toilet, but just another toy.

Main steps

It is important for the child that the parents do everything clearly and consistently. Any fussiness on your part can confuse the baby. All methods of instilling a new skill have clear instructions, but you also need to know the general principles. Experts have identified 5 main stages of potty training.

  • First, show the pot and explain why you need it. A special hover toy will help you. You need to take water into it and let it out into the "night vase". Be sure to explain to the kid what this process is called and why it is right to do it on the pot, and not in the pants.
  • Offer your child a "night vase" before and after all regular activities. This is especially true for sleeping and walking.
  • Avoid using disposable diapers during the day. So the child will be able to explore himself and better control the bowel movements. At this time, it will be easy to teach him to ask for a potty.
  • Whenever your child tells you in time that he intends to pee or poop, praise him and show joy. As a reward, there should be no toys or sweets, just words and admiration.
  • If you see that the child has already mastered the daytime potty trips, then you can move on. Explain that you also need to pee at night on the potty, not on the bed. Wake your baby up several times during the entire sleep period and offer the potty. If possible, then try to choose the moment for awakening when sleep becomes restless. Over time, the child will get up at night and go to the night vase himself, without your participation.
  • When all the skills are mastered, it remains only to consolidate them. Use praise as an incentive.

Communicate with your child more, try to make the whole process of mastering hygiene skills as clear as possible.

Special tricks

Most dads and moms want to make potty training as fast and comfortable as possible. There are little tweaks to help you get things done faster.

  • If there is a firstborn in the house, then you can teach the baby by his example. The elder can show the younger how to deal with an unfamiliar device.
  • Sit the baby on the pot for 5-7 minutes, no more. This time is quite enough to relieve the need. At the same time, in such a short period, there will be no negative association with a new subject.
  • During the period of instilling a new hygienic skill, it is important to wear as little clothing as possible, it should be without various ties, laces or buttons. You and your baby should be able to quickly and easily remove pants or panties in order to sit on the "night vase".
  • The pot must be placed so that the child always has access to it. The kid must understand that he should not wait for his parents in order to pee or poop. The most convenient location is near the playground.
  • You can use different children's books that teach your child about the role of his little toilet.

How to train correctly?

You can quickly teach a baby to use a private toilet only if you accurately catch the moment when he is completely ready for this process. This is not an easy task, so prepare in advance to calmly accept all the mistakes and mistakes of the child. It is important to pay attention to special signs that signal the baby's readiness for potty training:

  • empties the intestines at about the same time every day;
  • pisses no more than once every 2 hours;
  • can distinguish between clothes (underpants, pants) and body parts;
  • knows why a priest and genitals are needed;
  • understands what the words "write" and "poop" mean;
  • tries to imitate his parents;
  • feels uncomfortable with a dirty diaper and shows it to parents;
  • makes attempts to pull on clothes on his own;
  • Shows interest in a baby potty or adult toilet
  • is already 1.5 years old or more.

If all these signs are present, then the learning process will be much easier for the child and parents. It is worth considering that the first time after giving up "diapers" it will be difficult for the baby to readjust. That is why it is worth refusing to use them to make it easier for the child. At first, you can still wear "diapers" for a walk, but nothing more.

There are some learning characteristics that depend on the gender of the child. The girl needs to be taught according to the classical scheme, there are no difficulties in this.

First teach the boy to walk on the potty while sitting. Babies often urinate and have bowel movements at the same time. When the child can separate these two processes, then it is possible to teach the little man to write while standing.

For 7 days

This quick method of potty training is called the Volunteer Baby. It was developed by Gina Ford, a former maternity nurse. This method is suitable for babies over 18 months old. The kid should be able to perform simple actions and understand the parents, their requests. Methodology by day.

  • Wait for the baby to wake up and tell him about the rules of a new life. It is necessary to explain to the child that it is time to get rid of the annoying diapers and make friends with a new object - the pot. Show the "night vase" and offer to use it. Only 10 minutes is enough for the first contact. Repeat every 20 minutes until the child relieves.
  • Try to notice all the signs that the child wants to write or poop, immediately suggest a new object to solve the problem. So you can consolidate the information that you conveyed to the baby yesterday. Don't forget to communicate and explain. Before going outside, you can put on a "diaper" for your own convenience.
  • The general behavior of the parents does not differ from the previous day. However, this time give up "diapers" altogether, even on the street. You can take the pot with you for a walk so as not to accustom your baby to uncivilized bowel movements in the bushes.
  • Strengthen your skills for the next 4 days. Carefully monitor the baby's behavior, offer him the pot until he starts asking for it himself.

