
Flavamed for children: instructions for use

If a child has a cough, in most cases the doctor will prescribe one of the expectorant drugs, which include "Flavamed".

Release form

Flavamed is produced by the famous German company Berlin-Chemie in two forms.

  • Solution. Sold in glass bottles with a 5 ml measuring spoon. One bottle holds 60, 100 or 200 ml of a clear liquid with a raspberry flavor and a brownish tint, although the preparation may be colorless. In addition to the usual "Flavamed" in solution, the drug "Flavamed Forte" is also produced. It has the same physical characteristics and the same composition, only the amount of active ingredient is higher. One bottle of Flavamed Forte contains 100 ml of solution.
  • Pills. They are packaged in blisters of 10 and sold in boxes of 10, 20 or 50 tablets. This "Flavamed" has a white or yellowish-white color and a round shape. There is a risk on one side of the drug, which allows the drug to be split in half.

In addition, Flavamed Max effervescent tablets are sold in pharmacies. They are available in boxes of 10-20 tablets, placed in plastic tubes of 10 pieces. They have a smooth surface, white color and cherry aroma, and on one side there is a notch along which the tablet can be divided into halves. After mixing with water, this form of "Flavamed" produces a clear solution with a cherry flavor, which has no color and visible inclusions.


The main ingredient in any form of Flavamed, including Flavamed Forte and Flavamed Max, is ambroxol hydrochloride. Its dosage is as follows:

  • 15 mg in 5 milliliters of solution (in the Forte preparation this dosage is doubled, that is, it is 30 mg);
  • 30 mg per tablet;
  • 60 mg in one Flavamed Max effervescent tablet.

Auxiliary components of the solution are raspberry flavor, hyetellose, water, sorbitol, benzoic acid and glycerin. In tabletted Flavamed, the active ingredient is supplemented with povidone, microcrystalline cellulose, corn starch, magnesium stearate, lactose and sodium croscarmellose. The effervescent tablets, in addition to ambroxol, contain sorbitol, simethicone, sodium cyclamate, milk sugar and other ingredients.

Operating principle

"Flavamed" represents a group of mucolytic agents with an expectorant effect, since ambroxol in its composition acts on the glands located in the bronchi. By stimulating the cells of such glands, the drug changes the composition of sputum (the ratio of its components) and increases the amount of mucus.

In addition, under the action of ambroxol, the amount of surfactant in the lungs also increases, and the ciliated epithelium begins to move more actively. All of these effects lead to easier sputum separation, a decrease in coughing fits, and a faster recovery.


The drug is prescribed for various diseases of the respiratory system, in which there are difficulties with the secretion and separation of sputum. Often, Flavamed is prescribed for patients with:

  • bronchitis;
  • obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • bronchial asthma.

At what age are children prescribed?

Liquid forms of the drug (including the Forte solution) can be used in patients of any age, but there is a note in the annotation to them that use in patients under two years old requires special care. In the form of tablets, "Flavamed" is not used in children under six years of age.

Due to the higher dosage, the Flavamed Max effervescent tablets are allowed only from the age of 12.


None of the forms of "Flavamed" should be prescribed to patients with hypersensitivity to ambroxol or any of the excipients. The solution should also not be given to children with congenital fructose intolerance. If the child has severe kidney disease, stomach ulcers, or serious liver disease, the medication is prescribed with caution.

Side effects

Allergic reactions, diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation, shortness of breath, weakness and other negative symptoms may appear while taking Flavamed. If they occur, further treatment should be abandoned, after consulting a doctor about replacing with a suitable analogue.

Instructions for use

The drug is given after a meal - the solution is dosed with a measuring spoon, and the child is offered to swallow the tablet with water. The duration of treatment is determined individually, since it depends on the reason for the appointment and the body's response to therapy. The single and daily dose, as well as the mode of taking "Flavamed", differ at different ages.

Children under 2 years of age

If the child is not yet two years old, he is given 15 mg of the active substance per day. For such small patients, medication is allowed only by prescription of the doctor twice a day, therefore, 2.5 ml of Flavamed solution (1/2 measuring spoon) or 1.25 ml of Flavamed Forte (a quarter measuring spoon) are used for one dose.

Patients aged 2 to 6 years

A child of this age is given Flavamed exclusively in the form of a solution and in the same single dosages as indicated for babies under two years old. However, the frequency of administration is three times a day, so the daily dosage for such a baby will be 22.5 mg of the active ingredient.

