
Graphic dictation "Fish"

Drawing by cells is very exciting for children. They are eagerly awaiting what will happen in the end. But this is not only entertaining, but also useful for their development.

The graphic dictation "Fish" can be used in the preparatory group of a kindergarten for lessons. Also, this dictation may well be conducted by parents at home. In the developmental manuals of Kholodova, you can find other options for graphic dictations.

The lesson should last no more than 25 minutes. Prepare a simple pencil, an eraser, a squared notebook sheet, a sample for completing the task and get started.

Starting point: 9 cells down and 2 cells to the right.

We start drawing: 1 cell to the right, 1 up, 1 cell to the right, 1 up, 1 cell to the right, 1 up, 2 to the right, 1 up, 2 to the right, 2 up, 9 to the right, 2 down, 2 to the right, 1 down, 2 to the right , 2 down, 2 right, 1 up, 2 right, 2 up, 2 right, 3 down, 1 left, 1 down, 1 left, 2 down, 1 right, 1 down, 1 right, 2 down, 2 left, 1 up, 1 left, 1 up, 1 left, 1 up, 2 left, 1 down, 1 left, 1 down, 2 left, 1 down, 2 left, 1 down, 8 left, 1 up, 2 left, 1 up, 2 left, 1 up, 2 left, 1 up, 1 left, 2 up.

9↓, 2→,

1→, 1↑,1→, 1↑,1→, 1↑,2→, 1↑,2→, 2↑,9→, 2↓, 2→, 1↓, 2→, 2 ↓, 2→, 1↑,2→,2↑, 2→, 3↓,1←, 1↓,1←, 2↓,1→, 1↓, 1→, 2 ↓, 2←, 1↑, 1←, 1↑,1←, 1↑, 2←, 1↓, 1←, 1↓,2←, 1↓, 2←, 1↓, 8←, 1↑, 2←, 1↑,2←, 1↑,1←, 2↑,

Ask your child to talk about what happened. Remember with him the tale of the Golden Fish. You can offer to shade or color the finished drawing.

For an example of how to conduct a lesson, see the following video.

Watch the video: Simon Byrne - Julia for Data Analysis features, interfaces and future directions (July 2024).