
Candles "Tsefekon D" for children: instructions for use

The drugs that contain paracetamol are most in demand for fever and pain in children. One of these drugs is "Tsefekon D". It is called a safe remedy that effectively helps with pain and fever. Such a medicine is convenient to use even in young patients, but in order for this medication to effectively eliminate unpleasant symptoms and not cause side effects, you need to know about the features of its use in childhood.

Release form

"Cefekon D" is produced by the Russian company "Nizhpharm" in only one dosage form, which is rectal suppositories. They are elongated and white with a yellow or cream shade. The drug is placed in a cell pack of 5 suppositories and is sold in boxes of 10.


The action of "Tsefekon D" is provided by paracetamol, the dosage of which in one candle can be:

  • 50 mg;
  • 100 mg;
  • 250 mg.

Additionally, the medication contains witepsol, a suppository base consisting of triglycerides of fatty acids. Such an ingredient is well stored and does not affect either the active substance of the drug or the patient's health.

Operating principle

"Cefekon D" has properties to block cyclooxygenases, which are located in the tissues of the central nervous system. Due to this mechanism of action, the drug affects the center of thermoregulation (has an antipyretic effect) and the centers of pain (reduces pain). The drug does not have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, but such suppositories also do not have a negative effect on the digestive tract, as well as on the exchange of water and electrolytes.

The absorption of paracetamol from the suppository occurs rather quickly - the maximum concentration of this substance is determined in the blood 30-60 minutes after the introduction of the suppository into the rectum. Metabolic changes of the drug occur in the liver and more than 80% of the drug leaves the body with urine within 24 hours after use.


"Cefekon D" is most often used as an antipyretic medicine when a child has an acute respiratory viral infection, childhood infection, influenza, a reaction to a vaccine or other condition manifested by fever. Since suppositories also have an analgesic effect, they can be used for mild to moderate dental, muscle, headache and other types of pain, including trauma, burns or inflammation of the nerves.

At what age is it prescribed?

"Tsefekon D" is contraindicated in children of the first month of life. If the child is 1 to 3 months old, this medicine can be used if several conditions are met.

First of all, the doctor should prescribe the candles, therefore the examination of the baby by the pediatrician is mandatory.

As a rule, the use of "Cefekon D" at such an early age is in demand at elevated body temperature, which is a reaction to vaccination. In addition, the medication is used only once - if after a single use the temperature has not dropped, additional examination of the small patient is required.

If the child is already 3 months old, the use of "Tsefekon D" is possible without a doctor's prescription, but consultation is still desirable. It is important to understand that this is only a symptomatic medicine, that is, it affects only certain symptoms, and elimination of the cause of the disease may require prescribing other drugs, for example, antibiotics. To choose the correct dosage, you need to know how much the child weighs and how old he is.

In patients over 12 years old, such a medicine is not used, since the content of the active substance, even in the suppositories with the highest dosage, will be insufficient for a therapeutic effect.


The medicine is not prescribed for babies who have been found to be hypersensitive to paracetamol. Caution in the treatment of "Cefekon D" is required by children with:

  • kidney disease;
  • anemia;
  • Gilbert's, Rotor's or Dabin-Johnson's syndrome;
  • leukopenia;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • liver disease.

Side effects

In some children, after the administration of the suppository, an allergic reaction may develop, for example, in the form of Quincke's edema, skin itching or rashes. Sometimes the use of "Cefekon D" leads to nausea, abdominal pain or vomiting. In very rare cases, treatment with such suppositories adversely affects blood formation, liver condition or kidney function. Usually, such a negative effect of the drug is noted when suppositories are used for too long or when the dosage recommended for age is exceeded.

Instructions for use

"Tsefekon D" is prescribed rectally, that is, the candle must be released from the packaging and carefully inserted into the rectum. For the drug to act more quickly and cause the desired therapeutic effects, it is recommended to use it after spontaneous emptying or an enema.

The dose and mode of administration, as noted above, is determined based on the child's body weight and age. On average, a single dosage is considered from 10 to 15 mg of paracetamol for each kilogram of the baby's weight. For example, if a child weighs 8 kg, then he is injected with 1 suppository with a dosage of 100 mg, since a single dose for such a patient should be 80-150 mg.

In the paper annotation, which is sold with the candles, there is a table with approximate dosages for children of different ages, taking into account their weight.

