
Cancellation of Ursofalk and return of jaundice

anonymously, about a boy, 1 year old

Hello! My son is a month and a half. Recently, we were in hospital with the main diagnosis - prolonged conjugational jaundice. Bilirubin was 191, after 2 weeks at discharge it was 60. Treatment consisted mainly in my lactose-free diet and in the evenings - taking Ursofalk. Upon returning home, I followed the same strict diet without taking ursofalk. A week later, the yellowness reappeared on the face. Since yesterday, I switched it to a mixture of nutrilon, for 4 days, I think. I do not understand what is the reason for the return of the jaundice? I heard that modern babies often have an intolerance to breast milk or it is simply too heavy, and for this, mothers are prescribed certain pills, thanks to which breastfeeding can be continued. What tests need to be done to understand if there is a problem with my breastfeeding or not? Thank you in advance!

Hello! Re-emerging jaundice and breastfeeding may be associated. You may have stopped drinking Ursofalk early and need to drink it again.

If your baby had a breast milk intolerance, he would have frequent loose stools and skin rashes. You should contact your pediatrician and take a blood test for bilirubin (direct, indirect), alkaline phosphatase, ALT, AST.

The information is provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, see your doctor.

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