
We select a children's pot for girls

One of the main criteria for a child's growing up is his potty training, because it not only testifies to a fairly developed consciousness, but also makes it much easier for parents to put things in order in the house. Of course, the child will quickly get used to the product that is convenient for him and does not cause any discomfort, so at least the first copy should be chosen carefully. Choosing the right baby potty for a girl is an excellent foundation for a growing lady's manners. However, not everyone knows how to do this.

When should you start?

In the modern world, there is a rapid acceleration of the development of children, which many parents are happy to play along with. Some people start to put kids on the potty before a year with the logic that the sooner you start, the sooner a habit will form, and the apartment will become clean. Specialists in this situation usually just shake their heads.

Let's just say that it is not forbidden to experiment at any age - there will definitely be no harm from this. Moreover, it is possible that the baby, sitting on a comfortable pot, at the same time will do his "business", but you should not see this as his own wish. By the age of one year, most children, if they do not walk confidently, are already ready to experiment with walking, but they cannot yet control their needs, so at the initial stage they will have to get used to the puddles, because even diapers rarely provide one hundred percent effect.

The middle age, when a child begins not only to satisfy needs as they arise, but to endure until a certain moment, experts believe one and half year. For some, this period comes even a little earlier, the parents of others will have to be patient. In any case, the pot can be bought in advance, just do not be angry with the girl if at an earlier stage she does not want to demonstrate the expected result.


Before deciding on a specific model, it is worth taking a closer look at the existing assortment. Today, there are quite a few varieties of such children's accessories, and each of them may have its own advantages.

  • Classic pots are usually round, they are distinguished by minimalism in the amount of detail and shape. Most often, girls, at least as the first copy, are recommended to buy just such a product.

  • Anatomical The pots are equipped with a backrest in the back and a ledge in front, they monitor not only the convenience of coping with needs, but also the correct posture in the process. They often have a ledge in front, thanks to which children sit on it with their legs apart - this moment often scares off the parents of girls, but is appreciated as a plus by the parents of boys.
  • Models with a "skirt" suggest the presence of a flat footboard around the pot, on which the baby stands instead of the floor. Such a wide base of the structure does not allow the child to overturn the product, which will once again contribute to order in the apartment.

  • Potty chair it's not called that in vain - it really looks like an ordinary piece of children's furniture with legs and a back, but only in the seat it has a hole, under which there is a removable intake. Thus, the girl will learn to sit on the potty and on the chair.
  • The pot can also perform cleanly entertainment function - if it is made in the form of an animal or a car (however, this is closer for boys). The main thing when using such a model is to explain to the child in time that the pot is only his personal version of the product.

  • Musical models demonstrate the possibilities of using modern technologies as a training mechanism using schemes similar to those that are relevant in the process of training animals. For the correct action, the child needs praise, but with such a know-how, a person does not have to be present next to it - the pot itself turns on music that is pleasant for the child when he correctly understands its purpose.

Of course, such a product is much more expensive, and is often criticized by experts - they say, not all children then want to abandon such an accessory in favor of an ordinary toilet bowl, which does not want to give solemnity to everyday needs.

  • All of the above models are purely home solutions, however. in recent decades, with the increase in the number of private cars, the variety of camp pots. The principles of such a design can be completely different, but it almost always differs either by improved tightness, or by significantly reduced dimensions and light weight.

  • In the category of pots, special ones are often recorded. baby toilet seat covers, which allow a child with its small dimensions to use a wide adult cover. However, such a model will definitely not work as the first pot, and, in general, such a solution is not so often in demand.

Selection logic

Obviously, among two pots, even those chosen from the same category, one is likely to be significantly more convenient than the other. Experts' reviews indicate that in some cases, the reason for the delay in conscious urination is not age, but an unsuccessful plumbing product, therefore parents should take a responsible approach to its choice. To do this, you should pay attention to popular tips that help you quickly achieve the desired result.

  • Many parents, deceived by thoughtful marketing, are willing to pay large sums to buy the best model for their child, which is often a musical pot or a toy pot. On the one hand, such a product will really attract the girl's attention and make her study, on the other hand, in general, it is not a fact that the baby will correctly understand its purpose. The abundance of available functions makes the main one unobvious, and the child may never find the necessary association, and in the future, as already mentioned, will not appreciate the more "boring" type of plumbing.

