
Psychosomatic causes of fever in children and adults

Very often, the temperature in adults and children rises for no reason, while the throat does not hurt, there is no runny nose, but the thermometer shows an increase in body temperature. In this case, experts talk about a fever on a nervous basis, more precisely, a psychogenic rise in temperature.

General information

An increase in body temperature is a defense mechanism that the body activates during a viral or bacterial disease. It is necessary, because at elevated temperatures the environment inside the human body becomes less "attractive" for pathogens and viral agents, besides, heat stimulates the production of protective immune cells, in particular, interferon.

The more of this protein, the faster the immune system manages to deal with unwanted "guests" and return to normal.

Normally, the body temperature of a healthy adult or child is between 36 and 37 degrees. Subfebrile temperature is called its rise from 37 degrees, and high temperature - from 38 degrees and above... There are people with individual physiological characteristics, for whom a low temperature is considered everyday - from 35.3 to 35.8 degrees, or they constantly have a subfebrile temperature, but at the same time they feel great.

An increase in body temperature relative to the normal rate is perceived and felt by a person in different ways. Most often, weakness, body aches, a headache, a feeling of chills, dizziness, painful sensation in the eyes appear.

If there are signs of acute respiratory viral infections, flu or other illness, a rise in temperature will be an important diagnostic sign when assessing the patient's condition. If there are no other symptoms and, apart from fever, nothing happens, special attention should be paid to the psychosomatics of this condition.

Psychosomatic causes

Psychosomatic elevated body temperature by psychotherapists and psychologists is regarded as individual body reaction to experienced or experienced stress... Experts tend to see this temperature as "escape". A person subconsciously or consciously tries to hide in the disease, hide behind it... But there are no objective physiological reasons for the disease, so the body creates the only obvious symptom that will allow a person to consider himself sick - temperature.

A person may need an illness in order not to do something that is ahead, but it causes fear and uncertainty... The temperature will help you stay at home, get sick, you can legally refuse to do what is so embarrassing or scary. A child may have a sudden fever on the eve of an important exam or competitionif he feels that he is not sure about the positive outcome of the test. Often such "escapes" are made by small children who very much do not want to go to kindergarten or go to visit their grandmother.

The second reason for the psychogenic rise in temperature is the utilization of negative stored energy. TWhat kind of fever develops after an important or unpleasant event, when a person is full of unpleasant sensations, unexpressed fears, doubts, and maybe resentment... Like everything obsolete, such destructive, already obsolete emotions must be utilized. The body suits them a "crematorium" - as a result, the body temperature rises.

In this situation, the body, in fact, has two options - hysteria or fever. If a person does not know how to express his feelings in words, he has no one to share his experiences with, there is no proper degree of trust to tell loved ones what they feel, a fever begins. More open people start crying, tears, hysteria - it is in this way that emotional "trash" is brought out without other consequences for the body.

Psychogenic temperature can rise in people with a labile psyche, increased emotionality and sensitivity, almost all children are exposed to it due to the age characteristics of the nervous system.

Chronic fatigue syndrome and some depressive conditions, accompanied by low-grade fever, are more characteristic of people who are used to not showing their true feelings to others. They usually have rather high temperatures.

The psychology of a disease, or rather a condition, is such that it directly indicates adaptive difficulties, therefore in children, psychosomatic fever may appear suddenly in response to a change in the usual environment (the family changes its place of residence, the child was sent to kindergarten, to school, transferred to another children's institution). Typically, this temperature drops and comes to normal values ​​immediately after the child finds himself in a familiar environment or adapts to new conditions.

How to cure?

Special attention should be paid to the treatment of such a temperature, because in this case there is little hope for antipyretics - they either do not help, or help, but not for long, and the fever reappears. Treatment requires the right approach, taking into account the possible cause of the disease.

Well-known researchers point out that a sudden fever can be caused by an outburst of resentment, anger. Louise Hay suggests mastering techniques for managing your own anger so that you can forget about psychogenic fever once and for all.... A Canadian researcher fully agrees with her Liz Burbo. She clarifies that such a temperature is a clear signal of the existence of some kind of problem that a person needs to urgently deal with and solve., stop "running" and hiding from her.

Treatment should begin by looking for the problem. It is necessary to relax and honestly answer the question of why a person is trying to escape, what he does not want to do, for what reason the disease was created. You also need to clarify if there is strong anger and irritation towards someone. The responses received will be therapeutic.

There is anger - it means you need to let it go, forgive the offender, thank your body for the hint and tune in to positive emotions (even if you can find a huge number of good traits and merits in the image of the offender). In this case, the temperature will drop within a few hours.

There is a reluctance to do some assigned work - you should call your colleagues and honestly refuse it, referring, for example, to the fact that they overestimated their own strengths. After that, it will become noticeably lighter, and the heat will begin to subside.

If the psychogenic temperature rises in a child, then you need to ask him where and why he does not want to go... It is possible that in the kindergarten someone offends him, so the prospect of going there again is unpleasant for the child. It would be nice for a schoolchild with a vulnerable and sensitive psyche to organize the preparation for tests and exams in such a way that he can do everything without an emergency, in a calm mode, in advance. Then there will be more self-confidence, and the child will not need to create an "escape into illness".

If the body reacts with temperature to certain stressful events and troubles, then you should "insure" yourself in advance - master relaxation techniques, sign up for a massage and a pool, so that the release of negative emotions occurs at the physical level as emotions accumulate, while it is important not to overflow.

Thus, such a temperature practically does not need medicines. Moreover, it is easier to prevent it if you know why and how it occurs.

If you start to "suppress" the fever with large doses of antipyretic, the real problem will remain unresolved, and on occasion everything will be repeated, but this time the fever may be higher and the condition will worsen.

Watch the video: Causes of Fever in Children, Clearly Explained (July 2024).