
Conjunctivitis in children

Conjunctivitis is very common in young babies. Scientists have more than a hundred reasons that lead to its development. Conjunctivitis is considered a fairly serious condition. If treatment is not timely, the baby may have dangerous complications.

What is it?

Conjunctivitis is a disease that is included in the International Classification of Disease ICD-10. This disease often affects both eyes. In about a third of cases, inflammation can only be unilateral. In the statistics of diseases, conjunctivitis occupies a leading place among other diseases of the eye and visual apparatus.

This disease occurs due to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. After exposure to external factors, inflammation starts in the eye, so the disease begins. The disease very quickly takes over the entire mucous membrane.

In more severe cases, if the correct treatment has not been prescribed, the process can even move into the inner sphere of the eye or cause inflammation in the brain.

Most often, the disease is rather mild. Purulent conjunctivitis, accompanied by the outflow of pus from the eye, are much less common. They are often caused by bacteria. Much less often, a purulent variant of the disease is provoked by viruses.

Causes of occurrence

A variety of external agents can cause conjunctivitis... Modern science divides all the factors that trigger the disease into several categories:

  • Bacterial. In this case, harmful bacteria are the source of the disease. Getting on the mucous membrane of the eye, they cause severe inflammation. Bacterial conjunctivitis is quite difficult. Babies may even have purulent variants of the course of the disease. Treatment requires the appointment of special antibacterial agents.
  • Viral. Ranked first in frequency among other variants of conjunctivitis. They are found in every second child who turns to the doctor with suspicion of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. The disease often proceeds without pus flow. This option is characterized by severe lacrimation. On average, the disease lasts 10-14 days. For treatment, it is necessary to prescribe special antiviral drugs in the form of eye drops, and in severe cases, even tablets.
  • Allergic. If a child has allergies, conjunctivitis is also quite common. In this case, the baby has all the signs of an allergic reaction: the body temperature rises, itchy elements appear on the skin, and congestion may appear when breathing. The child's behavior changes. Babies become less active, sleepy. Young children may be naughty and refuse to eat.
  • Traumatic. A child can inadvertently injure himself in normal daily life. Kids up to three years old actively explore the world. Tasting or touching everything is their favorite pastime. If a foreign substance enters the eye, mucous membrane damage can occur and severe inflammation can begin. In this case, you need to urgently show the child to an ophthalmologist.
  • Chemical. If various fluids or substances enter the eye, inflammation can also begin. The most common cause of chemical conjunctivitis is the ingestion of household chemicals. In some babies, this inflammation can occur after bathing with shampoo. Shower foam or gel, if it gets into your eyes, can trigger conjunctivitis.
  • Conjunctivitis, which occurs in other diseases. They are most common in babies with chronic inflammatory ear diseases. Exacerbation of otitis media, sinusitis and other diseases of the ENT organs provokes inflammation on the mucous membrane of the eye. This is due to the close proximity of organs to each other, as well as the blood supply from the same blood vessels. In such cases, before the treatment of conjunctivitis, the exacerbation of the chronic disease, which caused the inflammatory process, should be cured first.
  • Congenital conjunctivitis. It is quite rare. In this case, the baby becomes infected in the womb, from the mother. If a pregnant woman gets a viral or bacterial infection during pregnancy, she can easily infect her baby. Viruses and bacteria are very small. They easily penetrate the placenta and quickly spread throughout the child's body with the blood stream. Once on the mucous membrane of the eye, they also cause conjunctivitis.

