
Psychosomatics of gastritis in adults and children

Gastritis is not at all a rare diagnosis in both childhood and adulthood. If earlier gastritis was mainly diagnosed in adults, who were often nervous and did not have the opportunity to eat well, today children with such a problem are registered with a gastroenterologist. The disease is not always caused exclusively by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, sometimes the reason should be sought in the attitudes, thinking and emotional state of a person.

In this article, we will discuss the psychosomatic causes of the disease.

General information about the disease

Gastritis is an inflammatory or inflammatory-dystrophic process that occurs in the mucous membrane of the digestive organ. The disease lasts for a long time, and the first symptoms often appear after gastritis has existed for a long time.

The more severe the gastritis, the less chances the mucous membrane has for regeneration, the more likely it is that the stomach will lose part of its functions, in particular, secretory.

Gastritis is officially considered a precancerous disease of the stomach, and therefore its diagnosis requires responsibility from doctors. Risk factors for the onset of the disease are usually considered a violation of the principles and rules of healthy eating, a violation of the acidity of gastric juice, not the last place is given to stress in a person's life.

Most gastroenterologists tend to put the psychological factor first among all others.

Psychosomatic causes

The psychosomatics of the disease lies in the physiological characteristics of the functions of the stomach. Recall that the stomach is a hollow organ in which food received from the outside is primarily digested by gastric juice and enzymes, mixed into a homogeneous gruel and passes into the small intestine, where the absorption of nutrients occurs. Food in psychosomatic medicine is considered not only the food that we take for lunch or dinner, but also all information coming from outside, the perception of people, events.

Psychosomatic disorders begin when a person's "digestion" of information coming from the outside world is disturbed. Since gastritis is inflammatory in nature, irritation and anger are one of the most important triggers.

The acid, which is gastric juice, is aggressive in itself, therefore, at the psychosomatic level, it symbolizes aggression. If a person meets information from the outside with aggression, then the likelihood of gastritis increases significantly. Gastritis can occur both against a background of increased acidity of gastric juice, and against a background of low acidity, in addition, the disease often occurs at a completely normal level of acidity.

In order to establish the exact psychosomatic cause, it is important to find out from the doctor what acidity of the juice you have - low, normal or high.

High acidity

Highly acidic gastritis usually affects people who are used to taking on a lot of responsibility. They accept all external information precisely through the prism of responsibility. At some moments something may not work out, there is not enough strength, then a person begins to scold and blame himself, that is, he directs aggression towards himself.

Very often, such a diagnosis is made to representatives of certain professional communities: transport dispatchers, pilots, machinists, drivers of passenger buses. They constantly feel the burden of responsibility for thousands of other people's lives. Such people are quite anxious, although outwardly they can remain calm. They always know how to assess the situation and know exactly how expensive their mistake can be.

To recover from such gastritis, it is important to start by reassessing your own strength. There is no need to take on unnecessary responsibilities, to take on what others can and should do. If you leave everything as it is, then the next stage will be an ulcer, and not far from cancer of the stomach.

Reduced acidity

Gastritis with low acidity usually suffers from infantile people who can make decisions themselves, but prefer others to do it, and even more so others must implement decisions in life and bear responsibility for the consequences. They have no malice in their character. None, even useful, which is a driving force and motivates people to great achievements. It is easier for them to rely on someone or on higher powers that will "digest" their problems for them.

According to this scenario, gastritis often develops in children, especially if children grow up in a family where parents are in no hurry to give the child a zone of responsibility, responsibilities and decide everything for their son or daughter on their own.

For the treatment of such gastritis, it is important to expand the scope of the patient's responsibility, he needs to take responsibility for himself, learn to complete the started cases and projects.

Normal acidity

Gastritis with normal acidity of gastric juice is inherent in people who absorb everything without disassembling information from the outside world into bad, good, useful and harmful. Usually, such gastritis develops in adolescents who are not too picky in the choice of friends and hobbies, quickly get carried away and quickly cool down to some business.

Another category of patients with normal acidity are people accustomed to success. They always strive for it, no matter what they undertake. They are quite capable of even daunting tasks (they say that their stomachs "digest nails").

The danger lies in the fact that a stomach filled with nails quickly wears out mechanically. The same thing happens at the psychosomatic level.

Childhood diseases

Gastritis and gastroduodenitis in children often develops if adults give the child too much information, which he simply cannot digest due to age (and stomach volume) - for example, a baby at the age of 4 attends two language courses, a music school and two sports section. Tell me, will you, in your 25-30 years, master the work, study at two universities in the full-time department and daily read half of the volume of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia? Even if you master it, you will definitely not be able to digest the information and assimilate it. What happens to the baby.

According to psychosomatics, gastritis often affects children who emotionally cannot "digest" a particular person in their environment. If in a group in a kindergarten someone provokes conflicts constantly, if a teacher or educator causes rejection, if there is no warm relationship with a stepfather or stepmother, and this is accompanied by internal tension, irritation, then you should not be surprised at such a diagnosis.

It is important to approach the treatment correctly and comprehensively. The child most often needs the help of a qualified child psychologist.

The specialist will help him to formulate all anxieties and dislikes, get rid of them, replace them with more positive feelings and emotions. Such work, coupled with a diet and a healthy active lifestyle, will certainly yield results, then the child will be able to get rid of gastritis in the shortest possible time.

Watch the video: Natural Remedies for Acidity, Gastritis and GERD (July 2024).