Children from 6 to 12 years old

Patients of this age can be given Flavamed both in liquid form and in tablet form (except for effervescent tablets). The recommended daily dose for this age category is 30-45 mg of ambroxol, that is, the drug can be taken 15 mg either twice a day or three times.

If the child is prescribed a solution, at one time he is given a measuring spoon of such a medicine (5 ml), and when using a solid form, a single dose will be half a tablet. If Flavamed Forte is used, then 2.5 ml of such a solution is required per dose (half a measuring spoon).

Adolescents 12 years and older

Children over 12 years of age can receive any form of Flavamed. As a rule, treatment begins with a three-fold dose of 30 mg of the active substance, the source of which can be:

  • 10 ml of solution;
  • 5 ml of "Flavamed Forte" preparation;
  • a whole tablet;
  • half of an effervescent tablet "Flavamed Max".

It turns out that in the first 2-3 days of admission, the child receives 90 mg of the active ingredient per day. Then they switch to a double dose, which corresponds to a daily dose of 60 mg.

If the doctor sees the need, he can prescribe a higher dose - 120 mg per day. This amount of ambroxol is contained in four tablets, 4 scoops of solution (20 ml), two effervescent tablets "Flavamed Max" or 2 scoops of "Flavamed Forte" (10 ml). The specified amount of medication is divided into two doses.


Overdosing of Ambroxol may cause diarrhea, restless behavior, severe nausea, and vomiting. If the medicine is drunk in a very large amount, blood pressure may decrease and salivation will appear.

To eliminate the symptoms of an overdose, it is recommended to stimulate vomiting and rinse the stomach, as well as give the child a fat-containing product and consult a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

Annotation to "Flavamed" prohibits the combination of this drug with antitussives, since such treatment can lead to congestion in the bronchi. When prescribed with antibiotics based on erythromycin, cefuroxime, doxycycline or amoxicillin, the therapeutic effect of such antibacterial agents in the respiratory tract will increase, since they will penetrate into the secret in greater quantities under the influence of ambroxol.

Terms of sale

Any of the forms of "Flavamed" is an over-the-counter drug, so it is freely sold in pharmacies. The approximate price of 100 ml of solution is 160-190 rubles, and for a pack of 20 tablets you need to pay about 130 rubles. A bottle of Flavamed Forte solution or a tube with 10 Flavamed Max tablets costs about 170-180 rubles.

Storage conditions

It is recommended to store Flavamed in a place where a small child will not find the solution or tablets, and high temperature and moisture will not affect the preparation. The shelf life of the tablet form of the drug is 2 years. The sealed solution can be stored for up to 3 years from the date of manufacture, but after the first application, it should be used within 6 months. Shelf life of Flavamed Max tablets is 3 years.


There are many positive reviews about the use of Flavamed in children with wet coughs and dry coughs with very viscous sputum. In them, the liquid form of the medication is called effective and is praised for the possibility of taking it even at an early age, for example, for a one-year-old child.

The advantages of the solution are called convenience of dosing, pleasant taste, absence of dyes in the composition. The disadvantages of the drug include its high price and short shelf life after opening the bottle. In addition, Flavamed caused allergies or irritation of the gastrointestinal tract in some children.

As for the tablets, this form of medicine is also called effective. According to mothers, it is easy to swallow such "Flavamed", since the tablets are small, but side effects are very rare.

The effervescent version of "Flavamed" is called very convenient, but it cannot be used for children under 12 years old, which limits the use of such tablets in childhood.


If necessary, replace Flavamed with another medicine with the same active compound, the doctor will advise:

  • Ambroxol;
  • Ambrobene;
  • "Lazolvan";
  • "AmbroGEXAL";
  • "Medox";
  • Haliksol;
  • Ambrosan;
  • "Bronchorus";
  • Ambroxol-Hemofarm;
  • Neo-Bronchol;
  • Ambroxol Vramed.

These and other ambroxol-based preparations are available in various forms, including solutions, tablets, syrups, effervescent tablets and capsules. Some of these products are cheaper than Flavamed, others are more expensive. They are in demand for the same indications and are used in the same dosages.

If Flavamed is not suitable for the child because of intolerance to the components or the effect of taking the medicine is insufficient, the drug can be replaced with other mucolytic agents, for example, ACC, Bromhexin or Fluimucil.

They have other active ingredients and have their own peculiarities of application, therefore, it is recommended to give such medicines to children instead of Flavamed only after consulting a doctor.

For information on how to properly treat a child's cough, see the next video.

Watch the video: 3 YEARS BREASTFEEDING!!!!! (July 2024).