
Antihistamines for children

The number of children suffering from allergies to one degree or another has increased eightfold over the past two decades. A rare baby does not show signs of an allergic reaction to one or another pathogen. Some from the very birth react with illness to some food, others to cosmetic products, in almost 30% of cases, children have drug allergies and hay fever (a reaction to flowers and pollen).

Sometimes there are children who are allergic to several factors at once, including house dust, animals. Increasingly, doctors are forced to admit that children are sometimes already born with a predisposition to an unhealthy reaction to one or another allergen.

Of course, it is best to protect the baby from the product or factor that affects him unfavorably, but this, alas, is not always possible. It is quite simple to eliminate products harmful to the baby from the menu, to exclude a cat or dog staying in the house, but you cannot deprive a child of the opportunity to walk, even if he is allergic to spring flowering!

Modern anti-allergic drugs for children come to the aid of parents and doctors. How to choose a medicine? What should you pay attention to?

We invite you to watch a webinar of a leading allergist-immunologist about children's allergies and the causes of their occurrence.

How do they work?

Antihistamines should not be considered a "magic pill", they do not cure the causes of allergies, but effectively relieve its symptoms, which can be quite painful and life-threatening for a child. The action of drugs is based on the suppression of histamine receptors, which are the cause of the exacerbation. Histamine is a special neurotransmitter, it has a strong effect on certain functions of the body, resulting in the development of symptoms, which we call with one capacious word "allergy".

  • Depression of the respiratory center, bronchospasm, edema of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.
  • Changes in skin condition (rash, blisters, redness, itching, irritation).
  • Disorders of the stomach and intestines.
  • Disruptions in the activity of the heart and blood vessels (inconsistent rhythm, expansion of capillaries and larger vessels).

Allergy drugs, thanks to the active ingredient, successfully suppress the activity of histamine and relieve the child of all these manifestations.

Often, parents are surprised to perceive the fact that pediatricians prescribe such medications even when there are no allergic manifestations, but the child is sick with influenza or acute respiratory infections. There is really nothing surprising in this. Antihistamines are included in the complex treatment of viral infections, are prescribed for laryngitis, adenoids, high temperature with ARVI. They serve as a guarantee that the baby does not develop a negative reaction to this or that antiviral or anti-inflammatory drug, or the allergy does not arise against the background of the disease itself.


There are a great many antihistamines, in any pharmacy a pharmacist will offer you a choice of dozens of names and dosage forms. However, parents should be aware that the abundance of brands does not mean a wide variety of pills and ointments. All funds in this group are divided into 4 main generations, because there are four main active substances that form the basis of this or that medicine.

  • Diphenhydramine, Chifenidine and Clemastine Hydrofumarate. These substances, which are part of the "foundation" of drugs, form the first generation of antihistamines. It includes the well-known "Diphenhydramine", "Clemastin", "Diazolin", "Tavegil", "Fenkarol".
  • Cetirizine hydrochloride and dimetidene maleate are substances that form second-generation drugs. These include the widely advertised "Claritin", "Zodak", "Tsetrin", "Fenistil", etc.
  • The third generation of allergy remedies is an improvement over the first and second. These drugs are spared numerous side effects and toxicity. These include Telfast, Fexofast.

  • The fourth generation of drugs is even more advanced than the first three. This includes "Xizal" and "Glenzet".

In addition, antihistamines are classified as hormonal and non-hormonal. The latter mainly exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. Hormonal medicines are often used for skin allergies, atopic dermatitis, and urticaria. They usually come in the form of ointments, gels, and creams.

Children's preparations

Despite the huge selection of antihistamines (and there are about 300 of them on the medicinal list), choosing a drug for a child is not so easy. The fact is that most allergy medications are intended for adults, at least for adolescents who are already 12 years old. What drug is best for a newborn, breastfeeding child, baby up to one year old? An allergist knows the exact answer to this question.