The author of the technique and her fans assure that you can instill a new hygienic skill in just a week. Even if after the end of the term the child does not succeed in everything, do not despair. Continue to act on the principle of the last days and very soon everything will work out.

In 3 days

The emergency education method for your toddler is useful before going to kindergarten or traveling. But do not indulge yourself with illusions, in three days the child will not be able to completely rebuild. This time will be quite enough for the formation of a basic skill, from which later you and your baby will build on in further training. The quick method works only if the child is over 1.5 years old, but less than 2 years old.

It is important that he has already tried to tell you that he wants to relieve himself, and tried his best to get rid of the dirty "diaper". If the child shows a willingness to acquire a hygiene skill, then feel free to proceed. Preparation for learning goes like this.

  • Buy a pot and tell your child about its purpose. Take your toddler on a trip to the adult toilet. Be sure to explain that the toilet is an adult potty.
  • A week before the start of the training, tell your child that soon you will get rid of "diapers" and will start using comfortable panties and the very same pot.
  • Ideally, both parents will have to be with the baby every minute for all three days, so take care of free time. Prepare food and clean up in advance, or arrange with someone to help you.
  • Consider activities for yourself and your baby in advance. Choose cartoons, books, toys. Prepare everything so that you can always have fun and nothing will distract you or annoy you.

Once you have finished preparing, you can start mastering the technique. The next three days of your life should be like this.

  • Wait for the baby to wake up, change your usual diaper to panties. Explain what the innovation is related to. Place the new item in a convenient place in the nursery and introduce your baby to it.
  • Give your child plenty of water to write more often. Try to make every effort so that the child defecates exclusively in the pot that day. If there is a misfire, remove the puddle together and explain to your child how to avoid wet panties in the future.
  • Have your child sit on the potty every 20-30 minutes. Monitor all signals that precede a bowel movement. This task still requires the attention of both parents. This greatly increases the chances of success.

When the goal is achieved and the pot is full, praise the child, explain the correctness of his actions. Praise should be as specific as possible. Make it clear to the baby what exactly he did in order to elicit your positive reaction.

A disposable diaper can be put on before bed for convenience.

  • After waking up, follow the same scenario. Today you can go for a walk without a "diaper", but wait for the potty trip before going out. If the weather is not summer, it is better to walk near the house so that you can return at any time. If the weather is warm, take your change clothes and a second pot with you.
  • There are high hopes for this day, so please be patient. There are no more "Pampers", but today you need to walk twice already. Take a potty with you to avoid confusing your child with bushes. Now you already know how often the baby pees and poops, so plant him on the pot with the necessary regularity.

It is better to instill a hygienic skill using such an accelerated method in the warm season. Let the baby run at home without clothes or in one that will not hinder the learning process. If there are many fasteners on the baby's pants, then you may simply not have time to remove them. Experts believe that it is wise to immediately teach the child to walk in panties.

Possible problems

Hygiene training is not always smooth and simple. It happens that a child experiences fear or anxiety about a new object in the house. Some children may have health problems that can seriously hinder the learning process. It so happens that a child perfectly masters the skill of using a night vase, but suddenly refuses to sit on it. If mom or dad insists that the child sit on the potty, a real tantrum can begin.

Possible reasons for this phenomenon.

  • Sometimes the child reacts negatively to any changes in his usual life.Going to the kindergarten, moving to a new home, adding to the family can cause confusion. Outwardly, this may well manifest itself in the form of regression of skills or in disagreement to perform normal activities.
  • At the age of 3, the child enters a crisis period. The kid can start to rebel and do everything in spite of his parents. It is likely that when you ask to sit on the pot, he will spitefully write in his pants.
  • A negative family environment, especially scandals between parents, can seriously affect a child. The kid can start to rebel and behave aggressively, or, on the contrary, withdraw into himself and simply stop reacting to what is happening around. In both cases, there is a partial or complete loss of skills.
  • Temporary refusal to defecate in a personal toilet can be associated with a routine vaccination, a cold, or painful tooth growth.

