
Why can a rash appear on the hands of a child and what to do?

If a child has rashes on the arms, then this may be a manifestation of a wide variety of pathologies. This article will tell you how to figure out when a child has this symptom and what to do about it.

Causes of occurrence

Doctors identify a huge variety of a wide variety of provoking factors that contribute to the appearance of various rashes on the hands of children. It can manifest itself in different ways. The severity and course of the disease depends on the original cause that caused the rash on the baby's skin. Such skin elements can occur in children of very different ages.

Infectious diseases

Preschool kids begin to actively explore the world. They do this mainly by touching various objects. Violation of the elementary rules of hygiene in this case contributes to the fact that various pathogens settle on the child's skin. They contribute to the appearance of characteristic rashes on the baby's skin.

A rash on the wrists and the back of the palms is quite often caused by various types pathogenic staphylococci. These microbes are capable of exerting a rather aggressive effect on the skin, leading to the development of severe infectious inflammation.

At risk are kids attending preschool educational institutions. In this case, a healthy child can be infected from a sick child through direct contact.


A rash between the toes is often the result of scabies. In this case, scabies mites lead to the development of this unfavorable symptom in babies. These skin parasites settle in the skin and cause the development of various small rashes on it. It should be noted that scabies is also highly contagious. A huge number of different outbreaks of this disease are recorded annually within organized children's groups.

Scabies mites need oxygen to function. To do this, they crawl out of the deep skin layers into more superficial ones. This is manifested by the appearance on the skin of multiple small spots that appear at the points of entry and exit of parasites to the surface. This clinical sign can appear on the hands and folds of the arms.

Prickly heat

Prickly heat can also lead to the appearance on the delicate skin of babies of various bright red rashes. Usually, this pathology occurs in children aged 1-2 years. In this case, severe overheating of the baby leads to the development of adverse symptoms. Excessive wrapping of the child and wearing too warm a jacket or woolen blouse can cause the development of characteristic rashes on the hands or the inside of the arms.

Symptoms of prickly heat, which develops mainly in infants, can be not only in the area of ​​the palms. They also appear in babies on legs, arms and back. Localization depends on what caused the development of prickly heat in babies. Manifestation data is generated in places of direct contact with warm clothing.


Allergic pathologies also quite often lead to the fact that various rashes appear on clean and healthy children's skin. This is caused by various allergens that enter and act on the body. Quite often, the development of skin rashes is facilitated by various chemicals, household chemicals and cosmetics, as well as foods that a child eats daily.

Allergic rashes can occur on the hands and feet, as well as on other areas of the skin. Usually, they are accompanied by severe itching. Its intensity can be different. In some cases, severe itching of the skin brings severe discomfort to the child. It can occur in a child not only during the day, but also at night.

Body temperature in this case can remain within normal limits.

How does it manifest?

The appearance of a rash on the skin of the hands can be different. It depends on what caused the appearance of such specific changes on the skin. Infectious skin pathologies are manifested by the appearance of multiple bright red spots on the skin. This small rash usually itches a lot. A rash in a child can appear both on the arms and on the stomach.

Staphylococcal flora causes the appearance on the baby's skin of multiple bubbles filled from the inside with serous or yellow liquid. The severe course of the disease is accompanied by the appearance of pus in such rashes. These skin blisters can burst when touched.

In this case, serous fluid or pus flows out, and multiple bleeding sores remain at the site of the former rashes.

Fungal infection proceeds in a child with the development of multiple white rashes. In some cases, they can also have a yellowish tint. Usually the surface of fungal eruptions is uneven. Outside, such skin elements are covered with a large amount of easily peeling skin scales. In some cases, the rash may not have an intense color and are colorless.

Allergic skin changesthat occurs on the hands and cheeks are manifested by the appearance of bright red or crimson spots. Such localization is quite common in infants who begin to receive their first complementary foods for the first time in their lives. In this case, some food products become allergens. Quite often, different fruit or vegetable purees that have an orange or yellow color lead to the development of allergies in babies.

