
Is re-infection possible after mild chickenpox at 6 months?

anonymously, about a girl, 1 year old

Hello! My daughter had chickenpox at the age of 6 months, everything went away in a mild form, the rash on the body did not even spread. In general, as prescribed by the pediatrician, they drank Fenistil, and in a couple of days everything went away. But I have a question, can she get sick with me a second time? Many doctors and mothers say that if she has been ill for up to a year and in a mild form, she will definitely pick it up a second time. Tell me is it true? My daughter more than once played with chickenpox children, and in the kindergarten she endured all the quarantines successfully. Thank you for attention!)

Hello! Chickenpox can be ill twice or even three times in a lifetime, regardless of the form in which the disease proceeded.

It all depends on the level of immunity - strengthen it, drink vitamins, lead an active and healthy lifestyle, and you will not be afraid of repeated chickenpox. There are also vaccinations against chickenpox, you can consult your local pediatrician for them.

Editorial comment

You can read more in another article.

The information is provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, see your doctor.

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