
Umckalor for children: instructions for use

Phytopreparations are very popular in the treatment of children, since they have few side effects, and the therapeutic effect is often not inferior to synthetic drugs. One of the popular herbal remedies used in diseases of the ENT organs and respiratory tract is "Umkalor". When is it prescribed to children, how does it affect the child's body, in what dose is it used and what analogs can it be replaced with?

Release form

"Umckalor" is produced only in liquid form, which is an oral solution. It is a slightly pearlescent or transparent liquid, poured into glass bottles with a dropper. She has a brown color, which can be both light and reddish. One bottle contains 20 ml or 50 ml of solution.


The main ingredient of "Umckalor" is an extract from Pelargonium sidiform. Such an extract is obtained from the roots, and ethanol acts as a solvent. The amount of extract in 100 grams of the drug is 80 grams, and the remaining volume of the solution is 85% glycerol, which is why the drops have a slightly oily consistency.

Operating principle

The biologically active substances, which are rich in the roots of pelargonium, have antimicrobial action, and also have mucolytic properties. In addition, taking "Umkalor" has a positive effect on non-specific immunity. The result of using the solution is a faster recovery and elimination of symptoms of infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract.


"Umkalor" is included in the complex of treatment of various inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract caused by harmful bacteria and viruses. The drug is recommended for:

  • rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • nasopharyngitis.

At what age is it allowed?

One of the contraindications for the use of "Umkalor" is the age of up to 1 year. The drug is not used in the treatment of children in the first year of life, as it contains ethyl alcohol. It is recommended to give medication to patients over a year old only after a doctor's appointment.


Treatment by Umkalor is prohibited:

  • with severe renal failure;
  • with a tendency to bleeding;
  • with serious liver pathologies;
  • with hypersensitivity to the drug.

Due to the presence of ethanol in the solution, its use in children with head injuries and brain pathologies requires medical supervision.

Side effects

Sometimes, after taking Umkalor, the child complains of nausea or pain in the stomach. In some young patients, the solution may cause diarrhea or nausea. In rare cases, the drug provokes an allergic reaction, bleeding gums, or nosebleeds. In some cases, after treatment with drops, liver dysfunction was revealed, which was manifested by yellowing of the sclera and skin, but the causal relationship with the intake of Umckalor was not confirmed.

Instructions for use

The solution should be taken half an hour before meals, adding it to a small amount of water. "Umckalor" is dosed using a dropper, which is on the bottle. To drip the solution into a spoon or glass, you need to turn the bottle vertically and tap on its bottom.

A single dose of medication, depending on the patient's age, will be as follows:

  • for a child 1-6 years old - from 5 to 10 drops;
  • for a patient 6-12 years old - from 10 to 20 drops;
  • for a teenager 13 years old and older - from 20 to 30 drops.

In such a dose, the drug should be drunk three times a day, and the duration of treatment is usually 10 days. When the symptoms of the disease subside, "Umkalor" is advised to give a few more days to eliminate the risk of relapse.

Overdose and compatibility with other medications

There were no cases of Umckalor overdose before that time. The medication cannot be combined with the use of drugs that suppress blood clotting, because this can provoke side effects such as bleeding from the nose and bleeding gums. Any other drugs can be used together with "Umckalor", which is used by doctors in the treatment of sinusitis and other diseases, because such drops are most often included in complex therapy.

Terms of sale

"Umckalor" is classified as an over-the-counter drug, so you don't need a doctor's prescription to buy it, but a specialist's consultation is required when treating children. The average price of a 20 ml solution is 270-320 rubles, and about 450 rubles should be paid for a bottle with 50 ml of medicine.

Storage features

Keep the bottle at room temperature in a dry place. It is important that the product lies where small children will not be able to get it. The abstract warns that during storage the solution may become cloudy, and its smell and taste may change, but this does not impair its therapeutic properties.

The shelf life of "Umkalor", if the bottle is sealed, is 2 years. From the moment the bottle is opened, the medicine can be stored for a maximum of 6 months. If after the first application of the drops more than six months have passed, the agent must be discarded, even if the solution placed inside the bottle has not yet been used up.


Umkalor receives mostly positive feedback from parents, especially when using such a remedy from the first days of a bacterial or viral infection. The main advantage of the mother's medication is the herbal origin of the solution and safety for children over a year old. In addition, the medicine is praised for its convenient form, because it is very easy to give droplets even to the smallest patients. Among the shortcomings, an allergic or other negative reaction is sometimes mentioned, as well as the high price and not very pleasant taste of the medicine.

Doctors speak differently about Umckalor. Some are often used in their practice and note a good effect if the drug is added to the complex of treatment of ARVI, tonsillitis and other diseases. Other doctors, including Komarovsky, consider such drops to be a remedy with an unproven effect and do not recommend giving it in childhood.


There are no drugs completely identical to Umckalor, but if it is impossible to use these drops the doctor can advise remedies with a similar effect on the body of young patients.

  • Sinupret. These drops and dragees contain extracts from primrose, gentian, sorrel, verbena and elderberry. They not only help to quickly eliminate the inflammatory process, have a decongestant and secretolytic effect, but also affect bacteria and viruses. Thanks to these effects, "Sinupret" promotes faster recovery from sinusitis, pharyngitis, adenoiditis and other inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract. Drops are prescribed for children over 2 years old, and tablets are given from the age of six.
  • "Cameton"... This remedy works thanks to eucalyptus oil, menthol, camphor and chlorobutanol. It is produced in a spray (this form is prescribed from 7 years old) and in solution (this "Cameton" is used from 5 years old). The drug destroys pathogenic microbes and reduces the activity of inflammation.

  • "Miramistin"... This antiseptic is in demand for sinusitis, acute respiratory viral infections, adenoids, tonsillitis, bacterial rhinitis and other diseases. It is used in children from birth - with rhinitis, they drip into the nose, and for coughs and sore throats, rinse and inhale.
  • "Eucasept"... These drops contain azulene, vitamin E, thymol, mint, fir and eucalyptus oils, so they have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Children are prescribed them from the age of two.

  • "Pinosol"... The action of such a drug is also provided by oils from medicinal plants, thymol and a-tocopherol acetate. They reduce swelling, have anti-inflammatory effects, and have some antimicrobial properties. The medication is available in the form of a spray, ointment, drops and cream. It is used in children over 2 years of age (the spray is possible from 3 years of age), mainly for rhinitis and rhinopharyngitis.
  • Tonsilgon N... The composition of this preparation includes active substances from chamomile, marshmallow, dandelion, horsetail and other plants. One of the forms of such a medication are drops, which, like Umkalor, are allowed for children over 1 year old. They also produce pills that can be given from 6 years old. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, "Tonsilgon N" is in demand for various diseases of the respiratory tract, as well as for the prevention of complications in ARVI.

An interesting video about the drug "Umckalor", see below.

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