
Table of norms and growth of hCG by days after IVF

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone produced by the placenta, or, as it is also called, the "place" of the fetus during pregnancy. It belongs to the group of gonadotropic hormones and its biological structure is very similar to luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones.

This compound begins to be synthesized in a woman's body a few hours after fertilization. Further, the level of hCG concentration begins to gradually increase, and by 9-10 weeks of pregnancy it reaches its maximum. After this period, a decrease in its concentration is recorded.

After IVF (in vitro fertilization), a detailed study of the dynamics of changes in hCG indicators is of great importance, since it helps to understand how well the process of implantation of a fertilized egg and further development of the embryo is going.

What hCG indicators after IVF are considered the norm? What is the difference between the dynamics of hCG after IVF and as a result of naturally occurring pregnancy?

More about hCG

In order to better understand the basic principles of interpreting the data on the dynamics of hCG in the blood of a woman after IVF, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​what kind of substance it is. This hormone is produced by the cells of the embryonic membrane. An increase in the level of CTG in the blood occurs immediately after the onset of pregnancy... It is on this principle that pregnancy tests intended for home use work.

Later, regular registration of changes in the concentration of hCG in a woman's blood will help the doctor who monitors the pregnancy to identify possible pathologies of pregnancy at an early stage of development and timely determine the tactics of their elimination.

Methods for determining the indicator

With the help of biochemical laboratory studies, it is possible to track the nature of changes in the concentration of hCG in a woman's body already 2 weeks after IVF. To do this, she needs to donate a urine or blood sample, but the latter option is more informative biological material.

Usually, blood for such a study is donated by a woman during the first half of pregnancy with the regularity established by the doctor (the analysis is given on average at 2, 4, 7, 9, 12, 14, 17, 20 weeks).

If necessary, she will have to take the same tests during the second half of pregnancy. The result of each laboratory test carried out will be entered in a special table, the purpose of which will be discussed in more detail below.

The objectives of determining the indicator and its dynamics

It is necessary to monitor changes in the concentration of hCG in the blood or urine after in vitro fertilization for many reasons, but the main ones are:

  • confirmation of pregnancy (by the presence of this hormone in the urine);
  • determination of some aspects that help to more clearly see the nature of the course of pregnancy (depending on whether the level of the hormone rises and falls);
  • early detection of various pathologies of pregnancy before the onset of characteristic symptoms.

If there is a persistent negative dynamics in the level of content or a slow increase in the concentration of hCG in the blood, thanks to these data, the gynecologist may suspect a frozen pregnancy, the threat of spontaneous abortion or an ectopic pregnancy.

One of the most reliable ways not only to confirm pregnancy, but also its exact date, is to determine hCG in the blood. In the body of a healthy woman, this hormone is produced only if pregnancy occurs, so its presence in the blood or urine clearly shows whether pregnancy has occurred or not at the earliest possible date, when other laboratory methods and instrumental diagnostic studies can confirm or deny it only after a certain time.

The hCG level in a non-pregnant woman is 0-5 mIU / L. Test strips show a positive result (when pregnancy occurs) at a concentration of 10-25 mIU / L. On ultrasound, the fetus will become noticeable only when the level of hCG content reaches 1000 mIU / L.

If pregnancy occurs naturally, then in most cases the attending physician does not need to monitor the dynamics of changes in the concentration of the "pregnancy hormone". Another thing is if fertilization occurred as a result of IVF, then the level of hCG content shows how successfully the implantation of the fertilized cell into the uterine mucosa and how the embryo develops.

It is necessary to closely monitor the increase in hCG content during pregnancy in order to make sure that all physiological processes inherent in this condition are normal, and to identify and eliminate any pathology of pregnancy in time.

A more detailed study of the above scheme, it becomes clear that the most rapid increase in the concentration of hCG in a woman in "position" occurs in the first month of pregnancy.

The hormone level almost doubles every 2-3 days. The maximum concentration of hCG in the blood of the expectant mother is recorded at about 11 weeks of gestation. After reaching the "peak" level of hCG gradually begins to decrease.

Due to the functioning of the placenta throughout pregnancy, the amount of hCG in the blood can be determined at any time. If the results of laboratory studies clearly show that hCG is decreasing too rapidly, this dynamics may indicate premature aging of the placenta.

If there is a too sharp "decline" or a complete absence of "gain", then this sign may indicate a threat of spontaneous abortion or a frozen pregnancy.

Concentration changes

As already mentioned, there are indicators of the norms and growth of hCG after implantation of embryos as a result of IVF. The age of the embryos is important in determining these data: they can be three days old or five days old.

