
Rovamycin for children: instructions for use

Bacterial infections can seriously affect a child's health. Modern pharmaceuticals offer various drugs for their treatment. But for children, an important factor is the safety of the medicine, which is ensured by Rovamycin, a natural antibiotic.

Release form

In Russia, "Rovamycin" is produced in the form of tablets with various concentrations of the main active ingredient: 1.5 million IU and 3 million IU. The tablets are packed in a blister of 8 and 5 pieces, respectively. Each package of the drug contains 2 blisters, which ensures the minimum course of treatment with Rovamycin.

Also in pharmacies "Rovamycin" is sold in the form of a mass for the preparation of a solution for intravenous injections. Each glass vial contains 1.5 million IU. Children are not prescribed intravenous injections.

In foreign countries, on the basis of the active ingredient, rectal suppositories and a suspension for oral administration are also produced.


The main active ingredient of "Rovamycin" is spiramycin. This substance is a natural antibiotic produced by special bacteria. They were first discovered in the 50s of the last century in soil in the south of France. Studies have shown that the substance can inhibit the activity of bacteria, and for more than 60 years, drugs have been produced on the basis of spiramycin.

As auxiliary components in the tablets, special forms of silicon, cellulose, starch are used, ensuring the preservation of the effectiveness of the drug during the shelf life.

The tablet shell contains a titanium-based food coloring, which is also widely used in the manufacture of confectionery, as well as macrogol 6000, a common base for tablets and medicinal ointments.

Operating principle

Spiramycin acts on bacteria and microbes, inhibiting protein synthesis in their cells. This action is called bacteriostatic. Deprived of the ability to multiply, bacteria are not able to spread their negative effects on healthy human cells. The development of the disease first slows down, then stops, and after the death of bacteria that have already entered the body, the person recovers.

The advantage of spiramycin is that each of its structures is capable of suppressing several disease-causing cells at once, which provides a faster treatment effect. Also a plus is that the natural antibiotic can accumulate in the cells of bacteria.


"Rovamycin", created on the basis of spiramycin, is effective against bacterial infections caused by strains sensitive to its effects. Therefore, "Rovamycin" is prescribed for pneumonia, including atypical, acute or chronic bronchitis, various diseases of the nasopharynx, for example, tonsillitis, otitis media, sunusitis. The drug is effective for some skin infections, including dermatoses, as well as in dentistry.

For the first time spiramycin has shown its effectiveness in the treatment of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women. Research has shown that the treatment does not harm the mother and child. Later, it began to be used for the congenital form of this disease in children.

Currently, "Rovamycin" is also prescribed to people who have been in contact with patients with meningitis during the latent phase of the disease to prevent infection with this dangerous infection. Rovamycin is successfully used to treat people who are carriers of bacterial infections, such as whooping cough and diphtheria.

Shown "Rovamycin" also in the treatment of bacterial infections of the skin and bones.

At what age is it prescribed?

It is necessary to use "Rovamycin" for the treatment of children, focusing not on the age, but on the weight of the child. The dosage of the medicine varies with a child weighing up to 10 kg, from 10 to 20 kg and more than 20 kg.

According to the World Health Organization, both boys and girls are normal on average 10 kg between the ages of 1 and 2 years, and 20 kg at 6 years. However, this is a very average figure. In the WHO table, 20 kg is indicated as a very high weight for three-year-old children.

Therefore, when prescribing and using "Rovamycin" in children, you need to focus, first of all, on the weight of the child.


Children are not prescribed intravenous injections of the drug. Use with caution in renal failure. Treatment with "Rovamycin" is contraindicated in the presence of individual sensitivity to the main component.

Side effects

When taking the drug, children may experience such undesirable symptoms as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. In some cases, skin rashes and itching appear.

A more thorough examination can reveal a change in indicators on an electrocardiogram, a lack of platelets in the blood, damage to the intestinal mucosa, difficulty in the outflow of bile and its accumulation in the liver.

The appearance of any symptom that can be associated with taking the drug requires a suspension of treatment and consultation with a doctor.

Instructions for use

The daily dosage of the drug in children depends on such an individual indicator as the child's body weight. If it weighs less than 10 kg, the dosage should not exceed 375-750 thousand IU, divided by 2 times.

For children, whose weight is in the range from 10 to 20 kg, the daily dosage is assigned to 0.75-1.5 million IU. It is divided into two equal receptions. With a weight of more than 20 kg, 150 thousand IU are prescribed per one kilogram of weight per day. The medicine is given in 3 doses.

In any case, in children, the maximum permissible daily dose should not exceed 300 thousand IU per kilogram of weight. The tablets are taken either one hour before a meal or 2 hours after it, with plenty of clean water.


Exceeding the permissible dose of "Rovamycin" has not been observed in clinical practice. However, if the daily maximum has been exceeded, symptoms of side effects may occur, but in a more pronounced form.

In case of an overdose, the child undergoes symptomatic treatment, which is prescribed by the doctor, and the reception of "Rovamycin" is canceled.

Interaction with other drugs

During clinical trials, the presence of interaction between the tablets "Rovamycin" and "Erythromycin" was established. Most often, the latter is not prescribed to children under 14 years of age, but if the child still takes Erythromycin as directed by a doctor, then it is necessary either to cancel its intake, or replace Rovamycin with a drug with another active ingredient.

Also, with caution, the treatment with "Rovamycin" is prescribed simultaneously with preparations containing ergot alkaloids.

Terms of sale and storage

Rovamycin is an over-the-counter drug and is readily available in pharmacies.

The medicine has a long shelf life: for tablets with a dosage of 1.5 IU, it is 3 years, with a dosage of 3 million IU - 4 years. In order for the drug to remain effective throughout the entire shelf life, it must be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 C in a dry place.

It is important that the storage area of ​​"Rovamycin" is out of reach of children.


On thematic forums, parents generally speak out positively about Rovamycin. This medicine is called effective, easy to take.

Parents also note that in many cases, after taking the drug, the child began to recover quickly. For example, a case is described when in one course of treatment a child was able to get rid of chronic sinusitis.

The safety of the drug is also important for parents. The use of conventional antibiotics in children always raises questions, but in the case of Rovamycin, the situation is different. Its action is based on a natural antibiotic that only acts on pathogenic bacteria.

Among the disadvantages of the drug, parents note its high price: a package with 16 tablets of 1.5 IU each costs about 1,000 rubles, and with 10 tablets of 3 million IU - about 5 thousand rubles.


Currently, drugs similar to Rovamycin in terms of their active ingredient have been developed and are being sold in pharmacies. This is "Spiramycin-vero", "Spiramisar".

When replacing one drug with another when treating children, you need to consult a doctorso that the treatment gives a result without the onset of side effects.

For the rules for using antibiotics, see the next video.

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