
Geoby strollers: an overview of popular models and tips for choosing

Replenishment in a family is associated not only with amazing moments of happiness, but also with serious financial costs to provide a new person with absolutely everything they need. The situation is only aggravated by the fact that a fast-growing baby constantly requires updating of clothes and other accessories, so you have to save on literally everything. At the same time, parents want the most basic items, like a baby carriage, to still have a fairly high level of quality. This is where Chinese brands come to the rescue, which were not so long ago considered an outright bad manners, but in recent years they have significantly increased the quality of production.

The best brand of strollers from the Middle Kingdom is considered to be quite well-known in our country Geoby, and although it does not reach the best world samples in quality, it still significantly surpasses the products of many of its compatriots.

Features of the company

Chinese manufacturers rarely manage to boast of a long history of success, because the three decades that Geoby has existed is quite a long time. In general, it is not worth criticizing modern Chinese companies too much, if only because most branded, supposedly Western strollers (and any other goods) are all produced in the same China, just the head offices of the companies are located somewhere else.

Geoby is just an example of how former employees of foreign companies adopted best practices and took the responsibility to open their own, purely Chinese enterprise.

Among its main advantages, the company, which also produces playpens and high chairs, names its own full-fledged production cycle, in which the manufacturer can guarantee high quality products, because he personally controls each stage. The official Russian-language website of the company claims that thanks to this approach, brand awareness in the world has reached 96%, but everyone understands that this is nothing more than a marketing ploy.

At the same time, it should be recognized that in Russia, on whose market the company in question is largely oriented, the percentage of choice in favor of such wheelchairs is really relatively high, which puts such a brand in the category of local market leaders.

The lineup

As it should be for Chinese brands, at first glance everything is done with the maximum correspondence to the possible requests of a potential client. The company offers a wide range of strollers of various types so that an interested consumer does not leave the store empty-handed. What is not in the company's assortment is full-fledged cradles for newborns and models of any type for twins, but in all other categories the brand is presented with dignity.

Globally, all models presented in the 2018 lineup can be divided into four main varieties.

Walking models

The manufacturer's walking models are in maximum demand due to the fact that, with a fairly rigid base, folding according to the "book" scheme, they differ in the minimum weight and the same price. The absolute leader in popularity here is the four-wheeled model C201GR-X, which weighs only 4.6 kg and costs from 3.5 thousand rubles. Naturally, such a model does not have insulation, therefore it is designed exclusively for the summer, and there are only two provisions here.

If parents are ready to pay almost twice as much, they should give preference to the C539KR stroller, which is unlimited in the number of fixed positions (the back rests smoothly) and is versatile in terms of seasonality, as it is equipped with a good range of accessories. Other popular models of this type include the “Joss” model, which by that time was practically out of production.

Stroller cane

The cane stroller from Geoby is already much less popular - the characteristic of such a modification is greatly spoiled by the fact that many doctors do not recommend the use of such strollers due to their negative effect on the child's musculoskeletal system.

In general, such strollers are chosen for their extreme lightness and compactness (this is often achieved thanks to three-wheeled models), which makes it easy to take such children's transport on a trip, but in fairness it is worth clarifying that even not the most wealthy parents often choose products of more famous brands as a cane ... This is due to the fact that the relatively small amount of materials used significantly reduces the price of the product, so a family can afford a cane from a better-known manufacturer.

If you want to give preference to Geoby, you should pay attention to the models D208R (from 3.5 thousand rubles) and D388 (from 5000).


Transformers from the Chinese brand have traditionally been popular in recent years, since they quickly and inexpensively solve the problem when you need to buy everything at once and at a cheaper price. The meaning of such a stroller is that its module can be transformed from a cradle for a newborn into a walking sitting place, thanks to which parents have the opportunity to use the purchased children's transport from birth to about three years of age. Naturally, the transformer must be adapted for both winter and summer, which will only expand its versatility.

In most cases, such strollers are also equipped with a cross-over handle, so that the mother herself decides in which direction the child will look, and the only serious drawback of such strollers is the logically increased weight, and, accordingly, the price. For example, the C601H model weighs 20.5 kg and costs at least 15.5 thousand rubles. The even more versatile C703H, designed for children under 4 years old, already weighs 22 kg and costs no less than 17.5 thousand. Reliable and somewhat lightweight due to the aluminum case C705X (17.3 kg) and C3018 R (15.3 kg) will cost customers 21 thousand.