"Tsefekon D" with the lowest paracetamol content is used mainly in babies 1-3 months. But this medicine can also be used in older infants if their weight is less than 7 kg. For toddlers with a body weight of 7-10 kg (usually this weight is at 3-12 months), suppositories containing 100 mg of the active ingredient are already required.

For children 1-3 years old, who weigh from 11 to 16 kg, they also buy suppositories with a dosage of 100 mg, but at this age, a single dose may already be 100-200 mg, that is, it is permissible to enter two suppositories of 100 mg at once. The drug with the highest content of paracetamol (250 mg) is indicated for the elimination of fever or pain in children over 3 years old, whose weight exceeds 17 kg. At the same time, at the age of 3-10 years, if the body weight is less than 30 kg, a single dose will be one suppository, and patients 10-12 years old with a weight of 30-35 kg are prescribed 2 suppositories at once (500 mg).

In the indicated single dosages, "Cefecon D" can be used up to 3 times a day. You can put candles with an interval of 4-6 hours. In one day, the child should not receive from suppositories more than 60 mg of the active ingredient per 1 kg of his weight. So, for an infant who weighs 8 kg, the daily dosage of 480 mg (60x8) cannot be exceeded, that is, no more than 4 suppositories of 100 mg are placed per day for such a patient.

As for the duration of the use of the drug, at a high temperature, the drug is used for up to three days, and for the purpose of pain relief - up to 5 days.

If the child's body temperature remains high on the fourth day, and the pain on the sixth day from the start of treatment has not disappeared, then further treatment should be discussed with the doctor.


If you accidentally use suppositories with a dosage that is not suitable for a small patient by age, this can lead to a decrease in appetite, nausea, abdominal pain, loose stools and other negative symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract. If an overdose is detected, a doctor's examination is recommended.

Interaction with other drugs

It is unacceptable to simultaneously give the child other paracetamol preparations (for example, in suspension), because this will increase the risk of overdose. You should also not alternate "Tsefekon D" with other antipyretic medications, for example, with "Nurofen", if such treatment has not been prescribed by a doctor. In addition, the drug is not prescribed with many other drugs, including salicylates, barbiturates and anticoagulants. All funds incompatible with "Tsefekon D" are noted in the annotation.

Terms of sale

Like other paracetamol-based drugs, Tsefekon D can be bought without a doctor's prescription. The average price of one pack of suppositories with a dosage of 50 mg is 35-45 rubles, suppositories containing paracetamol at a dose of 100 mg - 40-55 rubles, and for a pack of 250 mg candles you need to pay about 50-60 rubles.

Storage conditions

The shelf life of "Tsefekon D" is 3 years. Until it has expired, the medicine should be stored in a place hidden from children. This place should be dry and cool (storage temperature should not exceed +20 degrees).


More than 90% of reviews on the use of "Tsefekon D" in children are positive. In them, parents confirm the high effectiveness of such candles, both at high body temperature and with mild pain. The advantages of this drug also include its availability and low cost.

According to mothers, it is convenient to use this particular dosage form both in infants and older children if they cannot take the drug by mouth (for example, they have severe nausea or an increased gag reflex). Parents of children with allergies also praise the medication, since the suppositories do not contain dyes, flavors and other chemical additives that are in antipyretic syrups, suspensions and tablets.

Among the disadvantages of "Tsefekon D" it is sometimes noted that the candle begins to work only after a while (for some children - as much as an hour), while the effect of oral forms can be replaced after 15-20 minutes.

In addition, for a sufficient therapeutic effect, the child's intestines must be cleared of feces, which in some cases forces an additional enema for the baby.


If you want to replace "Tsefekon D" with a drug with the same composition, then most often choose candles "Paracetamol". They are also available in several dosages, and at the lowest (50 mg) they are prescribed for babies over a month old with the same indications. Other suppositories with paracetamol contain more active substance, so they are prescribed from 3 months of age (Efferalgan at a dosage of 80 mg) or to children over 6 months of age (Children's Panadol at a dosage of 125 mg).

Instead of suppositories with fever or pain, you can give the child other forms of paracetamol-based drugs, for example, Calpol suspension or Efferalgan syrup. In addition, such drugs can be replaced by antipyretic drugs that contain ibuprofen (Nurofen, Ibuprofen). They are also available in suppositories and liquid forms and are prescribed for young patients with fever or complaints of pain over the age of 3 months.

For more detailed reviews about "Tsefekon D" candles and their analogues, see the next video.

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