
A cane stroller for twins: an overview of models and tips for choosing

Two children born at the same time is a double joy and double chores. For example, taking the kids for a walk is a little more difficult, because while dad earns money to support the family, mom has to look for an opportunity to walk with two kids at once. While the newborns live their first months and cannot walk at all, the mother will hardly be able to do without outside help, but when they start to walk at least a little, a properly selected cane stroller will help to facilitate going out for a walk.


The concept of a cane stroller is interpreted in different ways. Initially, it was believed that such a stroller for twins assumes the location of children side by side, next to each other, and is a child's transport of a walking type. Recently, however, the same term has been used to refer to almost any lightweight stroller that has the option of convenient and quick folding to a much more compact size.

In most cases, products of this type belong to summer strollers, because the strict requirement for low weight simply does not allow the structure to be properly insulated. The frame is made of steel, but manufacturers try to use this material as little as possible so as not to make the stroller heavier. Separate places for each baby are separated by a soft fabric partition, sometimes a small gap of a few centimeters is left between them, so that the kids do not have the opportunity to knock.

Although the module looks like a walking module, it is considered normal for a good "cane" to be able to lower the back to an almost recumbent state, so that little ones can take a nap right during a long walk.

Bonuses are present or absent depending on the model. So, the footrests and the visor can be both general and adjustable together, or individual, which is very good in situations if the transport is purchased for the weather. Usually, double "canes", forced to withstand the weight and pranks of two kids at once, are equipped with enhanced security measures... In particular, the wheels must be lockable.

It is a good tradition to equip the structure with spacious baskets for small items or purchases, mosquito nets and raincoats to protect twins from precipitation.

Types, their pros and cons

If we consider "canes" from the point of view of the modern understanding of this term, it turns out that the location of the kids can be anything, and it is by this criterion that strollers are usually classified. Lightweight walking models for two are divided into three main types.

  • Classic walking stick with two walking blocks, located side by side, is considered one of the best solutions for ages from six months to three years, and in some models even up to five years. With a standard weight, such a structure has a rather compact size, and is also characterized by high cross-country ability and stability - it will not work even with the joint efforts of children.

Problems with such a design begin only in a situation when you need to squeeze into a narrow passage - a door, an elevator, and so on. If the children cannot get up and stand while their mother folds the stroller and goes through the opening, then it is too early to buy such a stroller.

  • Baby stroller type "train" Is an attempt to solve the problem described above by placing the seats one after the other. The result is a structure whose wheelbase usually does not exceed that of a single stroller - this is enough for the vast majority of doors and even for aisles in supermarkets. The seats themselves can be located as you like - at least two facing forward, at least two facing backward, even facing each other, and sometimes even models come across where the seats are located with their backs to each other.

Those models where the kids look in one direction are often criticized for the fact that one of them almost completely covers the hood of the other, and all together the "trains" are criticized for a completely inadequate length (in some cases, 1.5 m and more), which reduces maneuverability and maneuverability, and for instability in relation to lateral rolling.

  • Transformers suggest a user choice of how the children's places will be located, with the ability to change their minds at any time, depending on the situation, and repeatedly. Their wheelbase is comparable to a "locomotive", which contributes to good cross-country ability, while if there are no obstacles in the form of narrowings on the route, it will be more convenient to walk in a "side-by-side" format. This decision is criticized for its weight - this is the heaviest type of stroller. In addition, movable joints between parts are more likely to deteriorate faster than one-piece joints of fixed models.

Separately, it should be noted that there are more intricate strollers 2 in 1, which theoretically can also be attributed to "walking sticks". These options can be attributed to the most versatile transformers, since they allow the installation of one walking module and one cradle with the possibility of replacement at any time, and do not even exclude the possibility of using third-party car seats.

Popular models and reviews about them

The lineup is constantly updated, and each manufacturer, as a rule, has only one stroller for two kids, while all the others are outdated and no longer produced. In this regard, the rating of the best models can be compiled by only one manufacturer's name - with an indication that it is a "cane" that is needed.

  • Chicco Is one of the most famous strollers produced by the world famous manufacturer of baby products. It is distinguished by its stylish design, absolutely everyone who buys it likes its qualities, and it is criticized only for its rather high cost.
  • Hauck many are perceived as the lightest "cane" - the weight of the current model is only about 8 kg, while some competitors have transformers for twins can weigh up to 18 kg. Judging by the comments, the stroller is generally very good, and even not that expensive, however, many people do not like that it is made of aluminum, not steel.

  • Peg Perego Twin Cane is rightly considered one of the best parenting solutions. First of all, there is the possibility of adjusting the length of the handle, making a walk with this model convenient for parents of any height. The bumper can be completely removed as the children grow up - this is convenient in order to put or get the kids out of the seats, and also helps them gain independence. Almost all fabric parts can be easily removed for washing or cleaning.
  • Lider Kids paid special attention to the convenience of transporting the stroller when folded. There is even a special fastener on the body, thanks to which it becomes impossible to accidentally unfold the stroller. In addition to the fastener, there is also a side handle on the case, with which the folded structure can be carried over long distances with convenience.

Tips for choosing

Each consumer has their own idea of ​​which stroller is the best. However, there are several criteria that you must pay attention to when choosing a "cane" for twins, namely:

  • the "cane" feature lies in lightness, it is acquired with an eye to constant transportation not only unfolded, but also folded, therefore lightness and compactness are fundamental here;
  • the larger the diameter of the wheels of the children's transport, the less bumps and unevenness of the road are felt, allowing the kids to sleep peacefully;
  • front wheels spinning around their axis are a significant addition to the structure's maneuverability, allowing you to turn while standing still and fit into the most difficult turns;

  • you should not think that if the child is already six months old and he can sit for a while, then a simple sitting place is enough for him - he will quickly get tired even during the walk, therefore, the adjustment of the back position is necessary;
  • universal models and transformers can be bought to save money and time looking for new models for growing twins, however, in this case, special attention should be paid to the strength of the joints;
  • wheels with rubber tires provide a smoother ride than similar plastic ones.


The main thing for which "walking sticks" are valued is the ease of folding and unfolding. In recent years, more and more manufacturers have begun to produce models that can be operated literally with one hand - this is very convenient, for example, when entering an elevator. It is also considered a good indicator that with its small dimensions such a stroller is very functional - two children can fit here, and a spacious basket for purchases or necessary trifles.

The canes are usually criticized for the fact that they are not suitable for winter conditions, because they themselves are not insulated, and do not have enough space to put a dressed child in them.

However, this type of stroller itself does not imply use in severe cold, so for the winter you just need to buy something more serious.

For an overview of the stroller for twins, see the next video.

Watch the video: Dual Drive by Nikidom, the only stroller with double handlebar (July 2024).