Strollers 2 in 1

The most expensive and one of the most relevant options are becoming more confidently 2-in-1 strollers, which differ from transformers in that the cradle and the walking block are separate modules, thereby achieving the highest possible comfort. Considering that the blocks are removable, the possibility of their installation in any direction looks quite logical convenience, due to which there is no need for a rotary handle.

You have to pay more for comfort, because the cheapest model of this type - C3018, costs from 23 thousand rubles, and the most expensive models can cost up to 30 thousand.


If you compare Geoby strollers with similar products from Baby Jogger, Joolz Geo, Jolie and any other Chinese brands, it turns out that in most parameters the brand in question has an advantage in quality. Numerous reviews suggest that such strollers are more durable, and stronger, and even more convenient, however, all such arguments bear the stamp of subjectivity, especially since there are not so many parents who have independently tested various Chinese brands and have a well-founded position.

In this regard, it is worth highlighting the advantages of the Geoby brand that are recognized by most consumers without being tied to other companies from the same country. The developers are constantly monitoring the latest developments both in terms of technology and design. Due to this, as of the summer of 2018, new strollers presented at all official dealers were released no earlier than 2017, and models that were popular a couple of years ago can now only be purchased from hands.

In terms of cost, Chinese strollers are capable of giving odds to any competitor, even from Eastern Europe, thanks to which they are in great demand among our compatriots. If we talk about Geoby, then this company, even in spite of the leading positions among Chinese manufacturers, did not raise prices to sky-high heights. At the same time, the low cost is due to the extremely cheap labor, although, looking the truth in the eyes, super-expensive technologies are not used here either.

Geoby focuses on the Russian market in many ways, because the firm's strollers are well adapted to local conditions. This looks like a huge plus in comparison with many famous Italian brands, which, being the world market leaders, are completely unsuitable for the harsh conditions of the Russian winter.

The quality of the product assembly and the safety certificates of the strollers correspond approximately to the European level, as the manufacturer himself indicates. We understand that in fact there are several caveats, but the popularity of the brand speaks for itself.

If you purchase Geoby strollers from authorized dealers, then they must be supplied with a warranty. You can use the latter at authorized repair points, which are supposedly represented even in Russia, but in practice you still have to look for a working service center.

The advantage of Geoby is the fact that parts for it are often produced in China at the same factories where similar parts for other, much more popular brands. This allows us to assume that the quality is not so different, which cannot be said about the price, and in the last segment, the company in question outright wins.


Many people doubt whether such a budget stroller can provide the required level of quality. Numerous reviews show that such fears are often not unfounded, because there are practically no opinions on specialized forums where at least one drawback of the described Geoby products would not be indicated.

For the most part, the indicated disadvantages relate to either a specific model taken, or are completely subjective, that is, for other parents they might not seem like a disadvantage. However, there is also a completely common feature for all strollers from this manufacturer, which is that such a stroller is Chinese and very cheap.

It is clear that the most expensive models from famous manufacturers are largely expensive due to the high salaries of employees and the banal desire of the owners to enrich themselves with a well-known name, but the price includes expensive high-quality materials and modern technologies.

In view of this, it is foolish to demand that a stroller for several thousand rubles be not inferior in quality to an analogue, which costs an order of magnitude more.

Accordingly, for many, the stroller is deformed - for some, due to excessively bumpy domestic roads, and for others, simply under the weight of a child. The construction starts to creak, backlash appears - all the signs of poor build quality are evident.

However, it is worth describing criticism of individual models, and even subjective opinions, since this can help a potential buyer test a possible purchase. So, the hood of most models does not reach the bumper - it seems to be a trifle, but in too sunny or windy weather the child is unpleasant. Many people find the seats of most models too small for two-year-olds in winter conditions. A great inconvenience is created by the fact that for some models it is impossible to remove the bumper, which is why you have to lift the child, who can weigh up to 20 kg, on your hands to put it in the stroller.

On many models, the wheels provide little to no cushioning, providing terrible shaking on uneven surfaces, while others don't remove the cover at all and cannot be washed. You can also find complaints about the quality of their connection to the axles, since many owners have wheels that very quickly begin to dangle or fall off altogether, and you can not even mention the creak. Interestingly, even the wheel locks are criticized - they say, it is not always possible to securely lock the wheels, which is why there is a risk that the stroller will roll off the slope.

Many models are not yet equipped with a shopping basket, which looks like complete nonsense in 2018. In some cases, in pursuit of the compactness of the stroller, the developers ignored the convenience of the parents in another way - for example, when the stroller rolls, an adult almost necessarily catches the rear axle with his feet.

