
Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat bananas during the GV period

Most expectant mothers, before their baby sees the world, try to heartily eat their favorite fruits. Referring to the opinion of many people, during breastfeeding it is necessary to sit only on buckwheat and water. But this is not entirely true. Bananas during breastfeeding are very beneficial for nursing mothers.

Banana health benefits

Bananas are considered an excellent source of various nutrients. In southern countries, this product occupies the same place in the diet as bread in our country.

Plantains - unsweetened bananas are used to make flour, they are used to prepare hot dishes that we cannot taste in our country. Sweet bananas are a favorite treat of all adults and children.

The consumption of bananas during HS helps to maintain the required blood sugar level for a long time, and the woman's body will be charged with energy and vigor. One banana contains as many nutrients as a serving of oatmeal cooked in milk. The undeniable advantage of this fruit is that it is sold on the market for a whole year.

The banana contains the necessary amount of magnesium and B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on concentration and improve memory. The action of the amino acid tryptophan, contained in bananas, is aimed at normalizing the sleep of a nursing mother, who sometimes finds it very difficult to adjust to a new pattern of sleep and wake cycles. (The whole set of vitamins and nutrients: Vitamin C, B vitamins, Vitamin PP, Vitamin E, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Calcium, Iron).

The amino acid tryptophan also regulates appetite and does not promote overeating, so the weight of a nursing mother is kept within the genetic norm. Tryptophan promotes the production of serotin, the pleasure hormone, in the body. If a nursing mother is happy with life, then her baby will also behave much calmer.

Oh yes, banana contains serotonin - the hormone of happiness and pleasure. Nutritionists say that eating just one banana a day makes us much happier 🙂

Strengthen or weaken

Banana pectin has a positive effect on the work of the intestines, it perfectly removes harmful substances from the body. Pectin is contained in the composition of various drugs that are used to eliminate diarrhea, both in children and adults. A ripe banana for severe bowel disorders helps to adjust the stool.

When the baby and the nursing mother have no problems with stool regularity, then the banana has no effect on digestion. However, there are situations when a banana acts as a laxative or, on the contrary, strengthens the stool. Those. banana strengthens with diarrhea, and weakens with constipation.

You can, just be careful!

For those who decide to feast on the yellow fruit, it should be introduced into the diet gradually. This should be done when the baby is two months old. Try a small bite first, preferably in the morning, and watch your baby's reaction. If there is no small rash on the face and body, then you can safely eat half a banana the next day. After a couple of days, you can eat a whole banana. This fruit is allowed to be consumed only once a day. Banana is a high-calorie food because it contains more sugars. Being in the baby's stomach, these components contribute to the onset of the fermentation process in the intestines and colic.

In the event of a minor rash or allergic rhinitis, a nursing mother will have to stop eating a banana until the end of lactation, or check the reaction again at 7-8 months.

Dish recipes

When combining the yellow fruit with foods allowed for a nursing mother, you can significantly expand the menu:

  • A cocktail made with low-fat yogurt and banana. Grind a banana in a blender along with yogurt and drink the resulting drink half an hour before feeding;
  • A salad of apple, banana, low-fat cottage cheese and a little sour cream. Cut the fruits into small pieces and add cottage cheese and sour cream to them. Mix thoroughly and, if desired, add a small amount of sugar.
  • Banana porridge. You can use absolutely any cereal (buckwheat, oatmeal and rice). Boil the porridge until tender and add a small piece of butter and a little sugar. Grind the banana until puree and add to the porridge.
  • Banana biscuits: mix banana, cottage cheese and flour in such a proportion so that the cooked mass turns out like for cheese cakes. Spread the "dough" with a tablespoon on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 15 minutes.
  • Banana muffins can be made in the microwave. You need to mix mashed potatoes from one banana with ½ cup of milk, add a glass of flour, ½ teaspoon of baking soda, 2 tablespoons of sugar, and 50 grams of butter. Place the prepared dough in the molds and bake for 20-30 minutes.

Eating a banana while breastfeeding has a lot of positive effects on the body of a nursing mom. But don't forget that banana can also cause side effects such as colic, constipation, gas and bloating. Therefore, strictly follow the rules for taking a banana while breastfeeding in order to avoid various kinds of complications.

On the topic of products with HS

  • Fruit when breastfeeding;
  • Vegetables for breastfeeding.

Watch the video: Foods To Avoid While Breastfeeding- SheCare (July 2024).