Stages of the disease

In any inflammatory process, certain stages are successively replaced:

  1. Contact of the provocative factor on the mucous membrane of the eye. This can happen in several ways. Most often - through direct contact or with blood flow. Once on the mucous membrane, the foreign agent acts on the cells and triggers inflammation.
  2. Development of the main clinical symptoms of the disease. The cells of the immune system are actively involved in this. After receiving a signal that some foreign agent has entered the body, they quickly begin their work. Throwing away biologically active substances, the cells of the immune defense try to limit the process only in the eye cavity, preventing the spread throughout the body. Most of the conjunctivitis occurs in follicular form, without dangerous complications.
  3. The healing process. During this period, all clinical manifestations of the disease gradually begin to fade. The symptoms of inflammation are erased, and the baby is slowly recovering. However, this variant of the course of the disease is characteristic only with a favorable development of the disease. Weak babies or children with low levels of immunity can have dangerous complications. To prevent this, even at the first and second stages, the appointment of special medications is required.

Incubation period

The time from the moment a bacteria or virus enters the body until the development of the main symptoms of the disease can vary. It depends on which pathogen became the source of the disease. For most bacterial conjunctivitis, the incubation period lasts 7-10 days. In some cases, even up to two weeks.

With viral variants of the disease, the incubation period is, as a rule, 5-7 days. After this time, the baby becomes contagious, and the disease is easily transmitted from a sick child to a healthy one. Viruses are very small and spread easily. If children go to kindergarten or go to school, then the likelihood of infection increases significantly. In crowded collectives, doctors note a noticeable increase in the number of cases of conjunctivitis.

How to recognize: first signs and symptoms

After the incubation period, the second stage of the disease begins. At this time, the disease is already obvious and has all the characteristic symptoms.... Conjunctivitis usually presents with the following symptoms:

  • Lachrymation. The most striking and classic feature. It occurs in 98% of sick children. Lachrymation worries the baby throughout the day. It decreases slightly at night and after the instillation of drops. In the first three days, lacrimation can be unbearable. As a rule, the discharge from the eye is light. In some cases, it may be bloody or yellow.
  • Redness of the eye. Vessels located on the surface of the eyeball become very red and become very noticeable on examination. In babies with a severe course of the disease, redness can be very pronounced. The eyes look tired. In severe cases, the entire white space of the eye around the iris turns red.
  • Photophobia. In connection with inflammation on the mucous membrane, this rather unpleasant symptom appears. The kid cannot open his eyes during the daytime. Bright rays of light cause pain in the child and increase lacrimation. Babies feel much better in the dark or when they curtain a room.
  • Discharge of pus. This feature is optional. It is most common in babies with bacterial conjunctivitis. Typically, both eyes are affected at the same time. The discharge of pus occurs throughout the day. In this case, the mandatory appointment of antibacterial eye drops is required. In severe cases, doctors may prescribe antibiotics in tablets or even injections.
  • Increased body temperature. With a mild course of the disease, it increases to 37-37.5 degrees. In more severe cases or when the first complications appear, the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees. The baby's health worsens, weakness increases. Children become more capricious, try not to open their eyes. Nighttime and daytime sleep provide temporary relief.
  • Sensation of a foreign object or "sand" in the eyes. It is also an important diagnostic sign of conjunctivitis. It occurs in more than 80% of cases.
  • Manifestations of an allergic reaction. Occur in case of allergies. Babies have a fever, there may be a runny nose or congestion when breathing. Children with atopic dermatitis develop itchy red patches on the skin. The child's well-being is greatly deteriorating. The kid becomes lethargic, does not eat well.

Forms of the disease

There can be a huge variety of different variants of the disease. If the process has arisen for the first time, then it is called acute. This is the very first case of a particular illness in life. If, after treatment, the disease reappears after a while, then such a process is already called chronic.

As a rule, conjunctivitis often appears again and again. The exacerbation of the disease in the chronic variant of the course of the disease is called a recurrent process. Conjunctivitis can recur very often. Many babies under the age of 7 may have exacerbations every year.

Most often, conjunctivitis has an infectious cause. Viruses and bacteria top the list of causative agents of inflammation in the eyes.

However, conjunctivitis can also be chlamydial or fungal nature. Such variants of the disease are found in weakened children or children with immunodeficiency.

