
What to give a girl for one year?

Yesterday your baby was so small and helpless, and now she is already 1 year old. The first birthday is important for family history. Therefore, preparation for the celebration usually begins in advance.

The main question that worries both guests and parents: what to give a little princess for the first anniversary? There are many options, and this only complicates the task. Everyone wants the gift to be useful, pleasant, and necessary. We will try to tell you how to combine all these concepts in one present in this article.

Age features

It is already noticeable to everyone around that a girl at 1 year old is a very independent person. If until one year old the difference in the development of children of different genders is not particularly visible, then after 12 months the girls begin to rapidly improve and every day please their parents with new skills and abilities.

At this age, little beauties learn to handle objects, they are looking for more and more new applications.

The girl is interested in everything - how, who, why, why. The child begins to imitate the behavior of adults, and now he is cooking dinner for a hare in a doll pot or pretending to be talking to a friend on the phone.

A gift to a one-year-old beauty should satisfy her need for learning new things, it should be interesting to play with it in a subject-and-tool plan, and it should also be suitable for a role-playing game (to a hospital, to a mother, to a kitchen). Children's stores, Internet portals are ready to offer a huge selection of sets, games and toys that will meet the stated goals.

Types of gifts


Any kits and games that teach the child new skills, allow the development of parts of the brain and related abilities: memory, attention, logic, spatial thinking can be considered as developing ones.

This category includes constructors. For a one-year-old girl, they should not be too "small" and frankly "boyish". The best option is a set of large multi-colored plastic blocks.

It is not difficult to choose cubes for a girl - there are a lot of economical options for bright colors and shades on sale. Cubes can be plastic, fabric, leather, rubberized. Sizes - from small to huge, from which you can build a real house for a little princess.

Sorter is a toy that teaches you to use objects for their intended purpose, it is a toy, for example, a boat, with curly grooves on the sides. The child's task is to pick up plastic figures in these grooves in size and color. In about the same way, you can play with in-ear sets, which are very popular today.

For creativity

This type of gift is for children who are interested in the creative process. In general, all girls are very fond of drawing, sculpting, collecting mosaics. This must be taken advantage of, since creative activities have a beneficial effect on the formation of the personality of the crumbs. It is too early to buy felt-tip pens and paints for drawing. But a one-year-old girl will be completely delighted if you invite her to paint with finger paints. They contain only food colorings, and therefore it is quite possible not only to draw, but also to taste them.

An easel works well for creating paintings with your fingers. Later, the child will be able to draw on it with real paints and a brush, especially since the easels can be adjusted in height. Modeling classes are useful for the development of fine motor skills, logic. Plasticine as a gift should be chosen carefully, it is best to give preference to expensive sets, the material in which does not stain hands, does not paint, does not leave greasy stains on clothes, and also does not have a strong chemical smell.

Recently, kinetic sand has been very popular among children and parents. It does not crumble, does not stick to your hands, you can create any sand sculpture from it, and then break and mold another.


The child needs not only learning and development, but entertainment. To ensure that the girl has them, you can choose a toy as a gift - from a soft hare to an interactive Caterpillar with a mass of buttons, a music unit and glowing bulbs.

A one-year-old girl likes to ride no less than boys, and therefore she will be happy with a rocking toy (horse, giraffe, elephant) or home hanging swing, which are easily mounted in the doorway.

A good gift for a girl on her first birthday can be a set of rubber toys for bathing - these can be funny frogs or the famous yellow rubber ducks.


This category of gifts will give pleasure, rather, not to the child himself, but to his parents - this is bed linen for a children's room, clothes for a girl. Usually grandparents try to give such gifts. It is possible to buy a practical gift successfully only knowing well the developmental features of the child - his height and weight, the size of the leg, if we are talking about shoes. At random, or even more so for growth, you should not take such things.