Large red spots on the arms and neck can be a manifestation prickly heat... This symptom is especially pronounced in babies in the first months of life. Such "glowing" spots appear in places of direct contact with clothing. The affected area may also be warm and damp to the touch.

How to treat?

When various rashes appear on the child's skin, it is very important to immediately show the baby to the attending physician. In many cases, differential diagnosis is a difficult task. Clinical examination alone is insufficient to establish the correct diagnosis. Mandatory performance of laboratory tests, and in some cases instrumental studies is required.

After establishing the cause that contributes to the development of various rashes on the skin of the baby's hands, doctors prescribe the necessary treatment regimen for him. The duration of such therapy may vary. In some cases it may even take several weeks to have a positive effect. In the course of treatment, the doctor must monitor the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy. In this he is helped by a clinical examination of a sick child and laboratory tests.

If the cause of the appearance of rashes on the child's skin is a bacterial infection, then doctors resort to prescribing antibacterial drugs... Usually mild skin conditions are treated with topical treatments. For this, various ointments and creams with antibacterial properties are used. Only with a pronounced and unfavorable development of pathology are tabletted or injectable forms of antibiotics prescribed.

Eliminate skin rashes caused by allergies can only be done with antihistamines... These drugs include: "Claritin", "Suprastin", "Zirtek" and others. The frequency of use, course and daily dosages, as well as the duration of treatment are established by the attending physician, taking into account the initial well-being of the baby, as well as his weight and age. The use of these funds not only has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, but also reduces itching.

To eliminate rashes on the handles of a child caused by a fungal infection, special antifungal agents... They are usually discharged for a fairly long appointment. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene while using these drugs is a very important condition for therapy. In most cases, antifungal agents are prescribed in conjunction with immune-boosting drugs.

In some cases, the prescribed treatment does not lead to an improvement in the baby's well-being. In this situation, the appointment of hormonal drugs is already required. They are prescribed for use in the form of gels, ointments or creams.

Such topical treatment usually does not cause many unwanted side effects. These drugs quickly lead to a positive result.

To eliminate rashes on the skin of the hands in children, various physiotherapy methods. Treatment with ultraviolet rays is used quite successfully. Such techniques have a pronounced positive effect on the skin, contributing to its cleansing, as well as recovery and healing. To achieve a lasting positive effect, at least 10-15 procedures may be required.


Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is a very important condition for maintaining healthy skin. From a very early age, the baby should be taught to wash his hands regularly after using the toilet, as well as after visiting any public places. To do this, use a soap that does not contain aggressive chemical dyes and fragrances. These components only aggravate dry skin and can provoke the appearance of allergic rashes on the palms of the child.

For better prevention of skin diseases and various infections, many parents force their children to use antibacterial soap. This is not worth doing.

Frequent use of antibacterial soaps contributes to the disruption of the healthy balance of the microflora that lives on the skin. This leads to the fact that the local immunity of the skin is significantly reduced. In this case, the baby can become infected with various skin infections much easier.

Strengthening the immune system plays a very important role in the prevention of the appearance of various rashes on the baby's skin. Proper balanced nutrition, daily walks in the fresh air, as well as the absence of severe stress are integral parts of any therapy for skin diseases. You can also strengthen children's immunity by hardening. Such procedures should be carried out daily to maintain and strengthen the achieved result.

Wearing mittens or gloves during the cold season is a must to keep your skin healthy. Temperature changes have a pronounced adverse effect on the delicate baby skin. Warm gloves are able to protect the baby's fingers and palms from the impact of the piercing wind and cold. Such products should be as warm as possible, but not lead to excessive overheating.

All about the causes and treatment of childhood rash, see below.

Watch the video: Why does Skin Rash, Hives, Urticaria happen? Dr Rohit Batra explains (July 2024).