
How to write a letter to Santa Claus in Veliky Ustyug?

New Year's holidays smell like tangerines and a Christmas tree. Even adults, on the eve of the most magical holiday of the year, remember themselves as children. A person carries faith in the New Year's miracle throughout his life.

And it begins from childhood - with the belief that the winter wizard Santa Claus will come and bring the very desired gift, which he so dreams of. How you can create a winter fairy tale for a child, how to send a message to Grandfather Frost correctly and in a timely manner, we will tell in this material.

Where does the good wizard live?

The residences of the main fabulous winter donor are located in the Arkhangelsk region, in the Lapland reserve on the Kola Peninsula, in Murmansk, but the main one is the residence of Father Frost, located in the small town of Veliky Ustyug, which geographically belongs to the Vologda region. It was opened in 1999.

More than 40 thousand letters from children are received at the Veliky Ustyug residence every year.

It would be very difficult for Santa Claus to disassemble everything, but he has excellent assistants. On the territory of the residence there are the Snegurochka's tower, a trail of fairy tales with favorite children's fairy tale characters. Reindeer and the same famous troika of horses, on which Russian Santa Claus is often depicted on postcards, also live here.

It is here that the postal workers send children's messages with drawings and poems, with requests and reports of success, if there is no other information on the envelope, except for the inscription "Santa Claus". If on the envelope the city is indicated - Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, then the message, of course, will go there.

How to send a message?

By mail

To start writing letters to the bearded New Year's character, in principle, it is possible already from the end of autumn, "Santa Claus's Mail" is already opening at this time. The arts and thoughts that the child expresses by model or in a free form are folded into an envelope. The main thing is not to forget to buy a stamp at the rates of "Russian Post" (no more than 50 rubles) and indicate the correct address.

The children's letter will reach Veliky Ustyug in any case, even if the address is not indicated. Post workers "by default" send all "unidentified" messages from children to the residence in the Vologda region. Nevertheless, the letter will reach faster if you write the address and zip code.

Through the Internet

The official website of the Santa Claus Post is

On the site, not only children, but also adults write to the New Year's wizard. If you believe the statistics on the main page of the resource, Santa Claus has already received more than 3 million emails by the beginning of December 2017.

You can write a letter by clicking on the banner with the image of the wizard. Also on the left side of the main page, as well as at the very top of the page, there is an active link "Letter and a gift from Santa Claus."

Many sites on the eve of the new year 2018 have launched the "Write a letter to Santa Claus" campaign.

These fast ways to send an email are less romantic than postage, but more convenient for parents. Since the child who sent the letter on the site is sure that the secret of his message has been preserved, and parents can then go to the site and read the wishes of their child, after all, all emails are published after moderation.

How do I get an answer?

You can not just write a letter, but also make sure that the child receives a response from Santa Claus before the holiday in two ways.

1 way

The first option is a self-written answer, starting with a personal greeting (“Hello, dear Petya!”) And ending with detailed instructions for the coming year.

To make the answer more reliable, you should download one of the forms from the Internet, for example, this one.

Print it on quality paper with a color printer. Fill it in with nice handwriting. Be sure to pay attention to the fact that the form contains the signature and seal of the residence of Santa Claus.

Next, the finished message is put into an envelope and sent by the parents to their own address, or by registered mail, so that they can be handed it to the child personally.

2 way

The second method allows you to order not only an answer, but also a gift from the winter wizard. On the same official website of Father Frost from Veliky Ustyug, parents are online can choose the desired gift, postcard and write the text in a special window, which should be in the reply letter. This service is paid. The parents will have to pay both for the chosen gift and for its delivery, as well as for the letter, the cost of which in Russia is 100 rubles.

You should order a response and a gift well in advance, because the speed of the Russian mail has long been the subject of jokes, and delivery may be even more delayed on holidays.

It is reasonable to take care of placing an order in a month and a half. Don't forget to pay for it right away. According to the rules of the Santa Claus Post, unpaid applications are liquidated after 2 weeks.

Rules for writing a message

You should prepare for writing a letter in advance, discussing, as if in passing, with the child what he would like to ask the winter wizard as a gift. It is imperative to explain to the child that it is ugly and impolite to beg for expensive gifts. This will greatly facilitate the life of the parents themselves, who will then have to fulfill the child's New Year's wish.

  1. The message always begins with a polite greeting, congratulations on the upcoming holiday.
  2. Next, ask the child to tell a little about himself - where and with whom he lives, what he likes to do, what success he has achieved in the past year. It will be good if the kid learns to be grateful, and be sure to say "thank you" for last year's gifts.
  3. Only after that does the time come to start expressing your desires.
  4. At the end of the letter, the child politely says goodbye and signs.

