
Children's party menu

You can spend a birthday for your baby not only at home. An excellent option for a children's party would be the organization of a festive table in nature. This will especially appeal to older children - 9-10 years old. In this case, the menu for a children's party is selected quite simple, light and tasty.

For kids aged 4-5 years, an excellent option would be to organize a party in a cafe. There, in addition to a delicious table, you can also organize various competitions and games in the playroom.

Tips for organizing a party table for children

Organization of a children's party always takes a lot of effort and energy from moms. To make the holiday successful and remembered by the kids for many years, use the following tips:

  • Think over the theme of the holiday... Talk with your child about how he would like to spend the day. Before drawing up the menu, you also need to decide on the number of invited guests.
  • Choose a location for the celebration. If you are planning an event in a children's cafe or restaurant, call in advance and book a table for a specific date. If the holiday falls on a weekend, all tables in the cafe and restaurant may be occupied or the banquet menu may not be organized. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, it is better to decide in advance on the place for the solemn event.
  • Plan your menu... Divide it into several subsections: appetizers, salads, mains and desserts. Be sure to supplement the children's table with fruit and vegetable cuts. For boys, the option of decorating a vegetable plate in the form of a dragon is perfect, while girls can be decorated in the form of a flower. Show your imagination and creativity in the kitchen when decorating children's dishes.
  • Buy all products in advance... Pay attention to expiration dates. Do not use perishable foods. If you are preparing holiday meals, season the salads with sour cream or mayonnaise just before serving. Remember that these salads and snacks are kept in the refrigerator for no more than 6-8 hours.

  • Discard purchased drinks. Better to prepare drinks at home. Choose berry or fruit fruit drinks, carbonated mineral water with the addition of freshly squeezed juices. For babies up to three years old, it is better to first choose a compote from berries or dried fruits, which are familiar to the child.
  • Do not overload the holiday table with an abundance of fatty foods. Make sure to include a few simple vegetable salads. Decorate salads with herbs and lettuce leaves. Green improves mood and increases appetite. Play with colors! Add lots of different colored vegetables to garnish your meals. The brighter the dish, the more eagerly the baby will reach for the additive.
  • Be sure to consider a sweet table and desserts. Focus on the cake or dessert of your choice. If you are inviting many guests, try to accommodate different tastes. You can prepare or order colorful jellies, puddings or meringues for the cake. Vases with cake pops and marshmallows will look great on the table. You can diversify the sweet table with muffins with berries and nuts. The kids will appreciate if there are predictions or wishes for the next year inside the baking.
  • Make sweet little gifts for your little guests. Small chocolates or lollipops work well for this. You can even make such sugar candies yourself, attracting the birthday boy. Do not hesitate, this will give the baby great pleasure and will be remembered for a lifetime.

Carrying out options

You can spend a baby's birthday in different ways. It all depends on the preferences of the parents and the birthday man himself. If the child is already old enough to decide where he wants to spend the holiday, you should consult with him. This will help you not only to choose a theme, but also to navigate how many guests will be at the holiday.

It is better to choose a new place for the holidays every year. While the baby is small, it is better to spend the holiday at home. It's easier to adapt to the strict daily routine of the crumbs.

Little children in the afternoon will definitely want to sleep or relax, and this must be taken into account.

For older children, with great success, you can organize a holiday in a children's cafe or in nature.


It is very easy to arrange a holiday for a child at home, but preparation will take a lot of time. Most of the time will be taken not only by drawing up a festive menu and buying all the necessary products, but also cooking, decorating dishes. Consider this before choosing the final venue for the holiday.

If your baby is not older than three years old, then it is better to spend the holiday at home. If the baby wants to fall asleep, you can always leave him to rest in the nursery and continue celebrating the holiday with relatives and friends. Try not to invite many guests on the same day. A large number of people can even scare a baby.

Better to just have a relaxed homemade birthday dinner with a close family circle. Friends and distant relatives, if desired, are better served in a cafe.