The specialist must clearly understand what kind of allergen the child has a reaction to, for this the doctor will conduct special tests, after which he will select the desired drug and prescribe the required dosage.

Usually, they try to prescribe new generation drugs (third or fourth) to children, since the first and second can cause unwanted side effects (drowsiness, suppression of activity, headaches, changes in blood pressure, respiratory depression).

Doctors do not recommend antihistamines for children under one year old, but sometimes the situation requires it. Usually, such means for the smallest are considered to be Fenistil drops and Suprastin's solution, as well as Zirtek (from six months).

As for the form of release, the choice here should be based on the desire to minimize harm. With skin reactions of moderate manifestation, only a gel, cream or ointment can be used; in a more serious condition, the use of tablets, capsules, syrup, drops for internal use will be required. There are a variety of antihistamines - nose drops, eye drops, rectal suppositories. Let's look at the most popular remedies in pediatric practice.

In this show, allergists will tell us all about childhood allergies and give some advice to parents.


This is the brightest representative of the first generation of drugs for allergies. It affects the cerebral cortex, causing severe drowsiness, which is why this drug is often mistakenly thought to be sleeping pills. However, "Diphenhydramine" is often used for these purposes, as well as a strong pain reliever. Available in the form of tablets of various dosages, gel, pencils and injection solution.

This strong medicine is contraindicated for newborns and premature babies. For children from one to two years old, the dosage is determined by the doctor, from 2 to 6 years old, the "starting dose" is 12 mg per day, the maximum is 22 mg. For children from six to 12 years old, the maximum daily dose should not exceed 50 mg. Children under one year old can use "Diphenhydramine" in the form of injections, but only in situations when it is necessary to save the child's life.

This drug, rich in side effects, can be prescribed for severe urticaria, with vasomotor rhinitis, dermatosis, accompanied by severe itching. In rare cases, the medicine will be prescribed for the treatment of colds, seasickness and Parkinson's disease.


Even 20 years ago, our grandmothers and mothers treated all diseases with this medication. The children were given Diazolin for allergies and colds, and so, just in case, now the attitude towards this drug has changed somewhat. More modern antihistamines have emerged, but Diazolin is still used in pediatrics. It does not have a hypnotic effect like Diphenhydramine, it does not have such a strong effect on the brain.

Available in the form of tablets and small round dragees. There is no special children's uniform. The drug helps well with seasonal allergic rhinitis and a similar cough. It can be prescribed for urticaria, chickenpox (as part of complex therapy), conjunctivitis caused by irritants - pollen, household chemicals, and other allergens.

The remedy can be taken by children who are already 2 years old. Up to 5 years, the maximum daily dose of "Diazolin" is 150 mg. Children 5 to 10 years old are given a maximum of 200 mg per day. Children over ten, like adults, can take up to 300 mg.


This is also a first generation drug, but it does not have a hypnotic effect, although the list of side effects is quite large. It is prescribed quite often, because it is an excellent remedy for hay fever, hives, and itchy dermatosis. "Tavegil" helps with allergies to medicines, and also relieves reactions to insect bites.

It is produced in different forms, but only Tavegil syrup and the preparation in solution for injections are ideal for children. Tablets are rarely prescribed. The syrup is given a teaspoon twice a day. Injections are administered as prescribed by the doctor also twice a day. The drug cannot be used in the treatment of children under 1 year old, the prohibition on taking pills extends up to the age of six.


Perhaps the most famous drug for allergies in our country. This is a first generation antihistamine, which, in addition to effectively fighting histamine, has an antiemetic effect. It is often prescribed to children with allergies to certain foodstuffs, animal dander, seasonal flowering and pollen.

In addition, "Suprastin" is recommended for dermatitis and dermatoses caused by allergens, with insect bites. The medicine is also given for allergies of unknown origin, and in children this condition happens quite often. Available in tablets and injection solution.

