
What to do if the child's pancreas is enlarged?

Diseases of the pancreas occur in babies with the development of rather unfavorable symptoms. In some cases, they can be very dangerous and lead to the development of serious complications. This article will tell parents what to do if their child has an enlarged pancreas.


The child's digestive system still functions quite differently from that of adults. A variety of reasons can lead to the development of pathological disorders in childhood. These factors, exerting their influence on the pancreas, contribute to the development of its diffuse enlargement. Doctors call this pathological condition pancreatitis or inflammation of the pancreas.

This body is unique. It not only relates to the digestive system, but also performs a number of endocrinological functions. The pancreas is involved in metabolism and maintains normal blood glucose levels. Disruptions in her work can lead to the fact that the child will develop diabetes.

This pathological condition is characterized by an increased blood sugar level.

Normally, a healthy pancreas consists of three large sections - the head, body, and tail. Each of these anatomical structures performs strictly defined functions. Complete digestion is impossible without the pancreas. This organ releases a huge amount of digestive enzymes into the blood in response to food ingestion. This action facilitates digestion.

A variety of reasons can lead to the development of reactive inflammation in this organ:

  • Eating disorder. Abuse of fatty and fried foods is a common provoking cause of inflammation in the tissue of the pancreas. Such disturbed nutrition contributes to the fact that the organ is forced to secrete a sufficiently large amount of enzymes over a fairly long period of time. This condition leads to depletion of the enzymatic activity of the pancreas, which is manifested by an increase in its size.

  • Lactose deficiency... This pathological condition is most acute in infants. This pathology occurs in a child even in the period of intrauterine development. This condition is characterized by the immunity of the child's body to any food containing cow's milk.

  • Abdominal bruises... Mechanical damage contributes to organ damage, which further leads to an increase in its size due to severe traumatic edema and inflammation.

  • Congenital diseases. Anatomical defects in the structure of the tissue of the pancreas are accompanied by various disorders in the functioning of the organ. These pathologies are more often recorded in premature babies. The first adverse symptoms begin to appear, as a rule, in children under the age of 1 year.

  • The presence of mechanical obstacles to the outflow of bile along the biliary tract. In most cases, various stones or parasites that live in the bile ducts lead to this condition in babies. The peak of the disease occurs at the age of 9-14 years.

  • Chronic pathologies organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Diseases of the stomach and intestines, leading to indigestion, also contribute to the malfunction of the pancreas. Such a combined development of pathologies can manifest itself in a child with the development of many dyspeptic symptoms.

  • Long-term medication intake. Some drugs used to treat epilepsy and other neurological disorders can contribute to the development of damage to the pancreatic tissue in a child.

  • Disturbance in calcium metabolism. An increase in this element in a child's body is quite often associated with an impaired production of vitamin D. An overdose of this substance can also provoke the development of a reactive inflammation of the pancreas in a child.


Inflammation in the pancreas, which has developed in it as a result of exposure to any reason, leads to the appearance of a variety of clinical symptoms in the baby. Most of them are associated with impaired digestion. So, a child with an enlarged and inflamed pancreas may develop soreness in the abdomen... It usually intensifies 40-60 minutes after eating.

It is important to note that the pain syndrome increases significantly if the child ate fatty or fried foods.

Stool disorder Is also a common symptom that appears in a child with an enlarged pancreas. In this case, the baby is more worried about diarrhea. Functional disorders in the work of the pancreas lead to the development of this symptom. Insufficient intake of digestive enzymes into the bloodstream contributes to the fact that the food eaten by the child is not fully absorbed. This is manifested by diarrhea.

Babies with chronic pancreatitis often lose weight... This symptom usually works well in young children. Such children may lag behind their peers in terms of physical development. Weight loss in severe disease can be significant. The child's appetite, as a rule, is completely preserved.

Where to contact?

To establish a diagnosis, doctors must perform several tests. The most basic examination is palpation of the abdomen... This study is carried out by the pediatrician during the consultation. Such a simple examination allows the doctor to reveal how much the child's pancreas is enlarged.

To establish the degree of functional impairment, biochemical blood test. In this case, the level of amylase is assessed. This specific marker allows doctors to assess how badly the pancreatic tissue is damaged, as well as to establish the severity of the disease. An increase in amylase in the blood is a characteristic symptom of pancreatitis.

It is also possible to determine the increase in the pancreas using modern research. These include Ultrasound, computed and magnetic resonance imaging. These studies have high resolution and can reveal almost any anatomical defects.

Such methods can be used in babies, even the very youngest age, as they do not bring any discomfort and pain to the child.


After the diagnosis is established, the baby is prescribed therapy. Pediatric gastroenterologists are mainly involved in the treatment of children suffering from pancreatic diseases. Pediatricians can also treat such pathological conditions.

A prerequisite for treatment is dieting... It excludes the use of fatty, fried and spicy foods. Such medical nutrition is prescribed, as a rule, to babies for life. Any errors in the diet can lead to a significant deterioration in the general condition and well-being of the child.

The basis of the daily diet of babies with various pathologies of the pancreas are protein and cereal products... When choosing dishes, you should give preference to low-fat ones. As products containing protein, you can use turkey, chicken, veal, sea and river fish, seafood, as well as fresh dairy products. They can be supplemented with any side dishes made from cereals and vegetables.

Butter in the diet of babies with pancreatic inflammation should be significantly limited.

You should be very careful when supplementing dishes with this product. Better to replace it with vegetable. Such a product should not be used in the diet of a baby suffering from lactase deficiency.

If a child has an intolerance to dairy products made from cow's milk, then they should be completely excluded from the daily diet. An excellent alternative in this case is food products made from goat protein. They can be included in the diet of babies from a very early age. The child should be introduced with these products carefully, observing his general condition and stool.

In order to improve the baby's digestion and the work of his pancreas, be sure to follow the diet... The child must eat strictly at the same time. For the normal functioning of the organ, he must receive 5-6 meals per day. "Dry" snacks are completely excluded. Better to have a snack with unsweetened fruit or fermented milk product.

If the pathology of the pancreas is accompanied by a violation of enzyme activity, then in this case, various medications are prescribed. They are appointed, as a rule, for a rather long reception. To such enzyme agents relate "Mezim", "Creon", "Festal" and many others. These drugs should be consumed with meals, drinking plenty of fluids.

Only the attending physician prescribes such medications, as they may have a number of contraindications for use.

In some cases, to eliminate adverse symptoms, surgery. In most cases, it is used in babies with any anatomical defects in the structure of the pancreas. Also, surgical operations are indicated to eliminate concomitant pathologies that lead to functional disorders of digestion. A pediatric abdominal surgeon decides on the need for such treatment.

For information on the danger of inflammation of the pancreas, see the next video.

Watch the video: What Does Pancreatitis Feel Like? (July 2024).