After childbirth

What mothers most often argue about on the Internet: TOP-5 most pressing topics

Young mothers often spend time on the Internet on thematic sites and forums, and often sweet communication develops into heated arguments. There are 5 main topics that no mother can pass by. So, 5 disputes on the Internet that all mothers get involved in ...

After the birth of a child, young mothers have a lot of worries, but sometimes it seems that they spend all their days on the Internet. On the forums and sites, which are often called "moms", serious passions are boiling and real battles are unfolding. Someone is wrong in matters of parenting, which means that you need to leave your own comment, and one more, and another ... Swear, find like-minded people and, tired but satisfied, return with direct responsibilities. There are many reasons for heated discussions, but there are 5 disputes on the Internet, in which all mothers get involved.

Breastfeeding VS formula

One of the main topics of disagreement between young mothers. Breastfeeding adherents argue that this is the most useful, hygienic and natural way to feed a baby, which helps to increase immunity and the correct development of the baby. Their opponents find other arguments - feeding ties the woman to the house, causes pain, and does not always protect the baby from illness. Within this topic there are others that can be called highly specialized - to what age should you feed a child, where is it better to do it, and whether you should be ashamed of others. The topic is heated up by the media - stories regularly appear in them, then the nursing mother will be kicked out from somewhere, then, on the contrary, will be found among the members of the State Duma.

Unexpected happiness vs planned pregnancy

An equally interesting topic for discussion is that some mothers insist that the child has his own room, a lot of toys and the opportunity to study at Cambridge in the future. Others are sure that maternal love compensates for living in a one-room apartment with a grandmother, one trousers for three and rest in the nearest village instead of a trip to the sea. Some admire those who give birth to many children, not having enough funds to satisfy all needs, while others condemn them, and in each case, a story from life is found to prove their own innocence.

Where is the border when the birth of a child is heroism bordering on recklessness, and does it exist at all? Every, almost every mother will certainly come to speak, starting with "but I have ..." and ending with an unpleasant statement addressed to opponents.

Supermom VS just a mom

Can a woman teach a child to read and write with one hand, cook healthy meals with the other, and in the meantime earn money on maternity leave, lose weight after childbirth and endure childish disobedience with a smile? If you believe the forums, such supermoms really exist - in reality no one has seen them, but on the Internet they meet through one. The rest were not too lucky with superpowers, but both categories do not even think to listen to each other, but exchange mutual injections.

This is a battle of mothers, whose children themselves go to bed from three months, obey from the first word and learned to read at two years old, and those who consider all this to be a fiction, or even a mockery of common sense. The former, of course, do not believe in postpartum depression, do not attract grandparents, lost weight a month after giving birth, earn money sitting on maternity leave, and never raise their voices to children. The second - yes, just ordinary people who are a little less fortunate with the metabolism and character of children. Instead of sharing experiences, both groups prefer to exchange barbs.

Whole Personality VS Sacrificial Love

A good mother should forget about work and girlfriends, hairdressing and nail salons are prohibited, and the husband is considered exclusively as a source of funds and a housekeeper. Is it so? No way! A normal mother should be a person and a happy woman, as a result of which the child will develop comprehensively and grow up independent. The branches of the discussion are whether it is necessary to take the baby to kindergarten (negligent mothers need it or the child really needs it), involve grandparents in his upbringing (we must help or we can handle it ourselves), use the services of a nanny (how can you entrust someone else's child's aunt). As you can understand, sacrificial mothers consider all of the above to be a real nightmare, and their opponents consider it an integral and useful part of life.

No prohibitions VS strict education

Is it possible for adults to raise their voices at children, slap them on the buttocks and use some kind of punishment system? Is this allowed only to parents, or are teachers in child care institutions also entitled to such things? What to do if children behave badly in the presence of strangers - make a remark or remember that touching someone else's is strictly prohibited? To support their own innocence, both sides cite stories from experience, the opinion of psychologists, the laws of the State Duma, UN conventions, quotes from the popes and other authoritative sources.

It is impossible to convince opponents or simply convey your opinion to them, but how interesting you can spend your time, and this applies not only to the participants in the discussions, but also to numerous outside observers.

Watch the video: The Top Five Most Common Fights Between Couples (September 2024).