The drug can be used in newborns and children of the first year of life only as directed by a doctor. For all children, without exception, the dosage is calculated depending on weight and age. Average adequate doses are as follows - from 1 year to 6 years - a quarter of a tablet three times, from 6 to 10 years you can give a child half a tablet. Ten years and older are given, as adults, 1 tablet three times a day.


The drug of the second generation, which helps to quickly cope with an unpleasant condition with allergic nasal congestion, with reactions to blooms, pollen, and other medicines. It is quite effective for almost all types of allergies, it is also used in the treatment of bronchial asthma as an auxiliary drug.

The medicine is produced in tablets and syrup. Not recommended for children under 2 years of age. Children from two to 12 years old are prescribed a single dose of 5 mg. Older adolescents - adult dose (10 mg). Children with kidney and liver diseases require a reduced dosage, which will be determined by the doctor based on the patient's condition.


Antiallergenic drug of the first generation. It is produced in tablets of different dosages and in the form of a coarse powder. There is a special children's form of pills, with a mark on the package. Despite its belonging to the first generation, the drug does not cause drowsiness, does not suppress consciousness, does not cause lethargy, and at the same time acts quickly and quite effectively in almost all forms of allergies, including Quincke's edema.

The medicine cannot be taken from birth, the age limit established by the manufacturer is 3 years. In rare cases, the doctor may prescribe "Fenkarol" and two years old. The daily dose for a child from 3 to 7 years old is 20 mg (in two doses), for children from 7 to 12 years old - 30 mg (in two doses). Most often, the medicine is prescribed to children in powder form. Up to seven years, 10 mg twice a day, up to 12 years - 10 mg three times a day.


This third generation medication is often used to relieve allergy symptoms in the acute phase, sometimes it is prescribed to be taken for prophylaxis, for example, for children with bronchial asthma. The medicine does not cause drowsiness and lethargy, does not dry mucous membranes (there is no feeling of dry mouth).

On the shelves of pharmacies "Claritin" is available in two forms - syrup and tablets. For children, the second form is considered preferable. The age limit for admission is 2 years. If the child weighs more than 30 kilograms, he can be given 2 measuring spoons of syrup, if the body weight does not reach 30 kilograms, give one measuring spoon. A special spoon is in the pharmacy package.

Claritin tablets can be given to children aged 4 years. Sometimes the remedy is prescribed by a doctor and children under 2 years old, but this is rather an exception to the rule, and the dosage will be much smaller.


A second generation drug, often used for seasonal and year-round allergic rhinitis, for coughs caused by external irritants, for eye inflammation, mucosal edema, for skin manifestations, including those accompanied by excruciating itching.

You can buy Cetrin in tablets and syrup. The drug does not exist in drops. From 2 to 6 years old, you can give 5 ml of syrup once, preferably in the evening, shortly before going to bed. From 6 years of age and older, a single dose will be 10 ml.


The second generation drug has been used successfully to treat a wide variety of allergic symptoms. Available in tablets, drops and syrup. The medicine can be prescribed to children from 1 year old in the form of drops, 5 drops twice. Doctors allow children from 6 years old to drink half a tablet twice a day in tablet form. Manufacturers recommend Zodak syrup to children from the age of two, 1 scoop twice, and from 6 to 12 years old - two scoops.


This first generation drug is used for allergies in babies of different ages, including babies. The medication copes well with the most common allergy symptoms. On the shelves of pharmacies "Fenistil" is available in the form of drops, capsules and gel for external use.

Gel used for insect bites, itchy skin, blisters, dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, for minor burns, as well as to relieve skin sensations with measles and chickenpox.

Drops allowed for children from 1 month. Up to a year, the daily dose is no more than 30 drops, from one year to three years - 45-50 drops, from three to twelve no more than 65 drops. Drops can also be prescribed for allergic conjunctivitis, but not in the eyes, but as a medicine for oral administration in combination with anti-inflammatory eye agents.

