
Amosin 250: instructions for use for children

When a child is very ill, only a competent doctor can help. With any luck, the child will get off with several doses of antiviral drugs. If the doctor has even the slightest concern about possible complications, he will most likely prescribe an antibiotic.

Recently, according to the Ministry of Health, seasonal "sores" mutate and progress more severely, especially in children aged 2-3 years. It is at this time that kids begin to attend kindergarten, actively explore the world, and contact their peers. And there is a fertile ground for the mutual exchange of bacteria. As a result, my mother has to go to sick leave with enviable regularity.

What diseases most often lie in wait for a little person? The district pediatricians know the answer to this question for sure. The most common among children in winter and in the off-season are bronchitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, various forms of otitis media, tonsillitis. If a child rolls on an ice slide or skating rink, another trouble can happen - hypothermia often causes inflammation of the genitourinary system. The doctor's conclusion then sounds different - cystitis, pyelonephritis. Often, kids suffer from intestinal diseases (they are usually "brought" from the kindergarten). There is an exit. In all these unpleasant cases, the modern antibiotic of broad action "Amosin" effectively helps.

What it is?

Let's try to tell about this in simple language. If your child is reluctant to take this drug now, read this, and then tell him the story about the courageous defender of all sick children Amosin. Believe me, you will no longer have to persuade the baby to take the next dose. He himself will gladly drink the medicine.

So, "Amosin 250" is a modern broad-spectrum antibiotic. Has a close relationship with semi-synthetic penicillins. Works like OMON - quickly and decisively. The active ingredient is amoxicillin. Its target is harmful microbes of various origins. The drug enters the body, after 15-20 minutes it penetrates the cell of harmful bacteria and reduces the rate of all chemical processes that take place in it. Destroys the structure, membrane, enzymes.

The "evil" cell also wants to live, it begins to actively resist and, as a result, spends its last strength. Amosin is adamant. Its effect lasts up to 8 hours. Some "enemy" cells try to attack it with acid. But the valiant antibiotic is resistant to it. Therefore, he wins 100% of the time. It is excreted from the body rather quickly, with the formation of inactive metabolites. This means that the decay products are not toxic.

In addition to otitis media, bronchitis and a host of other colds, the remedy successfully copes with such "serious" rivals as sinusitis, salmonellosis and meningitis. Deals with skin infections. Most often, the drug is recommended precisely for angina, since this disease is caused by bacteria of various types.

Instructions for use

"Amosin 250" is different: powder, granules. There is a solution for intramuscular and intravenous use. But for children, the drug is most often prescribed in tablets. Babies aged 2-3 years are usually advised to take an antibiotic in the form of a suspension. It is easy to drink, it has a pleasant taste and smell due to the vanillin added by the manufacturer to the main composition. Amosin is not available in the form of syrup.

The dosage is determined by the doctor. It depends on the age of the child. "Amosin 250" can be given even to newborns from the first days of life.

Parents will have to prepare the suspension for children on their own. To do this, the powder is simply added to chilled boiled water. "Amosin 125" (a preparation containing an active ingredient in the amount of 125 mg) should be diluted in 2.5 ml. water. For a 250 mg product, 5 ml of water will be required, respectively. For 500 mg - 10 ml. liquids.

The dosage and schedule are usually as follows.

  • Babies from birth to 2 years old: three times a day. The total daily dosage is 20 mg of suspension per kilogram of patient weight.
  • Preschoolers up to 5 years old inclusive can take 125 mg. suspension three times a day.
  • Guys from 5 to 10 years old: three times a day, 250 mg.
  • Schoolchildren over 10 years old 500 mg of "Amosin" also three times a day.

Do not give tablets and capsules to children under 2 years of age!

Sometimes "Amosin" is prescribed to children for the prevention of endocarditis or surgical infection. In this case, doctors recommend starting with half the adult dose.


Be sure to tell the doctor who prescribes your child "Amosin" if the baby has at least one of these diseases:

  • allergic diathesis;
  • allergy to bloom (hay fever);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • liver failure;
  • kidney disease;
  • frequent bleeding.

All these diagnoses are a strict contraindication to taking this antibiotic.

The drug should not be taken by children who have ever had colitis or are allergic to antibiotics.

Side effects

Do not forget that, like any powerful antibiotic, the remedy can cause side effects. The instructions for use describe the following symptoms:

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nausea;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • the appearance of a rash and itching;
  • shortness of breath, sleep disturbance, depression of the central nervous system, tearfulness of the child.

If your son or daughter has any of the above, be sure to inform the doctor about it - he will adjust the dosage and give the necessary recommendations.


If it so happens that the child has taken a dose of the drug that is higher than that prescribed by the doctor, carefully observe him. An ambulance should be called when symptoms such as nausea, severe vomiting, abdominal pain, and dizziness appear. Only specialists of the "emergency room" can help in this situation, because a powerful antibiotic acts quickly, and there is simply no antidote to it. Doctors will promptly flush the stomach with saline solution and remove the intoxication of the body. Self-medication in this case is extremely dangerous.


Amosin is more than affordable. Its average cost in Russian pharmacies is about 70 rubles (bags for preparing a suspension), 27-40 rubles (tablets). The drug in capsules costs just over 60 rubles. Prices in different regions of the country and pharmaceutical chains may differ, albeit slightly.

Shelf life and storage conditions

The drug should be stored in a place protected from moisture and direct sunlight, at a temperature not higher than + 25C and not lower than + 15C, not more than 2 years from the date of manufacture. The drug is dispensed strictly according to the prescription.


Amosin 250 is a domestically produced antibiotic. Manufacturer - pharmaceutical company Sintez AKO JSC (Kurgan region).

The situation with analogs is quite interesting. Usually, the original drug is more expensive than analogues. But here the opposite is true. Drugs with a similar effect are as follows:

Flemoxin Solutab. Produced in Holland. A package of tablets (20 pieces) costs more than 300 rubles.

Augmentin... Bacterial antibiotic originally from England. A pack of tablets (20 pieces) costs more than 250 rubles. By the way, often "Augmentin" like to appoint pediatricians to their patients. For parents, in order not to overpay, it makes sense to check with the doctor if it can be replaced with our original "Amosin", which costs almost 5 times cheaper.

Amoxiclav... Another drug of similar action. Manufactured in Slovenia. It is more expensive than other analogues. For a pack of 14 tablets, you will have to pay 250 rubles.


On the Internet, Amosin is known and most often approved. Since doctors have begun to prescribe it more recently, parents already have some experience with the use of antibiotics to treat children. The bulk of those who published their impressions of the drug emphasize that the main advantage of the drug is its speed of action. On the first day after the start of admission, the child's temperature drops, and after 5-6 days the baby is healthy. Moms cannot but rejoice, since they have to spend less time on sick leave. Almost everyone notes that this is a worthy alternative to expensive imported drugs.

Some parents note that their babies have tummy pain and digestion problems during treatment with Amosin. In this case, the means to restore the intestinal microflora, such as "Bifidumbacterin", "Laktiale", etc., are saved. They will also be prescribed by a doctor.

Only a minority of moms and dads complain about sleep disorders in a child while taking an antibiotic. And only a few people faced side effects of the drug.

Some parents avoid taking antibiotics by all means, even if strongly recommended by a doctor. But when prescribing a doctor, you should not be afraid of them.

Helping the baby to overcome the disease as soon as possible is the main task of caring parents. And when the child is healthy again, life in the house goes back to normal, with its little joys and daily children's discoveries. Let the kids smile!

You can learn more about antibiotics in Dr. Komarovsky's program.

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