
Nomides for children: instructions for use

Among antiviral drugs, drugs that can affect influenza viruses are especially popular. They are prescribed annually to adults and children, both for the prevention of influenza and at the first sign of illness, in order to speed up recovery.

One of them is a medicine called Nomides. It has worked well in the fight against influenza viruses and can be used during an epidemic.

Release form and composition

Nomides is a Russian drug and is produced by Pharmasintez in only one form. This dosage form is capsules, and their active ingredient is oseltamivir in the form of phosphate. The medicine is sold in 10 capsules in one pack, and their dosage affects the appearance and size.

  • Capsules with 30 mg oseltamivir has the smallest size (No. 3). They have a white body and lid, and inside is a white powder.
  • Preparation with a dosage of 45 mg represented by blue capsules. There is also a white powder inside them, and the size of this "Nomides" is # 2.
  • For capsules with a dosage of 75 mg the largest size is No. 1. As for the color, they have a white body and an orange cap. Inside each capsule, as in the medicine with a different dosage, a white powder is placed.

The composition of the auxiliary components of the capsules is practically the same and differs only in the dyes that are used in the manufacture of the caps. Among the inactive substances of "Nomides" are starch, copovidone, gelatin, talc, aerosil and other compounds.

Operating principle

Oseltamivir is noted to have the ability to inhibit influenza viruses by acting on neuraminidases, as a result of which new viral particles do not leave the affected cells and do not penetrate the epithelium, which prevents the infection from spreading in the body.

If the intake of "Nomides" is started in the first 40 hours after the onset of signs of influenza, the symptoms of infection pass faster, and their severity decreases.

In addition, the incidence of bronchitis, otitis media, sinusitis and other complications of influenza is reduced, which avoids the use of antibiotics.


Consider the reasons for using "Nomides" in childhood.

  • Flu treatment, which should be started as soon as the patient has a fever and other clinical manifestations appear. The sooner you start giving your child "Nomides", the faster the release of the virus from the respiratory tract will stop, the symptoms of the disease will begin to subside, and the course will be easier and without complications.
  • Prevention of influenza, which is especially important in case of weakened immunity and stay in a large team. Taking capsules is recommended in the first two days after contact with sick children or adults.

At what age is it prescribed?

Use of "Nomides" in children with influenza or for the prevention of such a viral infection allowed from 3 years of age.

If antiviral treatment is required for babies who are not yet three years old, an analogue approved for such patients should be chosen together with a doctor.


Nomides should not be given to children who are hypersensitive to oseltamivir or other capsule ingredient. The drug is also contraindicated in severe renal failure or serious liver problems.

Side effects

Some children experience vomiting, headache or nausea while taking Nomides. As a rule, these side effects appear on the first or second day of therapy and disappear on their own after 1-2 days, but sometimes if such negative symptoms occur, the medicine must be canceled.


According to the instructions for use of the drug, the capsules should be swallowed with water, and the diet does not affect the time of taking Nomides. If the child is sick with the flu, then the drug is recommended to be given for five days twice a day.

Single doses depend on age and body weight:

  • a child over 3 years old with a weight of less than 15 kg is given 30 mg;
  • if a patient of 3-8 years weighs from 15 to 23 kg, then he needs to be given 45 mg;
  • if the weight of a child 3-8 years old is 23-40 kg, then a single dose will be 60 mg;
  • at the age of less than 8 years, but with a weight of more than 40 kg, 75 mg is given at a time;
  • for children 8-12 years old, a single dosage is also 75 mg;
  • for a teenager over twelve years old, 150 mg is required at one time.

For convenience, a child under 12 years old is usually given one capsule with a suitable dosage, and if you need to take 75 mg, then it is permissible to replace a capsule with that amount of oseltamivir with two capsules with 30 and 45 mg.

For prophylactic purposes, "Nomides" is taken once a day. If the child has been in contact with sick people, capsules should be given for 10 days after such contact. If the medication is prescribed during an epidemic, then it is permissible to continue taking it for up to 6 weeks.

Single doses for children under the age of twelve are the same as for flu treatment. For a teenager over 12 years old, for prophylaxis, medication is given at 75 mg per day.

Overdose and drug interactions

If the dose of "Nomides" is accidentally exceeded (for example, if the dosage of capsules is confused), severe nausea, pain, vomiting and other negative symptoms may appear. In such a situation, a doctor's examination is recommended.

As for compatibility with other drugs, Nomides does not affect treatment with diuretics, antiallergic drugs, antibiotics, antipyretics and many other drugs.

Terms of sale and storage

You can buy Nomides in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription. The cost of the drug is affected by the dosage of capsules, for example, for a package with a dosage of 30 mg, you need to pay about 300 rubles, and the average price of 10 capsules of 75 mg is 650 rubles.

You need to store the medicine at home at temperatures below +25 degrees, placing the package in a place hidden from small children. Shelf life of "Nomides" is 3 years. It is indicated on the box and must be checked before starting treatment, since it is unacceptable to give an expired drug to children.


There are mostly good reviews about the use of Nomides in children, in which mothers confirm that such capsules help to recover faster from the flu and prevent complications. The tolerance of the drug is called good, and side effects in the form of allergies, nausea or other symptoms are rarely noted.

The disadvantages of the drug are usually attributed to its high price.


The most famous analogue of "Nomides" is "Tamiflu". These capsules also work thanks to oseltamivir and are used to treat or prevent influenza. Previously, they were produced in the same dosages as Nomides, but now only Tamiflu is sold with 75 mg of the active substance in one capsule. In addition, this drug is much more expensive. However, the use of Tamiflu, in contrast to the use of Nomides, is possible at an earlier age: the suspension prepared from capsules can be given to babies over a year old.

Other drugs with antiviral action, which effectively destroy influenza viruses or prevent infection with such pathogens, can also replace “Nomides”.

For example, your doctor may prescribe the following medications.

  • "Orvirem"... The effect of such a drug on influenza viruses is due to rimantadine. One of the main advantages of this antiviral drug is its liquid form. Such a sweet syrup is prescribed for children over a year old both to prevent infection and at the first symptoms of infection.
  • "Relenza"... This rotadisc powder contains zanamivir. This substance, like oseltamivir, affects neuraminidases, which is why Relenza is often used for influenza. Inhalation with such a medicine is allowed from the age of 5.
  • "Arbidol"... This antiviral drug contains umifenovir and is available in various forms. In the form of a suspension, it is prescribed for influenza and ARVI for children over 2 years old, and treatment with Arbidol in tablets and capsules is allowed for patients from 3 years of age.

Dr. Komarovsky talks about antiviral drugs in the next video.

Watch the video: Duolingo for Talking to Children - SNL (July 2024).