
Pain in the left or right side of the body in children and adults from the point of view of psychosomatics

Our body regularly speaks to us in its own language - it gives hints, advice, warns of danger. If a person remains deaf to these signals, psychosomatic pains may develop, with which the body will try not to talk, but to shout to consciousness. The location of the pain is also important - it can tell a lot.

In this article, we will look at what the right and left sides of the body symbolize.

Why does it hurt?

Psychosomatics (or psychosomatic medicine) is a completely official branch of medical science recognized by scientists and doctors, which studies the relationship of psychological, emotional and mental processes with the physiological state of the patient. When a person is under stress for a long time, the processes occurring in the autonomic nervous system are disrupted, muscle relaxation is not achieved, stress hormones accumulate, blood circulation and cellular metabolism can be disrupted. All this becomes the main disease.

Doctors cannot always establish the causes of pain, because not all forms of psychosomatic ailments are accompanied by changes at the physiological level. This means that there is pain, and the tests show no abnormalities. But there are (very often) and psychogenic diseases in which changes occur both at the organic and functional levels. Usually, such changes appear after the psychosomatic state has lasted for a long time.

In any case, if pain appears (on the right or left), you should first consult a doctor who will conduct an examination, but if the reason is not clear, you should definitely visit a psychotherapist who will help you find the deep roots of the disease.

The psychosomatic significance of the parties

There is a so-called psychosomatic map of the body in psychosomatics. It was compiled by psychoanalysts based on long-term studies of certain groups of patients with the same diagnoses. According to this map each organ and part of the body is given its own metaphysical meaning.

For example, the lungs symbolize the inhalation of life, the desire to live. If there are breathing problems, for a specialist this means that a person has a severe internal conflict or emotional problems associated with accepting people and the world in general.

Legs are a symbol of movement forward, and it's not only about walking or running, but also about personal growth, advancement, development.

If your legs hurt, this suggests that a person has obstacles, fears on the way, he cannot (he was forbidden, or he forbade himself) to move forward.

Hands - active doing, creation. The stomach is an organ that helps to "digest" information, events, people, and accept them. The thyroid gland protects a person when he feels defenseless - it activates and begins to work excessively. So, each organ has its own psychosomatic meaning.

The sides of the body have their own meanings. Many organs in a person are paired, and speaking of kidney or eye disease, we do not necessarily mean a violation of two paired organs - only the right or only the left can hurt.

If a person is right-handed, then pains in the right side of the body for him symbolize social activity, actions, interaction with others, professional achievements, ambitions. If the right leg hurts, for example, then it is almost unmistakable to say that a person has problems in the labor sphere, at school, he cannot or does not want to move in this direction.

If a person is right-handed, and pain is observed on the left side, it is believed that this symbolizes for him his own inner world, personal experiences, the ability to feel. Thus, pain in the left leg will speak of problems in his personal life, in a person's attitude to himself, which prevent him from moving forward, to the future.

In metaphysics, feminine energy is attributed to the left side of the body, and the right side of the body is "responsible" for masculine energy. But man is an integral being. In him, both the masculine and the feminine are always balanced. In a healthy person, the two principles are in complete harmony, but in a patient they may be in a state of imbalance.

Some psychotherapeutic practices recommend that adults analyze whether there is this harmony: for this you need to remember and analyze your relationship with the opposite sex. You need to start with your own parents.

Was your relationship with your mom not the best? Maybe there were conflicts with your father? What feelings did parents of the opposite sex evoke in you, as a little boy?

If there is negative, then the balance is out of order. What is it fraught with? Scoliosis for children and adolescents, diseases of the reproductive system for young people and middle-aged people. And also internal conflict can cause hypertension, allergic reactions and many other psychosomatic diseases.

On right

When pain appears on the right, it is recommended to remember the heroes and great warriors of the past. They fought mainly (with rare exceptions) with their right hand, holding a sword in it, and holding a shield with their left. Thus, everything that is aggressive, effective and assertive is the right side, everything that concerns the hearth, protection, preservation of life is the left.

In a woman and a man, the appearance of pain on the right indicates stressors, experiences, problems in the field of work, business, and social status.

For representatives of the stronger sex, pains on the right side symbolize problems with typical male landmarks - competition, a sense of responsibility for the family, children, the ability to win, and respect oneself.

If a woman has pain on the right side, it is worth looking for a deeper reason in how she balances her career and raising children. A conflict is not excluded in which a woman blames herself for the fact that she devotes too little time to children because of work.

Psychosomatic pains on the right are often found in women who occupy men's positions, which require the ability to quickly and carefully make the most important decisions, on which the fate of other people depends.

Another category of women suffering from psychosomatic "right" pain - women who experience internal conflict because of the need to more show their masculine energy - to feed the family, be solely responsible for it, to resolve all issues.

For both men and women, pain on the right side can be a sign of an accumulated conflict with men (a man may have problems communicating with his boss, friends, colleagues, brother, father, and so on, a woman - with her husband, lover, brother, dad, colleagues, boss, children-sons).

In pathological relationships, if they persist for a long time, internal stressors (resentment, fear, anger) accumulate, which is fraught with a wide variety of diseases, and not only numbness or psychosomatic, not concentrated in one organ, diffuse pain on the right.


Pain in the left side in both men and women is a sign that there are problems in the area of ​​feelings.

A person does not know how to accept help and ask for it, obey, show care, creativity, love, listen.

A man with pain on the left usually has big problems with expressing his love and tenderness, does not know how to cry, show care, ignores his creative abilities, considering them unnecessary in his activities.

Women with pain in the left side of the body are very vulnerable, feminine, they have conflicts between desires and possibilities.

And also psychosomatosis on the left is a sign of possible problems with female representatives - wife, mother, sister, daughter.

Watch the video: Whats Causing Pain On My Left Side? (June 2024).