In babies with low immunity or chronic diseases of internal organs, conjunctivitis can be constant and protracted. Often, inflammation also occurs inside the upper eyelid, making treatment much more difficult.


Conjunctivitis has rather vivid clinical manifestations. It is difficult to confuse it with other inflammatory eye diseases. However, not all babies will manifest the disease according to the classic scenario. Sometimes doctors use auxiliary methods to make a diagnosis.

If the parents notice that the baby has severe lacrimation or redness of the eye, the child must be taken to an ophthalmologist. Only a doctor with the help of special lamps and devices can diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment.

To identify the pathogen, ophthalmologists may prescribe special laboratory tests. The most common and routine test is a complete blood count. He can show how severe the disease is, as well as identify the cause of the disease. A blood test can determine whether conjunctivitis has arisen - viral or bacterial.

In cases where the disease is not quite normal, additional tests are required. Blood sampling for the determination of antibodies to various infections is also often used in pediatric ophthalmology. With this test, you can identify chlamydia, protozoa and even fungi.

In babies in the early stages of the disease, tear fluid or discharge from the eye can be taken for analysis. In the laboratory, material is examined and the cause of the disease is established.

With the help of bacterial culture, it is possible not only to establish the causative agent of the disease, but also to determine the sensitivity to antibiotics. This will help in prescribing more effective treatment.


Drug therapy for conjunctivitis is prescribed by an ophthalmologist. After examining the child and conducting additional studies, he chooses the necessary scheme and combination of drugs.

If the disease is bacterial, then the doctor will definitely recommend antibiotics. Among the most common and frequently used medicines are the following:

  • "Albucid". It is used in the treatment of conjunctivitis almost from birth. The drug kills various forms of bacteria, including active against staphylococci and streptococci.
  • "Levomycetin". Refers to antibacterial agents. It is used to treat bacterial forms of conjunctivitis. It is often prescribed for the release of pus or the onset of complications.
  • "Furacilin". Suitable for treating and washing eyes. Diluted in warm water. The affected eyes are treated with a weak solution 3-4 times a day. It has a detrimental effect on many microorganisms. Has a disinfectant effect.
  • Miramistin. It is a good antiseptic that can kill pathogenic microorganisms. It is used to treat acute inflammatory processes, as well as to eliminate symptoms during exacerbation of chronic ones. It rarely causes side reactions.
  • Tetracycline ointment. It is a classic in the treatment of infectious conjunctivitis. It is prescribed in the acute period of the disease. The use of tetracycline ointment helps to get rid of suppuration, reduces eye redness and prevents the development of possible adverse complications.

Treatment of conjunctivitis is complex and requires the appointment of several drugs at once. With mild variants of the course of the disease, homeopathy may be prescribed. Homeopathic medicines can be used when inflammation subsides (to strengthen the immune system and quickly restore the child's body).

Are antibiotics required?

Prescribing antibiotics is indicated in cases where the disease is caused by various bacteria. All bacterial cells are sensitive to antibacterial drugs. Currently, all medicines that have a harmful effect on bacteria are produced in various dosage forms. When treating conjunctivitis, ophthalmologists may prescribe antibiotics in drops or tablets. Less commonly, an ointment is prescribed.

Applying antibacterial drops is more convenient. Mom can easily use them at home. Usually a course is prescribed for 7-10 days. In more severe cases, doctors may extend the period up to two weeks.

In difficult cases, it is allowed to use a combination of antibacterial agents or choose a drug with a wide spectrum of action.

For information on how to instill the drug in the eyes of a child, see the next video.

Only a doctor should prescribe an antibiotic. Self-administration of drugs of this kind is highly undesirable. If antibacterial agents are used improperly, instead of a positive effect and recovery, dangerous complications may arise, numerous side effects of drugs may appear.

It is quite possible to cure conjunctivitis at home and without the use of antibiotics. It all depends on the cause that caused the disease. With viral conjunctivitis, antibiotics are not required. After consulting an ophthalmologist, babies with a mild variant of the disease can be treated at home (under the supervision of a doctor).

