
Can Senade be given to a child?

“Senade” is a well-known and time-tested drug. Many parents wonder if this medicine can treat constipation in children. The answer to this question is discussed in this article.

Release form

Familiar to many parents from childhood, the Senade tablets have a characteristic dark brown color and a subtle herbaceous odor. The medicine is practically tasteless. The tablets are usually produced in blisters of 20 pieces. Depending on which pharmaceutical company produces the drug, it is packed in cartons of various sizes. In addition to conventional tablets, Senade chewable lozenges and tablets with vanilla and chocolate flavors have also appeared in recent years.


The raw material for the production of Senade is hay or cassia. This plant grows in subtropical climates and has characteristic narrow leaves with pointed ends. It is the leaves of cassia, which contain many useful substances, that are harvested to produce the extract. The mild laxative effect of the plant has been noticed by the inhabitants of the regions of its growth many years ago.

The Senade tablet contains 93.33 mg of cassia extract, while the so-called sennosides A and B - 13.5 mg. Also, auxiliary components are added to the tablet or lozenge, which help to preserve the beneficial properties of the extract and its better absorption (lactose, starch, cellulose).

Operating principle

With constipation, peristalsis, i.e., intestinal contraction, is usually reduced. Derivatives of sennosides A and B increase peristalsis, which gives a laxative effect. "Senade" does not disturb the digestion process, but at the same time normalizes the stool... The drug acts gently, after 8-10 hours, that is, when taken in the evening, morning stool is provided without the effect of diarrhea. In some cases, the effect occurs after 2-3 days of administration.


Constipation in children has a different etiology. "Senade" works effectively if the cause of the infrequent stool in the child is poor intestinal motility. This condition often accompanies hypotonia of the intestine, or rather, the colon. Sluggish contractions lead to a retention of contents inside the intestines, which becomes the cause of constipation.

However, it is impossible to use "Senade" for a long time or even permanently in case of difficulties with a chair in children. In case of frequent constipation, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

In some cases, gastroenterologists advise treating the so-called psychological constipation in children with the help of Senade. For example, if a child after surgery was in a common ward and was forced to go to the "duck", he may develop this type of constipation. It will take time and the delicacy of parents to solve this problem. but the intestines must be emptied regularly. This is where the Senade tablets will help.

At what age is it prescribed?

Senade can be given to children over six years old. This recommendation is indicated in the instructions for use of the drug. At an earlier age (for example, at 2 years), the effect on the musculature of the child's intestines with active components will be excessive. If the drug is taken several times, then the child may develop such an unpleasant disease as irritable bowel syndrome.


In addition to an early age, contraindications to the treatment of constipation "Senade" in children are individual sensitivity to the drug, as well as acute diseases of the abdominal cavity and bleeding.

Do not give "Senade" to children with pain of unknown origin.... They can be symptoms of internal bleeding, peritonitis, intestinal obstruction. Taking the drug can only worsen the child's condition. It is also better to give up Senade if the child has cystitis, kidney or liver disease.

Side effects

Some time after taking Senade, the child may experience pain that recurs at short intervals. Painful sensations can be caused by too active intestinal peristalsis.

Another unpleasant consequence can be flatulence. If such symptoms appear, you must stop taking the drug.

Instructions for use

Children over the age of 12 can take Senade in an adult dosage - once a day. If the laxative effect is not achieved, you can increase the intake to two tablets.

Children from 6 to 12 years old can start treatment with half a tablet once a day, if necessary, gradually increasing the daily intake to one or two tablets. It is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the child, for example, weight, tendency to constipation, diet, and other medications.

It is advisable to take the medicine in the evening, before bedtime.... The tablet should be taken with a sufficient amount of drinking water. This will make it easier to have a bowel movement.

If the effect has not been achieved within three days, you need to stop taking Senade and urgently consult a doctor.


In children, drug overdose can be caused by two reasons. The first is too long a course of treatment. If the intake lasts 2 weeks or more, then the child can quickly get tired, complain of skin rashes, nausea, diarrhea, confusion, convulsions. During the examination, such children reveal violations of water and electrolyte metabolism, protein in the urine. If such consequences appear, you should stop taking Senade and consult a doctor.

The second reason for an overdose of the drug can be the simultaneous administration of several tablets. This can also happen by accident if the medicines were stored in a place where a small child could get them on their own. What if the baby drank the medicine without a doctor's prescription? Call an ambulance immediately.

Interaction with other drugs

During clinical trials, "Senade" was found that the laxative interferes with the absorption of tetracyclines. With prolonged use (more than two weeks), hypokalemia may develop, i.e. lack of potassium. A laxative can also interfere with anti-arrhythmia drugs and cardiac glycosides.

Terms of sale and storage

You can buy Senade in any form without a prescription. The shelf life is three years. It is necessary to store the tablets at an air temperature of no more than 30 ° C.


In general, parents' reviews about the effect of treating constipation in children with the help of Senade are positive. Kids love delicious gummies. Diarrhea is not observed.

Some parents say that the medicine was prescribed to the child for 3 years, and there were no side effects. However, this does not mean that you can give a child "Senade" at any age without a doctor's prescription.

For information on how to prepare a folk remedy for constipation, see the next video.

Watch the video: Simple Plan - Perfect Official Video (September 2024).