
What to do if ESR is increased during pregnancy?

The resulting changes in blood tests in pregnant women are extremely important. You cannot ignore them. A condition in which ESR rises during pregnancy can be extremely dangerous.

About the indicator

During the gestation period, the expectant mother takes quite a few different blood tests. One of the indicators that these laboratory tests include is erythrocyte sedimentation rate or ESR. Many mothers are interested in what this laboratory criterion means.

For the first time, scientists started talking about the importance of studying this indicator at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1926, the first method appeared to determine the rate of sedimentation of red blood cells. The scientists decided to leave its name together with the name of the researcher who proposed this technique. Since then and to the present, this clinical criterion is determined by Westergren.

Red blood cells in the body are very important. With their help, all organic matter and oxygen are carried through the body. They are extremely important for the life and development of the body.

During the carrying of a child, the need for them increases many times. The older the baby becomes, the more he needs nutrients and oxygen for his growth and full intrauterine development.

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is a laboratory criterion. Blood is used to determine it. For a certain time, laboratory assistants evaluate this indicator. The results obtained are measured in mm / hour... This is accepted by international medical regulations and is defined in almost all countries.

Reasons for the increase

Doctors identify quite a few causal factors leading to high ESR. Quite often, various viral and bacterial infections lead to a situation where ESR is increased. Even a common cold can cause an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

With any infection in the blood, the number of leukocytes increases, while the indicators in the leukocyte formula shift. Such a comprehensive assessment of the violations that have occurred allows doctors to establish the severity of the violations that have arisen.

Interesting, but also after recovery, ESR indicators may remain slightly elevated. It may take several weeks for this indicator to normalize. During this time, the work of erythrocytes is restored, blood clotting improves.

Many anemic conditions are accompanied by an increase in ESR. The most common anemia in pregnant women is iron deficiency. The more pronounced the violations and the reduced hemoglobin, the higher the level of ESR in the blood. To normalize these indicators, the appointment of iron-containing drugs is required. In order for ESR to return to normal, it is necessary to use them for a fairly long period of time.

Chronic diseases of the ENT organs, according to statistics, are also a fairly common cause leading to an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Otitis media, sinusitis, or inflammation in the paranasal sinuses can cause ESR to remain elevated for quite some time. In this case, it is required mandatory consultation with an otolaryngologist and selection of the necessary treatment tactics.

Doctors note that even ordinary caries can lead to an increase in ESR. Untreated teeth become a source of various infections. Quite often it happens that caries in pregnant women begins to progress. This is largely due to the emerging imbalance in calcium balance during pregnancy. In order to reduce the likelihood of developing caries, the expectant mother should eat a sufficient amount of food, which contain calcium.

Pathologies of hemostasis, accompanied by blood clotting disorders, are also the cause leading to an increase in ESR in the blood. These diseases include various types of thrombophlebitis, varicose veins of the lower extremities, and lymph disease. In this case, the increase in ESR becomes persistent and significant.

To normalize the violations that have arisen, compulsory drug correction and treatment of the underlying disease is required.


During pregnancy, the values ​​of this indicator gradually increase. This is largely due to the changing indicators of hemostasis. By the second trimester of pregnancy, the blood of the expectant mother becomes thicker. An increase in the concentration of fibrinogen in the blood leads to this. By the third trimester, the concentration of this substance in the blood is maximum. It was at this time that ESR indicators were the highest.

In each period of bearing a baby, the norms of this indicator differ. Doctors use a special table. It contains all the normal values ​​of this indicator for different periods of pregnancy. Such a table is shown below:

When using this table, it is very important to remember the gestation period. So, an increase in ESR up to 40-45 mm / hour is an extremely unfavorable sign in the first weeks of bearing a baby. In the third trimester, this situation is an absolute norm.

An increase in the concentration of fibrinogen in the blood contributes to the fact that the level of ESR rises to 23-33 mm / h. In this case, no medical correction is required. If, in the second trimester of pregnancy, the ESR is 42 mm / hour or more, then this requires a mandatory visit to a therapist.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is currently determined during a general blood test. It is very convenient. The expectant mother does not need to repeatedly prick her finger or take venous blood.

