
Children's camps by the sea

All kids count the days until the onset of summer, because it is during this period that such long-awaited school holidays begin. You can spend your summer days with benefit and have a good rest in different children's camps. They have excellent leisure activities for kids to have a great free time.

How to choose?

Choosing a summer camp for a child often gives parents a lot of trouble. Among the summer recreation centers for children in Russia, there are many excellent options. To find out more specific information about a particular children's center, fathers and mothers should refer to the official website of the institution.

Back in Soviet times, there was a fairly extensive network of pioneer camps. There, children could not only have fun, but also improve their health before school. Until now, people who grew up in those days and attended pioneer camps celebrate how great they spent their summer holidays. Various sports and cultural events were organized for the children. The whole day for the Soviet child was scheduled literally by the hour. The kids had no time to get bored.

Today, kids have a wider choice of where to relax. There are over a hundred different children's centers in Russia. Subject to the registration of travel documents, the kid can spend his holidays abroad. Many European countries offer excellent opportunities for recreation and treatment of a child. Of course, the further from the house the center is located, the higher the cost.

Before choosing a place to stay, pay attention to the following points:

  • Positive feedback about the childcare facility. Trust only verified reviews of visitors to the center. If your acquaintances or friends recommend a specific camp where their children rested, heed their advice.
  • Study of the official information about the center. All the necessary information should be located on the official resource. You can specify at what age children are admitted to the camp, in what conditions they live.
  • Cost. Determined based on your capabilities. Try to choose a place for your child's rest with good price-quality indicators. Please note: if the center is modern or has recently undergone a quality renovation, the cost per day will be higher.
  • Nutrition. For babies, this is one of the most important points in the choice. If the baby does not like how he will be fed in the camp, all positive impressions can be erased. If your child has chronic stomach or intestinal ailments, try to choose child care centers that have treatment tables for feeding these babies. Pay attention to the fact that in the daily diet there are second breakfast, afternoon tea and always a second dinner for toddlers.

Benefits for teens

Holidays for teenagers in specialized summer camps will also be an excellent option for work and additional income. There are many teenage summer centers in Russia where teenagers help with landscaping the streets or cleaning up the garbage in parks and squares. They get little money for it.

Parents can safely let their child go to such working summer camps from the age of 15. Teenagers there can not only earn little money, but also have a great free time. Competitions, sports competitions and even entertainment events are organized for them.

Teenagers really enjoy holding discos and dancing events throughout the rest.

An excellent option for a teenager's summer vacation would be a trip to the sea. Children enjoy spending their free time in the centers located on the seashore.

Children from all over the world usually come to such centers. There you can not only have a fun and active summer vacation, but also make new good friends.

If your child is fond of learning foreign languages, there is a financial opportunity, then it is better to organize a vacation for a child in another country. Today, language programs in England are very popular.

On average, the duration of a voucher for a language program to another country is 10-14 days. During this time, the teenager will be able to significantly improve his knowledge of the English language.

During his stay, he will constantly communicate in a foreign language. Since children from different cities and countries come to such linguistic centers, teenagers can easily find new friends.

Travel Preparation: Tips for Parents

Before sending a child to a child care center, parents should carefully study all the conditions of the baby's stay in a particular place. Pay attention to the age at which the camp accepts children.

Younger babies often require adult support. In such cases, parents or grandparents can be accompanying persons.

Be sure to pay attention to what documents are required to place a child in a children's camp.

Usually, all children's centers ask not only for vouchers, but also special medical certificates, in which it is stated that the child has no contraindications for staying in the children's center. In this case, before entering the children's camp, it will be necessary to pass an analysis of feces for the presence of worms, go through a dermatologist and pediatrician in order to exclude all possible infectious diseases.

Some centers also ask for photocopies of the baby's birth documents and parents' passports. If the children's camp also offers a complex of medical procedures, it may be required a special health resort card. It is filled out by a pediatrician. Sometimes it is enough just an extract from the child's outpatient card (indicating all chronic diseases).

Of course, it is better for parents to clarify in advance what documents are needed to register a child in a camp. You can bring your documents with you and hand them over before placing your child at the center. You can also send some documents in advance (by email).


You can choose a children's camp for recreation based on what your child loves to do more. If he attends a dance club, then he will certainly really like to relax in children's centers, where various entertaining themed dance evenings and competitions are held.

For children and adolescents who attend sports dances professionally, there are also specialized children's dance centers. They often organize tournaments for young dancers.