Pills "Fenistil" can only be given to adolescents from 12 years old. Manufacturers do not impose age restrictions on the use of the gel, it can be applied externally to children of all ages.


The third generation antiallergenic agent is available only in tablets. It should not be given to children with heart, liver or kidney problems. Pediatricians try not to prescribe Telfast to children under 12 years old. Teenagers are prescribed to take 1 tablet once a day before meals. The remedy is effective for hay fever, allergic rhinitis and coughs caused by various factors.


This third generation drug is considered one of the safest allergy medications. Available in tablets and syrup. Pediatricians prescribe Erius to children from 1 year old in liquid form, 2.5 ml once a day. From 5 to 12 years old - 5 ml, teenagers over - 10 ml. Often, doctors advise taking a dose of Erius before being vaccinated against the papilloma virus.


A fourth generation antihistamine, the effectiveness of which pharmacists have brought almost to the maximum, and the negative side effects inherent in most antiallergenic drugs have been minimized.

The medicine is prescribed to children from the age of six, it is produced exclusively in tablets. The dosage is very simple and does not depend on age. This is 1 tablet once a day. A distinctive feature of this drug is that the manufacturers do not declare the recommended course of treatment. Glenzet can be drunk until the symptoms of allergy disappear and start drinking again if symptoms appear.

General recommendations

  • Do not violate the dosage of antihistamines prescribed by your doctor. This is a very important rule, because in case of an overdose, children can experience hysteria, nervous disorders, hyperexcitability and hypermobility, respiratory and cardiac disorders. In case of an overdose with first-generation drugs, the sensory organs can be affected, for example, hearing loss, a number of drugs in case of an overdose can lead to coma. For this reason, you should not select the drug for the child yourself and self-medicate. In case of severe overdose, it is recommended to take activated charcoal and call an ambulance.
  • The average course of treatment with antihistamines is 5-7 days. The latest generation drugs, more modern drugs, can be taken longer.
  • When treating a child for allergies, it is advisable to adjust his lifestyle, add walks in the fresh air to a special hypoallergenic diet.
  • If a child has an increased tendency to allergies, be careful about the selection of care products (shampoo, soap, toothpaste) for him. Such babies are well suited for a cream that is included in the list of very inexpensive drugs - Antoshka cream with allantoin. Its cost is only 50 rubles, but the parents' reviews about the tool are very positive.
  • If you choose an antihistamine, knowing the desired active ingredient, you can significantly save your family budget. The price of some analogues of expensive imported medicines of the latest generation reaches several thousand rubles, while domestic cheap analogues cost several tens or hundreds, but are not inferior in efficiency.

Doctor Komarovsky about antihistamines

Despite the fact that in every home medicine cabinet there is one, two, or even more remedies for allergies, the famous doctor Komarovsky advises against taking them unless absolutely necessary.... Answering parents' questions about allergies, he does not get tired of repeating that these drugs should be prescribed by a doctor and used only according to this appointment.

Evgeny Olegovich does not recommend taking antihistamines for more than one week. If the drug does not have the desired effect, there is no point in continuing, the doctor says. It is better to go for a consultation with an allergist and change the drug to another. Two drugs with one active ingredient, sometimes in an inexplicable way, act in different ways, and what did not help one person will easily and immediately help another.

Komarovsky does not advise using antibiotics together with allergy medications. And also does not consider it correct to give the child an antihistamine before or after vaccination. Many parents try to give Suprastin before DPT, a well-known pediatrician does not see the point in this, since the body's reaction to the vaccine is not even remotely similar to an allergic reaction.

In this episode of the program of Doctor Komarovsky, we will learn all about antihistamines for children. And also where does allergy in children come from and how to cope with it.

Watch the video: Cetirizine Zyrtec 10 mg: What is Cetirizine Used For, Dosage, Side Effects u0026 Precautions? (July 2024).