
Can babies vomit during teething?

Vomiting usually occurs when the digestive tract is malfunctioning, for example, due to the ingestion of toxic substances or infectious agents into the stomach. Could vomiting be a harmless teething symptom? How to make sure that vomiting does not indicate an intestinal infection or other dangerous pathology in a baby with teething teeth, and how to help a baby?

What does it look like?

The baby has a lot of saliva, the baby is restless. Vomit is usually represented by food that the baby ate, sometimes partially digested. Often, vomiting associated with cutting teeth occurs up to 2 times a day and in 1-2 days the baby's condition is normalized.

Could there be vomiting from teething?

There is no direct connection between the appearance of vomiting and the process of teething in a baby, however, during the period when a child's new teeth come out, there are many factors that contribute to the occurrence of vomiting. This happens especially often in a situation when several teeth climb at the same time.


  • The gag reflex in a toddler with teething becomes more pronounced and can be irritated by the excess saliva that is secreted in the baby's mouth.
  • Due to the child's constant desire to rub his gums and gnaw on surrounding objects, the baby can bring an infection into the digestive tract. This is facilitated by a decrease in immunity.
  • When a baby has a tooth cut, its nutrition can be disrupted, which can also provoke vomiting.
  • If the pain during the eruption of a tooth bothers the baby very much and the baby is constantly crying, he can swallow a lot of air, which will cause vomiting.
  • Teething is quite often accompanied by a high temperature, against which vomiting often appears.
  • Vomiting attacks in a teething baby can be triggered by force-feeding the baby.

Infection symptoms

It is important to note that the child's body rarely reacts to cutting teeth with bouts of vomiting, so one should not confidently associate such a symptom with teeth.

Much more often, vomiting is caused by a medical condition, such as an infection. You can identify it by the following signs:

  • Vomiting more often than one or two times.
  • In addition to vomiting, the child has a high fever, diarrhea, and his condition is greatly aggravated.
  • The masses released during vomiting contain an admixture of blood or bile.

How can I help my child?

If vomiting is single and the baby does not have other symptoms of diseases, you should simply observe the baby, ensuring that he is in such a position that, in case of repeated vomiting, the contents of the digestive tract cannot enter the respiratory organs. But the best option would still be to consult a pediatrician, so that the fact of teething in the baby does not prevent the diagnosis of a disease in time, a symptom of which may be vomiting.

Tips for parents

  • Special anesthetic gels will help to alleviate the condition of a baby with cutting teeth. You can also wipe the sore gums with a tampon with chamomile decoction.
  • Since the baby has a lot of saliva, you need to wipe his mouth with a napkin in time so that saliva does not accumulate in the mouth in large quantities.
  • To prevent infectious agents from getting into the baby's mouth, let the baby gnaw on clean teethers and keep the baby's handles clean.
  • Do not force your child to eat as this can lead to vomiting. Offer food to your baby in small portions and preferably pureed.

Watch the video: What Causes Vomiting in Babies - Newborn Care (July 2024).