Of course, many of these negative comments do not apply to all Geoby strollers in general, but only to individual, not the most successful models, but nevertheless, the consumer should be aware in advance of what troubles he may face due to his own inattention.

How to choose?

Many parents choose a stroller from Geoby simply because it is very budgetary, and sometimes for its rather attractive appearance. In no case should you do this - you need to clearly understand how to choose such a product.

First, decide what type of stroller you need. If the child is not even six months old, pay attention to the 2-in-1 models and transformers, since there are no full-fledged cradles for newborns in the company's assortment. Both options are also good in that their exploitation is possible until the moment when the child finally begins to move on foot, however, such a decision is quite expensive.

At the same time, transformers cost less and are easier to store due to their increased compactness, but 2 in 1 provide much better both lying and sitting positions.

If the child is six months old, universal options are unlikely to be needed - choose walking "books". They are good for their lightness, while they are quite compact and provide an orthopedically correct sitting position. It is important to make sure that the stroller either has a sufficient choice of different back positions, or there is at least one that will definitely be convenient for your child. A cane should be chosen only if it will be used relatively infrequently - for travel or shopping, since with its main advantage - light weight - it has a very bad effect on the musculoskeletal system.

Geoby love to praise the compactness of their strollers, which is why it is worth paying special attention to the dimensions of the child's seat - it is possible that your child, dressed in winter clothes, will simply not fit into a stroller from the thrifty Chinese. In order not to fall for some hidden flaws, you should not buy your favorite stroller right away, but first find time to read reviews about it on the Internet - there you can find a lot of hard-hitting comments about each of the models.

Armed with a list of possible shortcomings, return to the store and study the model of interest again - only if a particular copy does not cause you suspicion, you can buy it.


Like many other manufacturers of baby strollers who do not pamper their customers with a full-fledged complete set, Geoby produces various "spare parts" that can be purchased separately in order to somewhat improve the operating conditions of children's transport. Interestingly, the strollers of this brand are not yet made in Russia, but accessories are often produced here. Raincoats vary depending on the type of stroller, their cost is on average several hundred rubles. Such an accessory is unlikely to warm you, but it will help you not to get wet in rain or snow and will perfectly protect you from the wind.

A hand muff will cost much more - its price can be close to a thousand rubles, but such a purchase will allow not only the child, but also his mother to walk in comfort in any weather.The product protects against all negative weather phenomena - both from cold with wind and from precipitation. Available as a one-piece handle or two separate gloves.

Sling beads and sling cords, costing from a thousand rubles, are at the same time a stylish jewelry for a mother in the form of beads, which can be used by a child as a safe developmental toy. The size of the product is chosen so that the child can play in the stroller while walking.

Winter insulated envelopes are made of fleece, sheep wool or natural sheep skin, therefore they cost from 3 to 8 thousand rubles, surpassing many inexpensive strollers of the same brand in cost. Thanks to this accessory, it is possible not to update the baby's winter wardrobe constantly as he grows, simply wrapping the child in an envelope in which he will always be warm.

User's manual

Many parents are interested in the specifics of how the stroller folds in advance. The fact is that many modern brands promise the ability to disassemble and assemble a stroller in just one movement, but in practice it often turns out that this is just a clever marketing ploy. Among the Geoby strollers, the "book" has the most convenient folding, but you should not think that it can be folded in one motion.

First, you need to manually fold the hood, and release the front wheel locks so that they can rotate freely. On the right side of the frame there is a special button that you need to press while pulling on the latches that are on both sides of it. After that, the handle of the structure is lowered down to the wheels, with which it is connected using a special hook.

As you can see, the procedure consists of many sequential steps, therefore such a mechanism is more convenient for storage or travel than for entering narrow elevators.

Fortunately, unfolding the stroller turns out to be much easier - all you need to do is pull the handle up, and when you hear a characteristic click, the structure will open itself.

It should be clarified that such an instruction is painted on the example of the c780 model, while for other models, including newer ones, the mechanism may differ significantly. This is especially true for those strollers that do not belong to the category of "books", so you should carefully read the instructions for a particular model and ask the store consultant to immediately show you how to fold and unfold the stroller correctly.

In the next video you will find a detailed overview of the 2-in-1 stroller C706 R from Geoby (Dzhoby).

Watch the video: Baby MiyOyO 4 in 1 Car Seat Stroller Newborn Baby Stroller Foldable Carrier 4 modes 2 Way Facing (July 2024).