Examples of specific gifts and reviews about them

  1. A set of fruits and vegetables "Masha and the Bear" - a set of plastic fruits and vegetables, there is a safe knife and a cutting board. The smallest set contains six items made of soft, environmentally friendly plastic. The cost is about 300 rubles. A box with 19 items and a vegetable cart costs about 2,000 rubles. Parents' reviews are positive, girls really like this toy, primarily because plastic vegetables and fruits can be attributes of a wide variety of games.
  2. The Learning to Cook Kitchen Set is a real kitchen for a little cook. The dimensions of the set are 95x53x47. The stove is equipped with sound effects, the illusion is created that in fact a real stove is working, the oven opens, the light turns on. There is a dishwasher where a girl can put dolls, a grill, a pantry, a telephone, and 37 different kitchen accessories. Such a set is not cheap - about 6,500 rubles. If it is expensive, then there are more miniature "kitchens" on sale, the cost of which starts from 700 rubles. The parents' feedback is positive, because the toy is safe and the daughters really like it.
  3. Educational toy "Giraffe" with a control panel - a bright character moves forward, backward, turns 360 degrees. The funny giraffe accompanies its movements with sound effects, plays music. The toy will definitely become your baby's favorite. Parents' comments about the developing giraffe are rather restrained, since most moms and dads get bored with melodies performed by a cheerful character quite quickly, which cannot be said about their daughters. The cost of the toy is from 2,500 thousand rubles.

What shouldn't be gifted?

The gift can be of any price, according to the idea, however, even when choosing a present for a one-year-old child, you need to remember about gift etiquette. Tips before choosing a children's gift may be different, the easiest way to remember is what exactly cannot be given to a little birthday girl at 1 year old:

  • "Live gifts" - kittens, puppies, parrots and fish with hamsters, the baby, most likely, will not appreciate it yet. And she won't be able to look after them either. But parents will still “appreciate” such a present, and will remember it to you at the first opportunity, giving in return an adult royal mastiff taller than you in your one-room apartment.
  • Technically sophisticated devices and gadgets - a camera, a telephone, an interactive photo frame, a children's tablet. All these devices are designed for people who know how to use them and understand what they are for. A one-year-old girl can easily start with a tablet with the latest Android platform and start to score a cube under the battery.
  • Sweets. A large box of chocolates, a huge cake always delight children, especially if they have already tried chocolate and cake. But such a gift, firstly, is fraught with allergies and diathesis, and, secondly, after everything is eaten, the child will forget about the present. An unpleasant situation can also happen if the parents do not give the child sweets at all. Selecting a bright box of chocolates from tenacious children's hands is not a task for the faint of heart.
  • Toys are not old enough. If the set is intended for a child over 3 years old, then there is no point in giving it to a girl at 1 year old. For her, it can be dangerous, because the child will not be able to use it correctly. Putting aside a toy "for later" means taking a gift from a child's hands, which is very unpleasant at any age.

Gift requirements

It is important that the gift for the baby is safe. The toy or play set should not contain small parts, fragments and elements that can be easily detached.

The material from which the toy is made must be environmentally friendly; plastic and rubber must not exude a suffocating chemical "scent".

The safety of the toy is confirmed by quality certificates. Feel free to ask the shop assistant for them.

Pay attention to the packaging - it must be original, labeled, intact. A crumpled box of questionable origin may indicate a fake of what is inside. If your smartphone has a barcode reading function, be sure to look at which product this code will indicate.

How to do it yourself?

Moms and dads may well make gifts to their one-year-old daughter with their own hands. A girl at this age will be delighted with large bright beads consisting of large elements (for example, pompons). The girl will love the soft rag doll that mom will sew. You can stuff a hand-made toy with buckwheat grains or peas, and then the toy will stimulate the development of fine motor skills.

A business board is a board on which is screwed, nailed and glued everything that so much interests the child in the house - sockets, keyholes, latches, pieces of corrugated pipe, watch dials, large buttons and door handles. All this, unlike home counterparts, can be touched, necessary and useful. Children can practice such a board for a long time and with concentration. The plus is that from time to time dad can swap objects, remove the annoying ones and screw in new ones.

The best business board is the one that dad made with his own hands.

A memorable gift for a child with his own hands is a family photo or collage, decorated in an interesting baguette and glazed: the girl's first vest, plaster casts from her pens and heels. The one-year-old princess will not yet appreciate such a gift. It will definitely happen, but after many years. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to give it. This is the only thing that can be presented "for growth."

Even more ideas on what to give a girl for 1 year are in the next video.

Watch the video: ONE WEEK POSTPARTUM AND BABY UPDATE. How My Baby and I are Doing One Week After Birth! (July 2024).