
Should I use Enterofuril for rotavirus infection in children?

Rotavirus infection is manifested by loose, watery stools with a frequency of 5-10 times or more, severe weakness, fever, abdominal pain, and other symptoms. Rotavirus is the cause of this disease, and infection occurs through dirty hands and contaminated objects.

With liquid frequent stools and other symptoms of malaise, many mothers immediately rush to the pharmacy for antidiarrheal drugs, which include Enterofuril.

However, such a drug is not always indicated for rotavirus infection, and before using it, it is better to learn more about the features of its action and dosages allowed for children.

Form and composition of the drug

Enterofuril is presented in two different dosage forms, but the main component of both types of medication is nifuroxazide. The preparation in suspension is a yellow liquid with a banana odor and taste, containing 200 mg of active ingredient in 5 milliliters. It is supplemented by sucrose, water, sodium hydroxide and some other compounds. This liquid "Enterofuril" is sold in bottles of 90 ml.

The second form of the drug is capsules with a gelatinous shell and a yellow powder inside. They can contain 100 mg of nifuroxazide (these capsules are slightly smaller, yellow and are sold in packs of 30) or 200 mg of active ingredient (these capsules are larger, brown and packed in blisters of 8 pieces, and one box contains 2 or 4 blister). The list of inactive components of such "Enterofuril" contains microcrystalline cellulose, sucrose, titanium dioxide and other substances.

How does it work?

Enterofuril is one of the popular remedies for diarrhea. This medicine is referred to as intestinal antiseptics, since it can affect one of the main causes of diarrhea - disease-causing microbes. Since the drug works only in the intestines and does not enter the bloodstream, it is considered safe for children.

For this reason, give Enterofuril to small patients in suspension form it is possible even in the first year of life (it is not prescribed only for newborns, that is, in the first month after birth). A drug in capsules it is used from the age of three, when the child can already swallow it.

Nifuroxazide in both forms of the drug affects some metabolic processes that occur in the cells of the pathogen. Due to this effect, the membranes of microbial cells are destroyed and the pathogenic microorganism dies.

At the same time, "Enterofuril" does not destroy the beneficial microflora, therefore, after a course of treatment with such a remedy, dysbiosis does not occur.

When is it assigned to children?

Since Enterofuril affects harmful bacteria, the main reason for giving such a medicine to a child is an intestinal infection. The drug is in demand when infected with salmonella, cholera vibrios, pathogenic Escherichia, Clostridia, Shigella and other microbial agents.

Is it used for rotavirus infection?

Although Enterofuril has no activity against rotaviruses or any other viruses that can infect the intestines, this medicine is sometimes prescribed for rotavirus infection. This is due to the ability of such a medication to prevent the development of bacterial complications that can develop with rotavirus.

However, Enterofuril does not directly act on this pathogen, therefore, its use for rotavirus infection should be agreed with the attending physician.

When is it contraindicated?

The drug is not prescribed if hypersensitivity to any of its components is detected. Since both forms of Enterofuril contain sucrose, the medication should also not be used in babies with hereditary diseases in which the metabolism of sugars is impaired, for example, in the absence of sucrose or fructose intolerance. There are no other contraindications for the use of Enterofuril.

How to use?

The drug is given regardless of the diet at regular intervals of 12, 8 or 6 hours. The suspension is taken with a spoon, which is attached to the bottle. A single dose of such sweet "Enterofuril" for babies from 1 month to 3 years old is 2.5 ml, for a child over three years old - 5 ml. The frequency of taking the medication per day depends on the age of the child and the manifestations of the disease.

The drug in capsules must be swallowed and washed down with juice, water or compote. At one time, a patient over 3 years old is given 200 mg of the active ingredient, that is, 2 capsules of 100 mg each or one capsule with a dosage of 200 mg at once. At the age of 3-7 years, a child can take Enterofuril three times a day (600 mg of nifuroxazide per day), and for children over seven years old, a four-time dose is indicated (the daily dosage will be 800 mg).

The duration of treatment depends on the disease and the response of the patient's body to the intake of Enterofuril. Most often, the medication is given to the child for 5-7 days, but if the diarrhea has stopped earlier, the medication can be completed 12 hours after the last episode of loose stools. In any case, Enterofuril is not used for more than 7 days.

What to replace with rotavirus?

The main danger with such an intestinal infection is dehydration, therefore it is much more important to give the child not antidiarrheal or antimicrobial drugs, but a lot of drinks and drugs that can restore lost electrolytes. This is the opinion of the famous doctor Komarovsky, whose opinion is trusted by most parents.

Children with diarrhea are advised to give the drugs "Regidron", "Humana Electrolyte", "Gastrolit", "Hydrovit" and the like, as well as other drinks that the child likes. In order not to provoke vomiting, such funds must be offered to the crumbs in a small amount (a teaspoon each), but very often.

If the body temperature is elevated, it is allowed to give the little patient and antipyretic drugs, for example, Nurofen or Children's Panadol. Enterosorbents can also be used to get rid of viral particles more quickly. According to parents, these medications are safe and quickly help to improve the condition of the child. These include "Enterosgel", "Smecta", "Polyphepan", "Enterodez", "Activated carbon" and other means. Since they only act in the intestines, such medicines can be used from birth.

Doctor Komarovsky will tell you about what rotavirus is, how it manifests itself, what means of prevention and treatment are.

Watch the video: ROTAVIRUS INFECTION (July 2024).