If the parents are religious, they can send the child to Orthodox children's centers. Leisure activities in them are organized taking into account all Orthodox canons. These are excellent centers for children from Orthodox families.

Foreign centers offer a fairly large number of language programs. In almost every country there are children's centers for learning the languages ​​and characteristics of the host country.

A child, spending his rest in such centers, not only gets to know a foreign language, studies it, but also has an excellent opportunity to learn the traditions and customs of another country.

For children who like to actively spend their free time or visit sports sections, an excellent option would be to rest in sports camps for children. Sports grounds and tennis courts are located on the territory of such centers.

Professional instructors and trainers work with children. Hiking and interesting excursions are organized for young vacationers.

For kids with various diseases, it is better to choose children's centers that are located in ecologically friendly places. Children's centers in the Krasnodar Territory or Crimea are an excellent choice.

Most of the southern children's centers are located on the seashore, surrounded by green forests. In such centers, even the climate provides a healing effect for the child's body.

Popular centers for children

Among the rating of the best children's centers located on the Black Sea coast, there are many well-known institutions. Hundreds of thousands of children and adolescents spend their holidays in the Krasnodar Territory every year.

The Black Sea is a well-known health resort for children's health, as well as a wonderful place to relax.

Among the children's centers, there are several places with good quality of the services offered.

"Pearl of the Sea"

An excellent sanatorium for children, which is located in the village of Kabardinka. On the territory of the health center there are several residential buildings that are quite comfortable for living. The center has its own shingle beach line.

Meals in the center are three times a day, it is possible to expand the table taking into account the existing chronic diseases. The doctors of the center treat chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels, respiratory organs, and the digestive system.


The undisputed leader among institutions organizing recreation and treatment for children from different parts of our country. It should also be noted that every year children come to "Artek" not only from Russia, but from various other countries.

This camp has a long history of organizing children's summer activities.

In the camp, kids have a unique opportunity to even meet famous film and TV stars. Every year popular and creative people, actors and presenters come to Artek and hold various events.

As part of their stay in "Artek" for children, film festivals, various thematic competitions and creative evenings are held.


Leisure activities for children are well organized in this camp. Kids who love team games will be able to have a great time on numerous sports grounds.

Children who like to spend time calmly and quietly will not get bored either. The children's center has a fairly good library and reading room. Interesting contests and entertainment are organized for kids.


The children's center is in a great location, surrounded by mountains and green forests.

Favorable climatic factors have a positive effect on the child's body. The little ones not only have a great time, but they also strengthen their immunity for the next school year.

To register a child in a health center, special medical certificates will be required stating that the baby does not have infectious diseases. For babies with chronic diseases, a certificate of the established form is needed (indicating a list of diseases that he suffers from).

All cities on the Black Sea are famous for the presence of children's camps or health centers. All kinds of interesting pastime are organized for children in Gelendzhik and Anapa. Children's centers located on the Black Sea coast will be an excellent choice for spending holidays or a place for improving the health of younger kids.

The Black Sea is not only famous for its excellent children's centers. There are also good health centers for children on the Sea of ​​Azov.

"Golden braid"

The children's camp opens its doors to kids from the age of seven. Children under the age of fourteen can also have a great time there. The center is located in the Rostov region, not far from Taganrog.

The center promises to provide excellent fun for children at a reasonable price.

Children will be accommodated in special houses and residential buildings. Organized five meals a day with a compulsory afternoon snack and a second dinner.

For children, fascinating excursions are organized to nearby attractions and protected areas. During such trips, children will be able to learn many interesting things about the history and geography of their own country.


The children's sanatorium is located in a very picturesque place - next to the gulf of the Azov Sea. Residential buildings are surrounded by massive green forests.

Vouchers to the center are provided through the OMS. The center accepts children from the age of seven. Usually thousands of people a year undergo treatment within the walls of this institution.

Babies are housed in one-story residential buildings (as a rule, from five to eight people in one room). Recently, a new residential building has been built on the territory of the sanatorium to accommodate children.

All hygienic amenities are located in each room. On the territory of the sanatorium there are sports grounds and places for active recreation of children.


The children's camp, located on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov, welcomes children from seven to eighteen years old. The camp is located near Taganrog. You can also get to the center from Rostov.

Residential buildings are located close enough to the sea line, no more than 100 meters. The water warms up perfectly in the summer. Toddlers love to splash in shallow water. The entrance to the water is quite smooth.

Near the shore, the water level is quite acceptable for small children.