To solve the problem, it is enough to understand the reasons for its occurrence. Remember that if the original source is not eliminated, then the setback can be quite serious. You may notice that the child is afraid of the pot, and for no apparent reason. If he cries, breaks free and does not want to sit on him at all, then the parents often have a complete stupor. There are several reasons for this behavior:

  • You started your acquaintance with the night vase too early.
  • You praise little for success and scold for failure.
  • Unpleasant first acquaintance. For example, let's say you put your baby on a cold pot, which is also wobbling.
  • Constipation, due to which the crumbs have an association of the pot with pain.
  • A child may simply be ashamed of doing his business in front of loved ones and a bunch of relatives.

Correcting the situation is easy. Leave the baby alone for a while, wait until the fears are forgotten a little. Remember that trying to slip a potty on a crying baby can only make the situation worse. Try to play with your baby. Offer him to put his favorite toy on the night vase and try to evoke a positive reaction in every possible way. You can come up with a story for the child that the pot is bored and sad when the toddler does not approach it. The plot of such a story can be absolutely anything, start from the interests of the baby. An interesting option is to decorate the "night vase" with stickers in the form of your favorite cartoon characters.

All of the above problems are psychological in nature, but there are also purely medical factors that interfere with potty training. If you observe involuntary emptying of the bowel or bladder in a child over 5 years old, you should consult a specialist. The lack of control in a child may be due to the following factors:

  • organ pathology that appeared at the birth of a baby;
  • inflammatory processes in the urinary tract;
  • problems in the work of the nervous system;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • prolonged stressful condition, fears, anxieties.

For the diagnosis and treatment of enuresis, it is worth contacting a neurologist and urologist. It is better to start with the last specialist, he examines the physiological state of the internal organs. The girl may need an additional visit to the gynecologist. Only after excluding the presence of a disease of the genital organs, contact a neurologist for further examination.

Parents' mistakes

It happens that the child is unable to adapt to the use of the personal toilet due to inappropriate parenting behavior. The most common mistake is that moms and dads take the baby to the "night vase" too early. It is still recommended to wait until the child is ready, otherwise you can inflict psychological trauma on the child, which will significantly complicate further education.

Another popular mistake is the overuse of disposable diapers. Modern parents often teach a child from birth to wear a "diaper" day and night. When you suddenly decide to get rid of the diaper, the child will not be able to immediately adapt to it. Remember that adaptation in this case may take about 3-5 months.

The constant use of a diaper leads to the fact that the child's organs do not have proper training and stimulation, they are not used to holding a large amount of urine. The hygiene product gives a feeling of comfort, so even at the age of 1 year he can write often and in small portions.

"Pampers" at night interfere with the proper development of kidney function. Babies who are used to diapers can sleep in bed up to 4 years old. Normally, this phenomenon disappears by 2-3 years. The solution to this problem is quite simple - allow your child to go naked during the day whenever possible. It is very good if you can not put on a "diaper" at night. Better to put a diaper under the sheets so as not to spoil the mattress. So the baby will be able to get to know his body earlier and will begin to learn to understand his body.

Do not put moral pressure on the child in the process of instilling hygiene skills. Try to create conditions under which the baby himself begins to show interest in the pot.

If you constantly tear your child away from games and put him on the children's toilet, you will not achieve positive associations with the process. Parents who themselves are too interested in the potty should understand that the child will definitely begin to take it seriously as soon as he is ready for it.

Another common mistake young moms and dads make is swearing and trying to create a sense of shame. Often it is not even the parents themselves who commit such behavior, but their relatives. This is due to the peculiarities of pedagogical processes in Soviet times, where the feeling of shame was a serious stimulus. Such inappropriate behavior on the part of adults can lead to the development of phobias and neuroses. Experiencing stress will cause negative associations with the potty and the learning process will be very long.

If you still want to focus the child's attention on the fact that he did his job on the floor, then it is better to involve him in cleaning. Calmly give the baby a rag and explain that you need to wipe up the puddle so that no one gets dirty, does not slip. Tell your child that going to the potty can save him some unpleasant cleaning. So you will not cause a feeling of shame, but just tell you how to do the right thing. The kid will definitely listen to you and will decide that the "night vase" is his friend, not an enemy.

Young parents can make another mistake, which is associated with a banal ignorance of the stages of the baby's acquaintance with his body. Remember that at first the child will begin to experience discomfort from stained clothes or bed. Then the baby will understand what this discomfort is connected with, and will begin to learn to control trips to the toilet. Only after that will the child be able to successfully get acquainted with the "night vase".