In addition, a child is inclined to spend quite a lot of time on an overly interesting pot, but he should not sit for a long time - this is harmful to the muscles of the pelvis and perineum.

  • Often for parents, the decisive moment is the lid on the pot, however, in most cases its presence is not so important. A small child is far from always able to open it, and for him such a challenge will become an additional reason not to use the product. If parents also regularly wash the pot, cleaning it after each use, then the presence of a lid is not at all justified.
  • When choosing children's plumbing, you should look at it at least from the point of view of whether it is convenient to sit on it at all. The hole should be medium in size - the girl shouldn't fall through it, but she shouldn't aim too much. As practice shows, too small an "entrance" usually provokes the fact that the sides dig into the baby's body and cause him pain.
  • One of the fundamental tasks of any baby pot is to help maintain hygiene throughout the apartment, therefore it is extremely important to choose a sustainable model. Such plumbing is usually made as light as possible, and a child, albeit not on purpose, can easily overturn the product, and then the benefit from it will be only relative - the puddles have not gone anywhere. In this sense, models with a "skirt" are very popular, because the wide base simply will not allow the structure to roll over.

  • Another pretty good solution is the rubber bottom of the model - it does not prevent overturning, but at least does not slip on the floor, reducing the likelihood of splashing.
  • Previously, the pots were exclusively enameled (if you do not go into history, when they were made mainly of ceramics), however, today they are worthy of competition from plastic products. As is often the case, the variety of options is due to the fact that none of them is ideal, with its own advantages and disadvantages. The enamelled product, of course, is much stronger - its metal base will not allow it to be deformed or punctured by weak children's hands, but only such a structure weighs quite a lot, and its surface always remains cold, which is why it is simply unpleasant to sit on such a pot.

Children in this context are much more fond of plastic pots that can keep warm, and even mothers such lightweight models are much easier to endure; however, most plastic models can be broken with one strong blow.

  • If the choice fell on a model made of plastic, the material is subject to more careful study. Not all types of plastics are completely safe, and although, at first glance, it is difficult to distinguish between dangerous and non-hazardous, smell can help with this - a really good material simply does not have it, since it does not emit any fumes at all. It is also necessary to evaluate plastic in terms of strength, because in general, this material can be used in very serious industries, or it can crack from strong pressure.

Finally, you need to study the quality of the product itself, because the surface of the plastic is not always smooth, and any cracks or burrs pose a risk of injury to the child.

  • The pot has a handle almost always, but it is quite important that it is comfortable. This is practical not only for the mother, but also for the child himself, at least if this is not his first product and it is already quite large. The fact is that many children are ready to pour the contents of the tank into the toilet on their own, but at this moment it is important to ensure reliable control of the position of the product so that it does not splash its insides onto the baby.
  • A good pot can easily become a potential breeding ground for germs, so it is important to choose a model that has no hard-to-clean areas. This requirement is especially true in the case of collapsible models, in which the gaps between the parts that are in contact often require a certain skill for cleaning.

If you ignore this moment, you should not be surprised that the pot does not lose an unpleasant smell even after cleaning, and the child has contracted some kind of incomprehensible disease.

  • Reviews from some parents also point to the color of the potentially better pot - it is desirable that it is not too light. This does not apply to most materials, but nevertheless, stubborn stains may remain on a light surface, which are practically impossible to remove. As for some specific colors, everything here is very, very subjective - for example, contrary to popular belief, the baby will not necessarily choose the pink version among other colors.

Another common mistake is the opinion that one pot is enough for a child for his entire childhood. Of course, in some cases it works, but you should always remember that in the first years of life the child grows, and very quickly, which means that what was convenient and comfortable for him yesterday may already be inappropriate today.

We'll have to wait a few years for the girl to start using the "adult" toilet, and until that moment her personal plumbing should always be convenient, otherwise embarrassment cannot be avoided.

Since pots should never be bought "for growth", the first pot is chosen with an eye strictly to the current parameters of the child - then it will be cheaper and it will not be so sorry to replace it. In the future, be prepared to buy at least one more pot.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you how to choose a pot for a child in the next video.

Watch the video: Connective Tissue Disorders and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (July 2024).