Babies and newborn babies are most often hospitalized in a hospital. In these babies, the immune system is not yet working very effectively. This can lead to dangerous complications. The provision of qualified medical care allows you to speed up recovery and prevent the transition of an acute process to a chronic form.

How many days are treated on average?

The duration of treatment for conjunctivitis depends on the cause of the disease.

On average, all viral eye diseases disappear in 5-7 days. For bacterial conjunctivitis, a longer period is characteristic. Usually the time of illness is 7-10 days. All inflammatory processes caused by fungal flora take a long time. In some cases, the disease develops within a month.

If a child is weakened or has some kind of chronic diseases of other internal organs, then conjunctivitis may take longer. In weakened children and babies with a reduced level of immunity, treatment of an inflammatory eye disease can take up to a month.

Can I walk?

In the midst of illness, you should not go out. Better to wait a few days until you feel better. If the child has a fever or severe lacrimation, walking on the street is quite dangerous. The inflamed mucous membrane is very sensitive to various irritations. The sun's rays can damage the eyes and increase lacrimation.

After the inflammation subsides, babies can go outside. In the first days after an acute period of illness, it is better to use sunglasses. For babies or newborns during walks, a stroller with a large sun shade is perfect. If a walk with a baby takes place in the summer, a wide-brimmed hat must be worn. Baseball caps that give shade to the face and protect the eyes from bright sunlight are suitable.

Can I swim?

In the acute period of the illness, babies are not recommended to swim. Especially if the child has a significantly increased temperature.

When inflammation decreases, babies can swim again. Long stay in water is not recommended:

  • For babies up to five years old, a hygienic bath is sufficient.
  • For older children, it is better to choose a bathing in the shower.

Possible complications

Conjunctivitis in the presence of complications is a rather dangerous disease. Sight can be impaired in babies. In some cases, after conjunctivitis, complications in color perception occur. In this state, babies confuse colors, do not perceive all shades of the palette. However, this outcome is quite rare.

The most common complications of conjunctivitis include the transition of the process to a recurrent chronic form or a protracted variant of the disease. In this case, babies need constant prescription of medicines to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Suppuration is also one of the most common complications of conjunctivitis. In this case, the disease initially proceeds in a rather mild form.


Preventive measures help to largely prevent the development of inflammatory eye diseases. Infectious conjunctivitis is transmitted from a sick child to a healthy one very quickly. In order not to get infected, you should definitely remember about important preventive measures:

  • Use only your own towels. In no case should you wipe your face with other people's textiles. Pathogenic microorganisms very often accumulate on the tissue. In a warm and humid bathroom, they multiply very quickly. When you wipe your face, bacteria easily penetrate the mucous membrane of the eye and cause inflammation.
  • Perform eye hygiene procedures regularly. This is especially true for newborns and babies. Wipe your eyes with cotton pads dipped in warm boiled water every morning and before going to bed. If you experience eye irritation or redness, seek immediate medical attention.
  • Strengthen immunity. Babies who have strong immune defenses are less susceptible to various inflammatory diseases. Proper nutrition, good sleep and walks in the fresh air noticeably strengthen the immune system and make babies more resistant to various infectious diseases.
  • Avoid mass infection. If a child attends a kindergarten or school, when an epidemic of conjunctivitis appears, it is imperative to protect the baby from visits. Usually the duration of the forced quarantine is 7-10 days.

Taking all preventive measures will help prevent disease. However, it should be remembered that when the baby has watery eyes or redness of the eyes, treatment at home should not be carried out. Take your child to an ophthalmologist first. He will prescribe the right therapy to help your baby recover quickly. This will prevent the transition of an acute process to a chronic one.

See more in the issue of Dr. Komarovsky below.

Watch the video: Conjunctivitis Pink Eye in Babies u0026 Kids (July 2024).