Doctors recommend determining this indicator at least three times for the entire period of bearing a baby. These tests are usually prescribed at 12, 21 and 30 weeks of pregnancy.

You can take this laboratory test both in a regular clinic and in a private medical laboratory. You must come to the study on an empty stomach. Before taking the test, you can drink a little water if you are thirsty. No special training required.

The technique involves taking blood in several ways. For quite a long time, this analysis was carried out only by the capillary method. For this, a finger is pierced using a special medical instrument. It should be noted that, according to statistics, this method is worse tolerated, as it is more painful and traumatic.

Currently, in almost any medical institution, blood sampling is carried out by venous access. For this, as a rule, special vacuum tubes are used. Through their application, the method has become very common. It is easier to carry and causes much less discomfort.

After taking blood, it is placed in a special test tube. In order for the process of sedimentation of red blood cells to begin, a special chemical is added to it - anticoagulant. It is with its help that erythrocytes do not stick together, but begin to settle.

The research is carried out within an hour. During this time, the blood stratifies into two fractions of different density - plasma and formed elements. After the allotted time for research, the laboratory assistant measures the thickness of each layer. He also records the result of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. This indicator is measured in special units of measurement - mm / hour.

Therapeutic tactics

Any deviations from normal ESR values ​​while carrying a baby should be a significant reason to see a doctor. A future mother who has such disorders should contact a therapist without delay. This specialist will conduct a clinical examination and recommend that she undergo additional diagnostics necessary to establish the cause of such changes.

Women whose doctors have identified changes in ESR, be sure to recommend carefully monitoring the daily routine. A pregnant woman should not be worried and nervous. Stress leads to changes in the body's functioning and exacerbation of many chronic diseases. Any psycho-emotional impact should be excluded or simply not responded to.

A good sleep will help improve your well-being. The expectant mother should sleep at least eight hours a day. If she is very tired during the day and feels the need to sleep, then she should definitely rest. Mothers carrying twins or triplets should especially carefully monitor their daily routine.

A good diet with the obligatory consumption of a sufficient amount of protein is an integral part of any medical recommendation. In order for the female body to get all the necessary amino acids, the expectant mother should eat different sources of protein. Too fatty foods should still be excluded.

The drinking regimen plays an important role in the normalization of various blood parameters. The most optimal drink that should be consumed in sufficient quantity is plain water.

You cannot drink less than one and a half liters per day. The exception is women suffering from various pathologies of the kidneys and urinary tract, as well as having heart failure. In this case, the drinking regimen must be discussed with the attending physician.

If the cause of the increase in ESR is various infections, then herbal teas and infusions are suitable as healthy drinks. You can make them from chamomile, lingonberry leaves, lime blossom and other medicinal plants. It is important to remember that these herbs can cause an allergic reaction. Before using them, the expectant mother should definitely consult with her doctor.

If the cause of the increased ESR is the teeth affected by caries, you should immediately contact your dentist. You should not be afraid of visiting a doctor. Currently, doctors in their work with pregnant women use special methods of dental treatment, which are both painless and do not harm the baby.

Choose a doctor with sufficient clinical experience in working with expectant mothers. Before choosing a doctor, be sure to study the real reviews of women who have already undergone such treatment.

Often the reason for the increase in ESR is the exacerbation of various chronic diseases of internal organs. To correct violations in this case, compulsory therapy of these pathologies is required.

For this purpose, the doctor will recommend to the expectant mother a whole range of therapy, which includes the use of various groups of drugs. As soon as the exacerbation of the disease is "removed", the ESR will gradually normalize.

It is important for expectant mothers to remember that it is very important to donate blood to determine this indicator. With the help of such a simple and routine method, you can determine the presence of any pathology in the female body.

Timely intervention of specialists will help to cope with the disease that has arisen and will significantly improve the well-being of the expectant mother. Normal ESR values ​​are necessary for the full growth and development of the baby.

Next, we recommend watching an introductory video in which Elena Malysheva talks about an increased ESR rate in the blood during pregnancy.

Watch the video: ESR test in Hindi erythrocyte sedimentation rate test (July 2024).