You can, of course, buy ready-made forms for such children's messages or download a sample on the Internet, but it will be much better and more interesting if the child himself draws something on a piece of paper, draws up his message.

If the child is still small, older brothers or sisters can help him in writing, if there is only one child in the family, then one of the adults can be called for help - dad, mom, grandmother or grandfather.

Tips from experienced parents

The longer a child believes in a miracle, the more kind and harmonious he then grows into an adult. This has been proven by many generations. If a child loses faith in a fairy tale and magic early, then he too early encounters the real world, in which there is not always a place for kindness, love, and miracle.

In some parents, the child at the age of 7 confidently declares that Santa Claus does not exist, while in others, the child continues to write kind and touching messages to the winter wizard until adolescence. Everything is in the hands of the parents. You can maintain faith in a miracle by knowing little parenting "tricks" which will help the child keep the desire a secret, and the parents still learn about it and fulfill it on behalf of Santa Claus:

  1. Do not ask your child "head-on" what he will ask Santa Claus, find it out carefully, involve third parties in this (if your friend's child or another acquaintance, at your request, carefully asks what your offspring dreams of, the conspiracy will not be broken) ...
  2. Do not take the letter he wrote for Santa Claus from the child and do not demand to give it to you to read.
  3. Go to the post office together. Let the child do all the sending actions himself, but it is important not to put the message in the mailbox, but to send it exactly through the mail worker - the operator. When paying for the stamp, be sure to give the postal worker a note asking not to send the message, but to postpone it until evening. In the evening after work, you can go in and pick up the letter, read and start preparing a real New Year's miracle for your child.
  4. Don't pretend you know what the child was writing about.
  5. Remove all price tags from gifts, take out instructions, warranty coupons so that the child cannot find out in which store the gift was bought.
  6. When the child rushes under the Christmas tree to unpack the gift wrapping, pretend that you do not know what it is, take the most active part in unpacking, curiosity and admire the kindness and generosity of the winter wizard.

Psychologist's advice

The child does not just need a fairy tale. He needs it like air, food, water. Without a fairy tale, a personality cannot develop comprehensively, it is difficult for a child to develop imagination, fantasy, it is difficult to learn to exist in fictional circumstances.

Children under 7 are in the midst of a mythical phase of development. This is what psychologists call the thirst for fairy tales. A child who is deprived of the opportunity to believe in fairy tales and miracles grows up earlier, but grows up to be a less flexible and adaptive person.

Psychologists emphasize that the tradition of writing letters to Santa Claus is important not only for children themselves, but also for adults, because this process (in some cases, a whole spy special operation) unites all family members.

It is important to maintain and cultivate a child's faith in Santa Claus as long as possible, and writing letters should be made a family tradition, kind and touching, about which a grown child will remember all his life, and which he will definitely establish later for his own children.

And while he is still small, it will be pleasant for his parents to work a miracle. The opportunity to be in the role of a real magician at least once a year is a valuable experience for moms and dads.


About the "Mail of Santa Claus", to which applications for a response letter and a gift are sent, most of the reviews from parents are only positive. The cards come in bright and colorful, high quality, the design of the envelopes changes every year.

However, when ordering on the last New Year's days, you will have to wait a very long time. Some parents described situations when the answer comes only in the spring or early summer. However, such incidents do not happen often.

If everything is done on time, the child will receive a message from the real village of Santa Claus, signed by the New Year's wizard himself. And there will be no limit to his joy.

What do children and adults want?

According to the first letters that have already begun to arrive at Santa Claus, and which are published in the public domain, it follows that under the tree on New Year's Eve 2018, children want to find the following gifts (the rating was compiled by us on the basis of letters received before December 1, 2017):

  • cellular telephone;
  • skateboard and gyro scooter;
  • laptop;
  • robots;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • sweets;
  • cars, planes, tracks, ships;
  • water and laser pistols;
  • constructors;
  • an invitation to a TV show.

The desires of adults who also leave their letters in the public New Year's mail are almost the same, but more ambitious. Adults ask Santa Claus:

  • new car;
  • money for an apartment or for building a house;
  • child;
  • new job;
  • personal life devices;
  • the opportunity to shake hands with President Vladimir Putin, world renowned engineer and inventor Elon Musk, and the entire Russian ice hockey team.

Read about how you can write and arrange a letter for Santa Claus, and how to send a letter to Santa Claus in another article.

You can watch the house of Father Frost in Veliky Ustyug in the next video.

Watch the video: How To Write a Letter To Santa (July 2024).