
The use of Cerebrolysin in the treatment of children

"Cerebrolysin" is a drug from the group of nootropics that has the property of influencing the state and functioning of the brain. This medication is in demand in the practice of neuropathologists, it is often prescribed to adults with Alzheimer's disease, stroke or dementia. This medication is also prescribed in childhood.

Release form and composition

"Cerebrolysin" is available for sale only in injectable form, so there are no syrups, tablets, capsules, drops and other options for a drug with this name. The drug is placed in ampoules of 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 ml, as well as in vials of 30 ml. The ampoules are made of brown glass and are sold in a box of 5 or 10. The vials are made from the same material and can be sold individually or 5 vials in one pack.

The solution itself is a clear liquid with a yellowish brown color. Its main component is a cerebrolysin concentrate extracted from the brain of pigs. Its amount in 1 ml of solution is 215.2 mg. Additionally, the medication contains sterile water and sodium hydroxide.

Operating principle

The cerebrolysin concentrate presented in the drug is a complex of peptides with a low molecular weight (no more than 10 thousand daltons). Such a small size allows them to pass the blood-brain barrier and act on nerve cells. Such molecules are called neuropeptides because of their specific action on the brain. They are capable of:

  • improve energy metabolism in brain cells;
  • stimulate the synthesis of protein molecules in neurons (inside cells), which is especially valuable during the period of active development of the brain or during its aging;
  • protect neurons from the harmful effects of free radicals, lactic acidosis and other damaging factors;
  • prevent the death of nerve cells due to ischemia or hypoxia;
  • reduce the neurotoxic effect of excitatory amino acids;
  • stimulate the development and growth of new nerve cells (this activity is called neurotrophic);
  • improve the process of memorization and other cognitive functions.

Are children prescribed?

According to the instructions, the "Cerebrolysin" solution can be used by patients of any age. Unlike many other neuroprotective and vasoactive drugs, the drug has undergone clinical trials even in the smallest patients (newborns and infants in the first year of life). They confirmed the safety of this medication, therefore, Cerebrolysin injections are prescribed to children from birth, both to infants and to school-age patients and adolescents.


The reasons prompting doctors to prescribe Cerebrolysin to children may be:

  • traumatic brain injury (including during childbirth);
  • Cerebral palsy;
  • attention deficit disorder (ADHD syndrome);
  • mental retardation;
  • delayed speech development;
  • spinal cord injury;
  • severe depression.


Treatment with Cerebrolysin is prohibited if:

  • the child has serious kidney pathologies, due to which there was a severe failure of the function of this organ;
  • the baby is diagnosed with epilepsy;
  • the patient has previously been diagnosed with hypersensitivity to the active substance of the solution.

The use of the drug by children with allergic diathesis requires increased supervision by a doctor.

Side effects

In some young patients, Cerebrolysin can provoke loss of appetite, agitation, insomnia, and aggressive behavior. Due to too rapid administration of the solution, sweating, dizziness, fever, increased heart rate or the development of arrhythmia may occur. Sometimes there is a local reaction to the injection in the form of itching, burning or redness.

In more rare cases, Cerebrolysin injections cause diarrhea, allergic reactions, epilepsy, vomiting, chills, fever, back pain, shortness of breath and other ailments. If any negative symptoms occur, a doctor's consultation is required.

Instructions for use

The introduction of "Cerebrolysin" in practice is possible in several ways, the choice of which depends on the prescribed dose. For the introduction of 1-5 ml of the drug, intramuscular injections are usually chosen, and if necessary, inject 5-10 ml using an intravenous jet injection.

The drug in a larger volume (more than 10 ml) is administered as an intravenous drip infusion. For a dropper, the medication is often diluted in saline, taking it in a volume of 100 to 200 ml, depending on the amount of Cerebrolysin. The drug is injected into a vein for at least 15 minutes, but it is usually dripped within an hour, as the drug quickly enters the bloodstream can cause unwanted negative effects.

The dosage of "Cerebrolysin" for children is calculated by the patient's weight. To do this, the child's body weight in kilograms is multiplied by 0.1-0.2 and the number of milliliters of solution that must be injected per day is obtained. For example, if a medication is prescribed to a newborn with a weight of 5 kg, then the dose required for it will be 0.5-1 ml of Cerebrolysin, that is, the administration will be intramuscular.

The duration of the use of "Cerebrolysin" depends on the disease, but usually injections are prescribed daily for 10-20 days.

If necessary, after a while, the treatment is repeated until the patient's condition improves.

Compatibility with other medicines

Cerebrolysin can be mixed with 0.9% NaCl solution, 5% glucose or dextrose solution, and Ringer's solution. However, it is incompatible with solutions that can change pH or contain lipids. The use together with MAO inhibitors or with antidepressants requires caution, since it can provoke an increase in blood pressure.

The medication can be prescribed simultaneously with vitamins and medications that have a positive effect on blood circulation (for example, with Actovegin), but should not be mixed with them in the same syringe. It is also not recommended to add any amino acid solutions to the syringe to Cerebrolysin.

Terms of sale and storage

To purchase ampoules or vials in a pharmacy, you must first obtain a prescription for Cerebrolysin from your doctor. The price of the medicine is affected by the volume of solution in one ampoule and the number of ampoules in a pack. On average, for 10 ampoules of 2 ml or 5 ampoules of 5 ml you need to pay 1000-1100 rubles.

It is necessary to store the medication in a place protected from direct sunlight. The recommended storage temperature is not higher than +25 degrees Celsius. The medicine should not be available to young children.

If during storage the solution has lost its transparency, it should not be used for injection, but should be thrown away. The shelf life of "Cerebrolysin" in vials is 4 years, in ampoules - 5 years.


Both parents and specialists in the field of neurology respond generally well to the treatment of children with Cerebrolysin. They confirm the positive effect of the drug in IAD, hyperactivity, mental retardation or hypoxic brain damage during childbirth.

The disadvantages of the drug mainly include its dosage form (injections) and high cost. Adverse reactions to injections are noted in children very rarely, but in some reviews, mothers complain about the appearance of nervous excitement, allergies, dizziness, dyspepsia and other negative symptoms in babies.


If necessary, replace Cerebrolysin with another drug, the doctor may prescribe a nootropic agent with a similar effect on the brain, eg:

  • Semax. This medicine comes in the form of nasal drops. Its positive effect on brain function is due to a synthetic peptide. For children, the drug with a concentration of 0.1% is prescribed from 7 years old. It is in demand for memory loss, hyperactivity, enuresis, sleep disorders and other problems.
  • Cortexin. This medication, like Cerebrolysin, is produced in an injectable form. It also contains low molecular weight polypeptides that can affect nerve cells, therefore it is prescribed for brain injuries, developmental delay and many other neurological problems. This medication is allowed to be administered intramuscularly from birth.

  • Phenibut... This tablet preparation containing aminophenylbutyric acid is prescribed for sleep disorders, stuttering, asthenia, motion sickness and other problems. It is allowed to be given to patients over 3 years old.
  • "Pantogam"... This drug based on hopantenic acid can be given to children of any age. It comes in two forms: syrup and tablets. The medication is used for nervous tics, neurosis, attention problems and other indications.

For neurological problems in children, see the following video.

Watch the video: How To Hack Your Brain - Top 6 Nootropics (July 2024).