
Psychosomatics in the table: about diseases in children and adults in an accessible form

The psychosomatics of diseases has recently been of increasing interest to people, since the connection between our mental state and the diseases that arise from it has become completely obvious even for people who are far from medicine. There are many authors, books, techniques, presentations and seminars that allow you to establish the causes of a particular ailment, and the authors do not always agree with each other. Therefore, we have collected the most basic psychosomatic causes in one table, the search for which will not be difficult if you need to find the prerequisites for a certain disease in a child or adult.

Psychosomatics refers to the related field of psychology and medicine, which explains the close relationship between the bodily and the emotional. Even doctors of antiquity paid attention to this connection. So, Hippocrates wrote that many ailments of the body should be healed through the soul of the patient, since they originate from there.

In Soviet medicine, psychosomatics was studied mainly as a theory, without finding any applied application. But gradually even skeptical doctors, who denied any psychology in the same appendicitis or myocardial infarction, began to agree that the connection actually exists. Psychosomatics is not obscurantism, not pseudoscience (which homeopathy was once recognized as being), it is recognized as a separate branch at the intersection of anatomy, physiology and psychology.

People who are positive and good-natured, and any practitioner knows this, recover faster, and pessimists, persons in a state of depression drive themselves into even greater illnesses, when traditional treatment is useless.

How many people, so many causes of disease, but in general, it is still possible to find common features. The most popular authors among the people - Louise Hay, Liz Burbo, Valery Sinelnikov, Grigory Semchuk, Sofya Zelenkova, Gennady Starshenbaum tried to make complex psychosomatic processes more accessible to understanding.

Before we move on to the reasons, it should be clearly understood which disease can be considered psychosomatic and which cannot. A psychosomatic disease is considered to be a disease, the causes of which cannot be established by accessible and generally accepted diagnostic methods.

Diseases that are considered psychosomatic even with an established cause, they are not cured by drugs or very difficult to cure. The very fact of the frequent recurrence of the disease should suggest that a person has the very starting "mechanism" inside that triggers exacerbations.

Most chronic diseases have psychosomatic prerequisites. And it is not so important why and how a person fell ill for the first time. In psychosomatics, it is no longer necessary to look for the root cause, but the cause of frequent exacerbations of the existing ailment. It is important to find out what psychogenic factors provoke it to aggravate.

So that the tables do not cause bewilderment in you, you should tell how exactly the psychosomatic state begins. This will help you better understand the cause of the disease and find the key to cure.

Usually psychosomatic prerequisites accumulate for a long time, and this is the reason for their occurrence. Thought and emotion are at the core. But one should not think that one thought alone can cause cystitis or gastritis in oneself. It is important how long the emotion is present, how it affects the brain.

A negative experience, for example, anger or fear, can be hidden from others - no one around will think that a person is afraid of something or that he is very angry at heart. But emotion cannot be hidden from one's own brain. An impulse that enters the cerebral cortex and its other structures always causes a response impulse (this is what the human nervous system rests on). In response to fear, stress hormones are produced, the brain gives the command to the muscles to "group", to prepare for danger. This is a mechanism created by nature that saves a person.

Muscles tense up almost at the cellular level. But fear is not a real danger, and time passes, but there is still no danger. But fear persists, does not allow muscle tissue to relax. It freezes in a certain state, blood circulation, local metabolism is disturbed, and a disease develops. Similarly, the brain commands the endocrine glands. A person who does not know how to properly live and let go, "release" emotional stress, will get sick more often.

We all live in the same world, we breathe the same air, we are surrounded by the same bacteria and viruses, we eat the same food, we experience approximately the same feelings - we are all afraid of something, we all love or hate someone, then we are offended. But we are not all sick, especially with such dangerous ailments as cancer. Is this not a reason to think about why some people have illnesses every five years, and even then they manage with a banal runny nose that passes in a few days, while others literally do not crawl out of hospitals, they know by name all the employees of the local clinic and half of the drug registry by heart?

Since a person creates a psychosomatic illness for himself, with his own thoughts, models of behavior, emotions, then he must take the most active part in treatment. In psychosomatic medicine, it is believed that a correctly established cause is already half the way to victory over the disease.

For your convenience, we have presented in the summary tables several points of view of famous authors on each of the diseases. It is enough to find an appropriate diagnosis and see what psychosomatic causes the researchers considered the most likely. But you may be puzzled if opposite your illness you see, for example, the word "aggression". What does it mean? Where is the real reason?

The psychotherapist Valeriy Sinelnikov proposed a unique method of communication with the subconscious. It, unlike consciousness, knows exactly why the disease appeared. Ask your subconscious mind questions: “What caused my aggression? Who is it directed at? How does it come out? What organ is it getting stuck in? Who or what is causing the anger? " The answer will come either in the form of a visual image - you will see a person's mental vision or an event that became the "starting point" for the disease, either by sound or in any other way.

If a child is sick, the help of a psychologist may be required, a confidential conversation, which will help to establish what the baby is unhappy with, what he does not like, what he is silent about. Often, the causes of childhood illnesses lie in the behavior and negative attitudes of adults.

If it is difficult to establish the cause on your own, you can seek help from a psychologist, psychotherapist, who will certainly help you find the basis of psychosomatosis and give individual recommendations for treatment.

These tables are not complete, because there are many more diseases. If you want to find the underlying causes of endocrine disease, cytomegalovirus, staphylococcus, tuberculosis and other ailments, it is worth studying the works of researchers.

Watch the video: Robert Whitaker - Scientific Censorship in Psychiatry - March 9, 2019 - CPH (July 2024).