
Psychosomatics of ear problems in adults and children

Hearing problems are more common in childhood. Experts explain this by the narrowness and peculiarities of the location of the auditory tube, frequent colds and viral diseases. But there are other reasons that can cause ear dysfunction at different ages.

We will tell you about the psychosomatics of the hearing organs and problems with them in this article.

General information

The ears enable a person to perceive sound information. Without it, the idea of ​​the world around you will be incomplete. Hearing is closely related to speech and brain development. That is why children born deaf or hard of hearing experience enormous difficulties in mastering spoken language - there is no way to reproduce what the ear does not catch.

Ears have a rather complex anatomical structure. They consist of the outer, middle and inner ear, each of these departments functions due to rather complex mechanisms of sound reception, transmission and processing of information.

Ear diseases can affect people of all ages.

The most common otitis media are acute and chronic. There are fungal infections - otomycosis. In recent years, more and more cases of sensorineural hearing loss (both congenital and acquired) have been recorded. Not all ear diseases lead to hearing loss; hearing loss is not always irreversible. But any, even a slight disturbance in the functioning of the ears significantly impairs the quality of human life.

There are children who very often suffer from inflammatory processes in the ears. There are children who begin to lose their hearing for unknown reasons. And this is where psychosomatics can come to the rescue, which relies not only on physiology and anatomy, but also on psychogenic factors in the development of certain diseases.

Psychosomatic causes

Psychosomatic medicine views the ears as an extremely important organ. Please note: they are located closer than other organs to the brain. Considering that the ears receive and transmit sounds, they provide a person with contact with the outside world, receiving auditory information. Auditory information is a special channel. She is responsible for long-range forecasting.

What we see with our eyes is happening now or appears to us in dreams, dreams. What we perceive by touch matters onlybut here and now. Auditory information is an opportunity for a person to use what he heard for long-distance planning of his life.... “I heard, I know” - it is no coincidence that the information heard is then checked, it is followed or not followed, but after some analytical work of the brain.

A teenager chooses a university not because he saw or touched it, but because he heard about it or about the profession taught in him, there are many good things.

Adults often shop not because they have already tried a given product and are delighted with its quality, but because they have heard positive reviews about it.

Our ears are locators that capture information from the world long before we see a visual image.

Before we see the train, we hear it approaching, before we see the dog behind the fence, we hear its barking, which makes us be more careful, because the brain immediately tells us to beware.

The most successful people in forecasting and planning (businessmen, politicians, diplomats) are very often eared - they have large ears, and the shamans of some African tribes still widen their ears with punctures and weights in order to “hear better” the future - the weather, changes, natural disasters, tribal threats. If they do not "hear" the future, they will simply cease to enjoy the authority of their fellow tribesmen.

Ears always give truthful information about events that will soon occur (I recall the sound of train wheels and the fact that we see the train itself literally in a few seconds). Ears are uncharacteristic of daydreaming and daydreaming, like eyes.

They do not invent anything, do not "embellish", they represent reality only as it really is.

therefore any problems with ears in psychosomatics are regarded as problems with the perception of information about the future... A person either does not want to hear what awaits him, or does not accept criticism aimed at changing his future.

Ears hurt when a person internally denies what he has heard, does not want to listen to something or someone... As a result, the subconscious mind clearly fulfills its purpose - to protect the "owner" from negative emotions. It just blocks auditory information. - partially or completely, on a temporary or permanent basis.

The left ear hurts, makes noise, lays down when you do not want to receive information about relatives, relatives, family members, relatives, friends. The right ear, according to psychosomatic science, symbolizes the professional sphere, work, money, career issues.

Pain and noise, decreased hearing function in the right ear - unwillingness to receive some information about the real future in business matters. It is also believed that the right ear is "responsible" for communication with the outside world, and the left - for the ability to hear oneself, one's intuition and the inner voice.

If the pathology is bilateral, then this suggests that the person angrily and fiercely denies the world from the outside and himself in it, does not see, does not hear his future in the current circumstances, is afraid of the world, is not sure that he has chosen the right path and that that path will lead him to well-being.

Adult features

Since otitis media is considered the most common, you should start with it. Inflammation of one of the ear sections indicates that the person does not want to hear something and experiences irritation and even anger about this.

The psychosomatic direction in medicine considers otitis media in adults as a warning signal that a person has chosen the wrong direction, it is dangerous for him, sometimes - deadly. The ear "picks up" the danger signal long before something is about to happen, and begins to attract a person's attention by the inflammatory process.

If you listen carefully to yourself, you can notice other additional intuitive hints from the body. But we live in a frantic rhythm, and we do not always listen to our intuition.

Frequent ear problems tinnitus (noise, ringing), deafness affects people who do not like to hear criticismwho react painfully to her, who are skeptical or contemptuous of other people's advice, being completely confident in their exclusive righteousness.

Overconfident, pompous, important, they deny any negative auditory signals, therefore, the body fulfills their desire not to hear, then hearing decreases.

Childhood diseases

Children's psychosomatics of problems with ears is much more complicated than an adult. Ears can get sick, make noise, ring, become inflamed or stop hearing in childhood for a variety of reasons.

Let's take a look at the most common ones.

  • Adult pressure... It so happens that adults are too persistent in their attempts to predict a certain future for a child. If a child “does not hear” positive long-range forecasts about his own future planned by mom and dad, he starts having problems with his ears. He does not want to become a swimmer or a pianist, he does not dream of a military career and does not "hear" himself in this. But the parents are persistent. In order to stop the flow of negative information about an alien life path that does not belong to him, the child subconsciously limits his hearing abilities.

  • The kid drowns out reality... Sometimes a child has no other choice but to drown out the world, to leave the flow of information that causes him pain and suffering. This happens in families where the child hears a lot of screams, abuse, tantrums, swear words of the mother and father. He needs problems with his ears so that the silence and calmness that he dreams of finally comes in his head.

As with adults, schoolchildren and adolescents may have the reason for their unwillingness to listen to criticism. This is what children with the so-called "excellent student's syndrome" suffer from, who are accustomed to being the first in everything and always. It is easier for them not to hear at all than to perceive by ear what can hurt them.

It is necessary to treat ear problems exclusively in a complex... The therapy prescribed by the ENT alone will not be enough, if the internal cause is not found and eliminated, the problem does not go away or will quickly return again after a little relief.

To hear well, you just need to want to hear everything - the sounds of nature, the words of all people, even critical and painful ones. If you learn to accept information with gratitude, without anger, your hearing will become better.

More about the psychosomatics of hearing - in the next video.

Watch the video: Ear Ache in Children- Excessive Crying - Dr Paulose FRCS ENT (June 2024).