Daily monitoring of hCG dynamics is carried out using the table below. From it you can understand how normal the pregnancy is, which happened as a result of in vitro fertilization.

Judging by the numerous reviews of women who have undergone IVF, we can say that the tables help not only the attending physician to observe the condition of the pregnant woman, but the woman herself to take part in the direct control of all clinical processes.

HCG content table after IVF by day

After IVF or repeated cryo-transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity, a woman for two weeks is tormented by the question of whether this attempt to get pregnant ended in success, so she is looking for any opportunity to determine the fact of pregnancy. To do this, she can purchase a pregnancy test for home use or get tested for the hCG content.

In order to correctly interpret the laboratory data, there is a special table showing the rate of hCG content by days after IVF, if, of course, the procedure was successful, and the embryo was able to implant into the uterine mucosa.

It is possible to determine with absolute certainty how successfully IVF was carried out no earlier than two weeks after the procedure. If the concentration of hCG in the blood is at least 100 mIU / L, then we can say with confidence that pregnancy has begun, and the chances of its successful completion are quite high.

A low level of the "pregnancy hormone" content (less than 25 mIU / L) indicates that the desired pregnancy has not occurred. Also, a similar indicator can be obtained if the analysis is taken too early.

In the event that the obtained data on the concentration of hCG in the woman's blood relative to the accepted norms are borderline, the result of the analysis is considered doubtful.

In addition, such data may indicate the onset of an ectopic or tubal pregnancy, however, as a result of IVF, this type of pathology happens extremely rarely.

How to interpret the table data yourself?

To determine the rate of hCG content, it is necessary to use some numerical data:

  • The date of the study. It is necessary to determine the age of the embryo (3 or 5 days old), and then count by the number of days after the embryo transfer. Next, you need to check the resulting value against the table.
  • To determine the exact number of days after the procedure, it is worth using the column of the table with the desired fetal age. If this is not taken into account, then the value of the hCG level will be questionable.
  • It must be remembered that in the last column of the HCG growth table, the average indicators are indicated. Therefore, if you notice any inconsistencies, then you should not make hasty conclusions, but it is better to seek help in interpretation from a specialist.

Signs after IVF with the growth of hCG

You need to know that there are no absolute clinical signs indicating an increase in the level of hCG in a woman's body. Even if she feels some changes in her condition, this does not at all mean pregnancy.

It is advisable to conduct an analysis that determines the level of hCG in the blood not earlier than two weeks after the embryo transfer. The increase in the concentration of hCG in the blood is controlled using special laboratory tests, which must be carried out almost daily.

If the doctor suspects an unsuccessful attempt at artificial insemination, he may prescribe monitoring the level of hCG in order to prescribe maintenance therapy for the repeated successful implantation of the embryo.

In this case, the patient will have to take medications and injections again, depending on the doctor's prescription.

HCG dynamics in multiple pregnancies

The level of hCG in the case of multiple pregnancies resulting from in vitro fertilization is significantly higher than in singleton pregnancies. This is due to the fact that the production of hormones occurs at once by several placentas (2 - for twins, 3 - for triplets, etc.). Therefore, the indicator of the content of hCG in the first study may be 2 or three times higher than the norm.

After the fact of having a multiple pregnancy is accurately established, the normal level of hCG will be calculated according to the principle: the rate for a singleton pregnancy multiplied by the number of fetuses.

Dynamics research methods

To control the state of her body, a woman after IVF can resort to alternative methods for determining the concentration of hCG. These methods include the following activities:

  • Control of basal measurements. An increase in body temperature most often indicates the success of the artificial insemination procedure. However, the data of such a study are very subjective, therefore, they require a specialist's explanation.
  • Indicator test... The dynamics of an increase in the concentration of hCG in the blood can be detected using a special indicator test. But, as in the previous case, this is not a sufficient basis to assert that pregnancy has occurred. In this case, additional research is required;
  • Subjective feelings of a woman. When pregnancy occurs, many women notice some changes in their bodies, even in early gestation. For example, a woman may notice the absence of characteristic signs of premenstrual syndrome. However, these are the same subjective signs, the accuracy of which must be confirmed by the results of laboratory or instrumental studies.

Only a doctor who monitors pregnancy can correctly assess the data on changes in the concentration of hCG in a woman's body, so you should trust him.

For an in vitro fertilization program at EMC, see the following video.

Watch the video: How high should my HCG levels be at the beginning of pregnancy? (May 2024).