
Fetal development at 15 weeks gestation

Each new day of the baby's life in the mother's tummy is accompanied by numerous changes that affect not only the baby's appearance, but also his internal organs.

How does the fetus change?

The 15th week of pregnancy refers to the second trimester - this is the time when numerous metamorphoses have already occurred with the baby: the structure of his body has changed, the internal organs have activated their work.

Skin covering

The baby's skin is still very thin, blood vessels are well visible through it. Gradually, the structure of the skin layers changes. The active work of the child's heart contributes to the fact that his skin becomes bright pink. After a while, they will be denser and acquire a physiological color.

Heart and blood vessels

The baby's cardiovascular system by the 14-15th obstetric week of pregnancy is already quite well formed. For example, a child's heart is already beating, it, like adults, already has four chambers. The baby's heart beats quite actively: the organ pumps about 25-28 liters of blood per day.

To assess the performance of the baby's cardiovascular system, doctors use a special clinical criterion - the heart rate (HR). It is measured, as a rule, during the ultrasound examination. The rate of this important indicator is presented in the table.

Nervous system

The nervous system is actively developing in the baby's body. Very important changes are taking place in the brain. The child's cortex is actively developing - it is she who determines the ability to speak, think, perform any actions. The number of interneuronal connections between neurons (brain cells) is growing every day. Grooves and convolutions appear in the cerebral cortex.

The active development of nerve analyzers leads to the fact that the baby has the first taste sensations. Experts note that babies at this time of their intrauterine life are able to taste the amniotic fluid. It largely depends on the food that the expectant mother eats. The amniotic fluid can be salty, bitter, or even sweet. The child's tongue already has taste buds, which are necessary to recognize different flavors.

The baby begins to distinguish voices at 15 weeks of intrauterine life. At this time, doctors recommend that future parents start talking with their child, as this helps to create a good psycho-emotional connection between them. During this period, a pregnant woman usually begins to experience the first specific sensations in the body.

The child already has specific hormones in his blood. For example, boys even develop testosterone, the main male sex hormone.

Secretory organs

At the 14-15th obstetric week, the baby's sweat and sebaceous glands begin to function, their ducts are in the skin. Some endocrine glands also work. For example, the thyroid gland begins to produce the first hormones. The work of the pituitary gland is also activated.

Organs of the gastrointestinal tract

The baby has already formed the liver and gallbladder. Bile is also formed, which is the most important substance for digestion. It enters the baby's intestines, participating in the formation of the original feces - meconium. Full digestion will appear in a child only after his birth and after drinking the first portion of breast milk.

At this time of intrauterine life, the baby's intestines have already formed. Its walls are even capable of contractions, which experts call peristalsis. Peristaltic bowel movements are enhanced when bile enters it. The walls of the intestine have already formed villi, which are necessary for the absorption of nutrients.

Excretory system

By this time of intrauterine life, the child has already formed the kidneys and elements of the urinary tract. The baby can independently swallow amniotic fluid. This fluid eventually enters the kidneys and is excreted. This process is very important, as it is necessary for the full development of the urinary system. The baby is already able to urinate at this stage of pregnancy.

Many expectant mothers are worried that the baby may drown if the amniotic fluid is swallowed. You should not panic about this, since the ingestion of amniotic fluid is a completely physiological reaction necessary for the full development of the baby.

Active swallowing of amniotic fluid also contributes to the improvement of the respiratory muscles of the fetus. In this process, the intercostal muscles are auxiliary. This process is also necessary for the improvement and further development of the respiratory system.


The baby continues to develop lung tissue. By the time of birth, the lungs should already be well formed. This is necessary so that the baby can take his first breath on his own. At this time, the child's bronchial trunk continues to form.

The larynx and glottis are already formed. During intrauterine development, these voice-forming organs are inactive. For the first time they will work at the moment the baby is born.

Locomotor apparatus

The baby's bones become denser. The bone structure changes every day. Numerous joints are already quite mobile. The kid begins to actively "study" his body - he bends and unbends arms and legs, can roll over, open and close his mouth. Some babies begin to touch their faces with their fingers.

The active development of the nervous system and facial muscles contributes to the fact that the child has the first manifestations of emotions: the child can smile, grimace and even yawn.

Body parameters

The active development of the child contributes to the fact that the proportions of his body also change: the baby's legs become longer than the arms, and the child's body is stretched in length.

The active growth of the baby contributes to an increase in body size. To assess the intensity of intrauterine development, doctors use several basic clinical criteria. One of them is the baby's weight and height. Normal values ​​of these clinical parameters are presented in the table.


During pregnancy, it is imperative to evaluate how the fetus is in the mother's womb. It is important to note that the position of the baby at this time may not be entirely final - very active babies can turn over several times and change their original location for childbirth.

To assess how the fetus is located in the mother's womb, you can use ultrasound. The examiner can accurately determine the position of the fetus in the uterus. The transverse and oblique position of the child is considered incorrect.

Child's appearance

At this stage of pregnancy, the baby looks quite "humanly": his face is already formed, you can distinguish between the forehead, nose and cheeks. The jawline is quite distinct. It is important to note that the final shaping of the facial contours will take place a little later.

Some babies at this stage of intrauterine development have eyebrows and cilia - they are very small and barely distinguishable. They appear in places where vellus hairs grew before. Some experts believe that even by the color of the cilia and eyebrows, one can estimate how the child will be: dark or blonde.

The baby has already formed auricles, which are still quite soft in density.

Is it possible to determine the gender?

At this stage of pregnancy, future parents can already find out if they are expecting a boy or a girl. In children, by the 15th week of their intrauterine life, as a rule, gender characteristics are already formed.

Based on external sex characteristics, an ultrasound specialist can also voice the sex of the child.

It is important to remember that sex determination at the 15th week of pregnancy is not yet absolutely accurate, since the probability of errors in its determination and the notorious "human" factor in this case is quite high.

About what happens to the baby and mother at the 15th week of pregnancy, see the next video.

Watch the video: Scan of the Week: 15 Weeks Pregnant The Advanced Early Ultrasound (July 2024).