On the territory of the camp you can relax throughout the year, not only in the summer. The stay is 21 days. Children, taking into account their age, are placed in different squads.

Children are supervised by teachers and counselors with pedagogical education. Active and interesting rest is organized for kids.


All family members can relax and improve their health in the center. The center is located in the Krasnodar Territory, on the very coast of the Azov Sea. There is a fine sand beach near the spa and wellness center. A fairly good location relative to the Kerch Strait provides excellent water temperatures.

The ecology of the wellness center is really excellent. Fresh sea air, filled with phytoncides of conifers, is good for the respiratory system and bronchi.

A huge amount of iodine in the inhaled air is an excellent prevention of various thyroid diseases for babies who live in large industrial and polluted cities.

You can have a great rest and improve your health not only in Russian children's camps, but also abroad. Great attention is paid to the organization of children's leisure and recreation abroad.

Children's health centers in Bulgaria, Ukraine, Cyprus, Greece hospitably open their doors every year to kids from all over the world. In "Chernomorets" you can have a great summer vacation and bring only positive emotions with you after your vacation.

Tour prices

The cost of staying in wellness centers for children varies considerably. In many ways, the following factors affect the price per night:

  • Location. The closer the center is to the sea coast, the higher the price tag will be for one day of stay in it. If the institution for children has its own beach by the sea or an indoor pool, this also increases the price. All children's camps in Europe or America will be much more expensive than similar institutions in Russia.
  • Season... In the summer season, given the increasing workload, camp vouchers cost much more than in autumn or winter. If the camp is aimed at schoolchildren, then the highest prices will be during the summer and winter holidays.
  • Organization of treatment and rehabilitation for babies. If the children's center not only organizes summer vacations for kids, but also has a wide range of diagnostic and medical procedures, this significantly increases the cost of the trip. In this case, the price for stay is the sum of the cost of food, stay and treatment.

On average, a child's stay in the simplest camp will cost parents about 25,000 rubles for three weeks of living. The conditions will be the simplest, without treatment. As a rule, meals in such centers will be three or four times a day.

In children's camps on the Black and Azov Seas, the cost is already significantly increasing. If the boarding house or sanatorium is privately owned and not owned by the state, then the price may be even higher.

Currently, many children's camps and centers offer to buy vouchers in installments. Loans are offered and issued for many tourist programs. In order for the child to spend every summer in the same childcare center for recreation, the centers are considering a discount program or a system of promotions and discounts.

Tips for choosing

When planning to choose a children's camp, carefully weigh the pros and cons of the different options. When planning to buy a travel package, here are some useful tips:

  • Decide on the location of the children's camp. If you are planning a child's vacation at sea, you should look at several different wellness centers that offer their services. Choose a camp that is located away from noisy roads and highways. It is better that there are many green trees and pine trees near the children's institution. Such a climate will have a beneficial effect on the child's body.
  • Specify from what age the sanatoriums accept children... Most of the children's camps accept children from seven to fourteen years old. However, there are centers for younger children. Both parents and child can relax in them. There are also specialized summer camps for teenagers over the age of fourteen.
  • Read reliable reviews of holidaymakers about the children's sanatorium. Choose institutions that have a positive track record. Pay attention to how food is organized, what is the material and technical base. Very often, children say that they do not like living conditions, that they are poorly fed. Many of these remarks can be found in advance, before purchasing a voucher.
  • For babies with chronic diseases, health centers and sanatoriums should be chosen. In them, highly qualified specialists will provide the entire necessary range of various medical services. Choose sanatoriums and boarding houses, taking into account the profile of the disease. For babies with diseases of the ENT organs, bronchopulmonary sanatoriums are perfect, and for babies with arrhythmia or impaired heart function - cardiovascular ones.
  • For kids who like to spend their free time actively, give preference to sports children's camps. Currently, there are many institutions for children's recreation based on football or basketball schools. On the territory of the centers there are large sports grounds for team games. The kid will be very fun and interesting there!


Very often, reviews about children's camps vary greatly. Many kids may like to rest in a particular center, another will categorically refuse to come to the camp next year. Food and living conditions often play a leading role in shaping the opinion of the center.

Before choosing a place for a child's summer vacation, talk to your acquaintances, relatives or friends. They can also advise you on a good place to rest your little one. If your child is about the same age and has similar habits, he should like the recommended camp.

Almost every child dreams of spending a vacation in an excellent camp. After resting in such specialized children's centers, kids will have fond memories for the whole year.

Watch the video: To the Sea (July 2024).