For a home festive table, choose several options for appetizers, 1-2 salads, hot and dessert table.

Try not to include fish or seafood dishes in the festive menu of babies under 5 years old. Prefer chicken or turkey. For hot, you can serve veal. Don't make complicated meals. It is likely that the child, upon seeing a new dish, will simply refuse to eat it.

Try to focus on the decoration of the dishes, rather than their quantity.

Children's Cafe

If you do not have a lot of time to prepare and decorate holiday dishes (or you simply do not like to cook for a large number of people), it is better to choose the celebration in a children's cafe.

You should still choose institutions that are focused on organizing banquet tables for children. In this case, it will be much easier to decide on the choice of dishes for the festive table. All dishes in the cafe are already adapted for kids.

When planning to choose a cafe for a birthday party, visit it yourself first. So you can visually study the interior of the institution, discuss the menu with the cafe manager and even choose the style and decor for the celebration.

There are animators in almost all children's cafes. If you have already decided on the theme of the holiday, animators will help to take the time of children, organize outdoor games and various interesting contests.


For children from five years old, an outdoor holiday in nature will be an excellent option for holding a birthday. In this case, it is better to give preference to dishes that are suitable for a buffet table.

A variety of vegetable and chicken or turkey canapes are great as appetizers.

For children over 7 years old, you can make tartlets filled with red caviar or salted red fish.

Salads are not the best choice for a holiday in nature. They deteriorate very quickly and can even cause eating disorders with prolonged exposure to the sun. It is better to cut vegetables into various shapes or flowers. So they will keep their appearance well and will be an excellent appetizer or even a side dish for the main course.

In nature, for older kids, you can cook a variety of grilled dishes. Choose grill cooking. Chicken and turkey mince kebabs with a small amount of onions and vegetables are perfect. Children are happy to eat such delicious meat rolls cooked in front of their eyes.

Kids love grilled sausages very much. Making homemade hot dogs is a great option outdoors. You can buy buns for them at a good bakery or make your own at home. Place grilled sausage, some mayonnaise or sour cream sauce, tomato sauce, chopped tomato and cucumber slices into the hot dog as a filling. In addition, you can add sliced ​​cheese or sweet paprika. Prepare these hot dogs immediately before use. This will be a great addition to the holiday. Kids will love these delicious sausages in nature.

Holiday recipes

Salad "Gift for the birthday boy"

  • Boil 600-700 g of chicken fillet. Cool, cut into small cubes.
  • Boil 3 eggs, cool and grate on a coarse grater.
  • Take 2 fresh cucumbers, cut into long thin strips.
  • Open a jar of canned corn, drain the liquid.

Layer the chicken on a flat plate, then the sweet corn, cucumbers and eggs. Lubricate each layer with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Garnish the salad with the little cherry tomatoes and olives ladybugs.

Chocolate cake pops with peanuts

  • Melt 2 milk chocolate bars. Choose regular milk chocolate, no nuts or raisins added.
  • Take 500 g of any loose biscuits. For toddlers, you can choose between special baby cookies or unsalted crackers.
  • Grind the cookies into small crumbs.
  • Chop the peanuts separately. Try to chop it not very finely so that you come across small pieces. For small children, peanuts can be ground in a mortar.
  • Mix cookies with 50 g butter. Roll small balls in your palms.
  • Take long wooden skewers and place the resulting balls on them.
  • Dip the balls in melted chocolate and then in chopped peanuts.
  • Refrigerate for a couple of hours.

Cake pops look great in tall glasses or glass vases. They will be a great addition to a sweet table. Their presentation will also be effective on special stands in the style of the whole holiday.

To make your baby remember every birthday, try to make this holiday special. It is also better to diversify the menu for the festive table, preparing new and interesting dishes in different ways every year. Bright decoration of the festive table will make the holiday unforgettable!

For illustrative examples of how to organize contests and entertainment for children, see the following video.