
Picamilon for children: instructions for use

Picamilon is one of the drugs that can stimulate the function of the brain and increase the resistance of the central nervous system to various loads. This medicine is quite in demand in the practice of neuropathologists, especially in the treatment of the elderly. Is it prescribed for children and for what diseases does it have a therapeutic effect?

Release form

Picamilon is presented in pharmacies in two forms:

  • Pills. They are placed in plastic bottles or glass jars in the amount of 30, 60 or 100 pieces. They are white (can be creamy) and round in shape.
  • A solution intended for intramuscular or intravenous injections. It is available in 2 ml ampoules and is sold in boxes of 5, 10 or 20 ampoules. The contents of the ampoule are clear liquid, barely colored or colorless. It does not contain any suspended matter.


In a solution for injection, this substance is contained in a dose of 100 mg in each ampoule (in 1 ml - 50 mg), and in one tablet its amount can be either 20 or 50 mg.

Additionally, the solid form of Picamilon contains calcium stearate, corn and potato starch, sodium carbonate, talc and sucrose. In ampoules, sterile water and hydrochloric acid are added to the active substance.

The main ingredient in all forms of Picamilon is nicotinoyl-GABA in the form of the sodium salt of N-nicotinoyl-gamma-aminobutyric (or aminobutyric) acid.

Operating principle

Picamilon is referred to as nootropics, since the active substance of this drug affects both blood circulation and metabolic processes in the brain. Such effects normalize the functional state of the central nervous system and have a positive effect on microcirculation in nerve tissues. The use of Picamilon helps:

  • eliminate headaches;
  • normalize sleep;
  • improve memory;
  • reduce or eliminate fears, anxiety, nervous tension;
  • improve the condition of patients with speech or movement disorders;
  • to raise efficiency.


The medication is used:

  • with anxiety, fears, rapid mood swings, increased irritability and other symptoms of mental disorders;
  • with traumatic brain injury;
  • with asthenic conditions;
  • with infectious brain damage;
  • with open-angle glaucoma;
  • with very high mental or physical stress;
  • with disorders of urination;
  • in the recovery period in children who have suffered serious illnesses.

At what age is it prescribed?

There are no age limits for the use of Picamilon in the instructions for such a medicine, but babies of the first years of life, this medication is allowed only as prescribed by a doctor.


The medicine is not given to patients who have an intolerance to the substances in its composition. Besides, Picamilon is contraindicated in renal failure.

Side effects

Picamilon can cause anxiety, headaches, agitation and other negative symptoms from the nervous system. The medication can also cause nausea or an allergic reaction.

Instructions for use

Picamilon tablets are taken regardless of the diet. They are swallowed with water or other liquid. The doctor determines the dosage of the medicine for each patient separately, because it depends on the diagnosis and the age of the child.

Most often, the drug is used in the following dose:

  • for children 3-10 years old - twice a day, 20 mg;
  • for children over 10 years old - 20 mg three times a day.

If the child has problems urinating, the medicine is given in a different dosage:

  • child 3-10 years old - three times a day, 20 mg;
  • a child 11-15 years old - 50 mg twice a day;
  • a child over 15 years old - 50 mg three times a day.

The duration of one course is 30-45 days, and if you want to give the medication again, this can be done 3-5 months after the therapy.

The injectable form is used in rare cases when pills are not possible. The solution is injected either into muscle tissue or into a vein (mixed with saline, drip).


If you give a child Picamilon in a higher dose, it will increase the risk of side effects or intensify them.

Interaction with other drugs

The medication is often prescribed in combination with other nootropics and drugs that affect the central nervous system, for example, given in combination with Phenibut, Glycine or Piracetam.

The use of Picamilon can enhance the effect of the use of narcotic painkillers. In addition, while taking barbiturates, Picamilon will reduce the duration of their action.

Terms of sale and storage

To buy Picamilon in a pharmacy, you need a prescription from a doctor. The price of the drug depends on the dosage form and dosage. For example, for 30 tablets of 20 mg you need to pay an average of 60 rubles, and the same number of tablets, but containing 50 mg of the active ingredient, will cost about 90 rubles. The average price of 10 ampoules of Picamilon is 130 rubles.

The medication should be stored in a dry place, where moisture, sunlight or high temperature will not affect the drug (the recommended temperature is up to 25 degrees Celsius).

The shelf life of both forms of the drug is 3 years.


The use of Picamilon in children and doctors, and many parents respond mostly positively. This remedy is often prescribed for enuresis, as it helps with frequent urination and improves bladder function. In addition, the drug is in demand for RRD, as it has shown itself well in the treatment of problems with the development of speech.

Children of school age are prescribed medication to maintain performance under intense loads, for example, before exams.

For babies under three years old, Picamilon can be prescribed to improve sleep, eliminate tantrums and increased excitability of the nervous system. Sometimes mothers want to give the drug to children in the first years of life for prophylaxis, in order to affect the overall development and muscle tone, but most doctors (including Dr. Komarovsky) consider this reason for using the pills unreasonable and even harmful.

They are sure that Picamilon should be drunk only when indicated, and prophylactic administration is ineffective.


Instead of Picamilon, drugs with a similar effect can be prescribed, for example:

  • Pantogam... The hopantenic acid present in such a medication has a nootropic and anticonvulsant effect. The drug in syrup is allowed at any age, even for babies, and the tableted Pantogam is used in the treatment of children over 3 years old. Analogs of such a drug, which also contain hopantenic acid, are Pantocalcin and Gopantam.

  • Cogitum. The main ingredient of this solution is acetylamino succinic acid, so the drug is used in the treatment of brain injuries, neuroses, delayed development of the central nervous system and other problems. Such a sweet drug can be drunk by patients over 7 years old, but sometimes it is prescribed for younger children.

  • Glycine. This drug normalizes sleep, protects the brain from stress factors and heavy loads, stimulates the central nervous system. Such sweet tablets can be given to children of any age. They dissolve in the mouth until they are completely dissolved.

  • Cortexin... Such ampoules, the contents of which are administered intramuscularly to children, are prescribed for many neurological problems. They are used to treat children of all ages, including premature babies.

  • Phezam. The action of these capsules is due to the combination of piracetam with cinnarizine. Such substances improve metabolic processes and blood flow in the brain. In childhood, the drug is prescribed from the age of 5.

  • Encephabol. This medication effectively treats mental retardation, encephalopathy, brain injury and other pathologies of the nervous system. It is produced in a suspension approved for children from the 3rd day of life, as well as in tablets that are given to patients over 7 years old.

  • Aminalon... These GABA-based tablets are used in the treatment of children with head injuries, motion sickness, cerebral palsy, and other neurological diagnoses. They can be used over the age of 1 year.

Next, see the doctor's review of the drug Picamilon: indications for use, reception, side effects, analogues.

Watch the video: Picamilon (July 2024).