
Eviplan ovulation test: instructions for use

For a faster onset of the desired pregnancy, you can determine the most suitable days for fertilization when the egg leaves the ovary. This period is called ovulation. To identify it at home, special tests are used that respond to changes in a woman's hormonal background. One of them is Eviplan.


Eviplan tests are produced by Helm Medical from Germany. One box contains 5 ovulation tests packed individually in individual bags. The test itself is a disposable strip on which a special reagent is applied.

Among the main advantages of Eviplan are the following:

  • the strips are convenient to use at home; this does not require special devices or skills;
  • you can also take them with you to work or on a trip;
  • the presence of several tests in the box allows you to track the change in the woman's condition in dynamics;
  • the test is highly sensitive because it reacts to hormone levels in excess of 25 mIU per ml;
  • inside the package there is detailed information on the use of strips, which any woman can easily understand;
  • manufacturer Eviplan is known for the quality of its products;
  • the result is obtained very quickly - it can be checked in 5 minutes;
  • the pack additionally includes a test that shows early pregnancy.

How does it work?

The purpose of the Eviplan test strips is to assess the level of luteinizing hormone (its name for convenience is abbreviated to the letters LH). Such a substance is present in the body of all women and is excreted in some amount in the urine.

Its concentration increases sharply around the middle of the menstrual cycle - within 24-48 hours before ovulation, during which the egg is released from the ovary.

The reagent on the strips is sensitive to LH. When urine with high levels of this hormone enters Eviplan, a chemical reaction begins, resulting in two stripes on the white field. One of them (located closer to the green field) must necessarily appear and be quite pronounced - such a strip is called a control strip. Its absence indicates that the test is defective. The brightness of the second strip is directly related to the concentration of luteinizing hormone in the urine.

Instructions for use

For testing to be accurate, you first need to calculate the average length of your menstrual cycle. If he is regular, the woman simply counts the total of his days. If the duration changes from month to month, then they usually take data for the last 3 months and focus on the smallest result (for example, with a cycle of 25, 26 and 30 days, you need to take into account the 25-day cycle).

The check is performed from the day that will approximately precede ovulation. In the Eviplan packaging there is a carton with a hint, which indicates the duration of the cycle and opposite to it the day from which the tests should be done. Testing is carried out daily, once a day or, for greater accuracy, twice a day.

Having prepared the urine (collecting it in a clean glass in a volume of about 50 ml), then perform the following actions:

  • tearing off the edge of the package, the strip is carefully removed and, holding the edge painted in green, is lowered into a container with biological fluid to the level marked with arrows;
  • after waiting 5 seconds, remove the test strip and leave for 5 minutes on a flat, dry surface;
  • Having considered the changes that appeared on the test, evaluate the results.

By signing the strip (the day of the cycle is marked on it), they collect data for several days and assess the rise in the hormone level over time.

How to decode the result?

To determine ovulation, you need to compare the two strips that appear on Eviplan. A positive result is considered a situation when their brightness is the same or the test strip is more pronounced than the control one. This indicates that ovulation will occur soon. To successfully conceive a baby, sexual intercourse is recommended within 24-48 hours after a positive test.

A negative result is considered a paler strip when compared with the control, or the presence of only one strip (control). This pattern indicates low LH levels. It is likely too early for ovulation and testing should continue. Besides, a negative test may indicate that ovulation has already occurred or the cycle was anovulatory (such menstrual cycles are normally possible 1-2 times a year).

Possible mistakes

Eviplan may show incorrect results if:

  • the wrong day of the cycle was selected;
  • testing was carried out in violation of instructions;
  • a woman has a hormonal imbalance;
  • the first morning urine was used;
  • the woman drank a lot of liquid;
  • the strip has deteriorated;
  • there was stimulation with hormonal drugs;
  • the woman is sick or exposed to stress factors.


  • Studies have determined that the formation of LH occurs in the morning, and its concentration in urine increases from 10 am to 8 pm. It is this interval that is considered the most optimal for testing. At the same time, it is recommended to check it every day at the same time, then the results will be more reliable.
  • In order not to affect the level of the hormone in the urine, it is necessary to control the fluid intake before the test. The manufacturer advises against drinking a lot of water and other beverages between 1 and 4 hours prior to testing. In addition, 2-3 hours before the manipulation, you should refrain from going to the toilet.
  • Before checking, it is important to make sure that the dough packaging is intact and that the expiration date has not expired. Do not open the package in advance - the test should be extracted immediately before using it.


Most women speak positively about Eviplan strips. In about 70% of reviews, such tests are called convenient, informative and sensitive, and the presence of a test for early pregnancy detection in the package is considered an additional pleasant bonus. Among the disadvantages of Eviplan are usually indicated a high price (about 500 rubles per pack), a small number of strips in a pack, and the absence of a container for urine. There are also complaints about incorrect results.

Inkjet test

Helm Medical's assortment includes not only strips, but also an ovulation jet test called Eviplan Comfort.

It is considered convenient and hygienic because it does not require urine collection and is easier to use than test strips. It is represented by oblong cassettes with a comfortable handle and a test window in the middle.

Each cassette is placed in an individual package, and 5 cassettes plus a pregnancy test are sold in one pack. The average price of such a package is 1000-1100 rubles.

To check for ovulation with Eviplan Comfort, you need:

  • unpack the packaging and remove the test cassette;
  • removing the protective cap, substitute the desired end under the stream of urine (it is marked with an arrow);
  • After closing the cassette with a cap, wait 3-5 minutes, then evaluate the result.

As with conventional Eviplan tests, a LH surge prior to ovulation will result in a positive result and two colored bars will appear in the window. In this case, the test strip should be the same color or darker than the control. If it is lighter or there is only one strip, then the amount of the hormone in the urine is too low. If the window is empty (no stripes), this test is defective. In this situation, you need to repeat the check with a cassette from a new package.

Watch the video: Ovulation Tests. ARE YOU READING THEM RIGHT? (July 2024).