How to choose a pot?

Some parents are sure that it is enough to choose a pot with a princess for a girl or with cars for a boy. In fact, it is the process of choosing a device that is quite painstaking and responsible. So, for a girl it is better to have a round-shaped pot, and for a boy - an oval one. In the latter case, a device with a separator between the legs will be very useful.

Important nuances in choosing a pot.

  • Choose a "night vase" made of quality plastic. The pot should not be cold when the baby sits on it. This can cause discomfort and negative associations. The baby gets used to the touch of a soft “diaper” or diaper, so the contrast will be very noticeable.
  • The convenience of the product is important. The size should be suitable for the child so that the edges do not press when sitting. Make sure you have a backrest so your little one can relax while doing their business. Your job is to keep you comfortable during potty training.
  • The "night vase" must be stable. A wobbly pot can cause it to fall accidentally. Such an incident will greatly spoil the impression of the pot and may cause a complete rejection of it for a long period.
  • If possible, choose a potty with your child. Offer your baby some options that fit and leave the choice of color, decor, and more.
  • Find a pot with a lid and a comfortable handle. The first option makes it possible not to take out its contents immediately. The handle will provide convenience for you while washing the product.
  • Make sure that the pot is not perceived by the child as a toy. Do not encourage games of any kind with the device. The child must clearly understand the function of this object.

Today in stores you can buy a variety of models of a baby pot.

  • Plain. Suitable for children of all ages. Ideal for the first toilet, the absence of decorative elements will help explain to the kid the main function of the new item.
  • With aromatization. A pleasant light scent from a night vase drowns out the smell of feces and urine. There are times when unpleasant odors repel the baby from the night vase, and this option will help solve the problem.

  • In the form of a toy. The device can resemble a car, scooter or any other object. Helps to potty trainer in a playful way. Special attention should be paid to ensure that the baby does not perceive the new object as another toy.
  • Toilet seat for children. Such a device will help teach the child to use the toilet after the pot or instead of it. The seat pad has secure locks that allow it to be mounted on a toilet of any size and shape.
  • With music. After the baby has gone to the potty, a pleasant melody begins to play. This signal makes it clear that the child can already get up, clean up and continue to do their own thing. A "night vase" with music will help relieve anxiety associated with bowel movements.

Tips from experienced moms

For many parents, potty training becomes a real challenge with a bunch of obstacles. Often this process becomes a prolonged stress for all family members. Tips from experienced mums and dads will help you avoid mistakes and make learning easier.

  • Try to notice changes in your baby's behavior and expect complete physical, psychological and emotional potty readiness.
  • Come up with a whole ritual in which the baby will play the main role. Let him take off and put on his clothes, take out the pot with you and wash his hands.
  • It is better to start acquaintance of the child with the personal toilet later, and not earlier. In this case, mastering the skill will be faster and easier. If you hurry up, the baby may react negatively to the subject even when physiological readiness comes.
  • It is worthwhile to be patient, prepare for a large number of unsuccessful attempts. Praise your child more often and communicate more with him.
  • When you put your baby on a small toilet, do not force him to write or poop against his will. Advice to push harder will not work, but your baby will feel upset about you.

  • Choose a potty training method based on your child's personality. Try to consider methods that are most comfortable for you. If mom and dad are nervous and freaked out, the baby will not be able to safely use the "night vase".
  • If a child for a long period (about a month) cannot get used to using a personal toilet, then give up learning for a while. Perhaps the baby is still not ready physically or mentally.
  • If the child is afraid of the "night vase" or reacts inadequately to it, then try to find out the cause and eliminate it.
  • If you understand that the child is soon to school, and he still cannot consciously control the bowel movement of the bladder, then be sure to go to the doctor. In this case, it is impossible to tell the baby that something is wrong with him, so as not to provoke the development of complexes.
  • If your baby is sick or teething, postpone the potty training process.

If you persist too much, you will put the child under great stress and will not get any benefit, the skill will not be fixed.

How to make the learning process simple, enjoyable and, most importantly, effective? At what age is your child ready to learn? At the reception with Dr. Komarovsky - the family of the singer and TV presenter Andrey Kishe, they discuss the topic of early potty training and share their experience.

Watch the video: Ask an Autism Expert- Potty Training (July 2024).